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Minjeong pulled up to the car dealership that her friend own. Since the employees already know who she is, they quickly take care of her car for service. Minjeong walks into the building and Han greeted her.

"Mrs. Kim. Mrs. Shin is waiting for you." he kindly informed.

"I'd like to look around. Can you call her instead?" Minjeong smiles a little.

"absolutely, ma'am."

Minjeong refreshes her eyes, looking around the showroom with new shiny cars.

"may I help you, ma'am?"

"nah, I'm just looking around." Minjeong's eyes are still glued to the car as she walks around it. then, she sees the reflection. "you? Jimin, right?" she looks back.

"oh, Mrs. Kim." Jimin is a little dumbfounded. "would you like to see our other collection?"

"no, not really. How's Gunhoo?"

"Jeong! Over here." Ryujin cut them off as she approaches them.

Jimin quickly walks away, respecting their space.

"new girl. pretty, right?" Ryujin wraps her arm around her neck. "I offered her to be a model but she refused. What a waste."

"what's on your head beside money?" Minjeong chuckles as they walk towards a small lounge area. "give my car a paint job as well."

"I'll do full service for you, my friend. Don't forget to tip me. just a tip." Ryujin wiggles her eyebrows.

"c'mon. your 'tip' is at least five grand." Minjeong shook her head, stifling. "I'll pay it all, don't worry."

"so, I guess you'll go again? Use my car. I'll tell my driver to get the other." Ryujin offered.

"it's alright. I'll take an uber and my sister will pick me up later."


Minjeong sits on a bench, waiting for Chaewon to pick her up. there are still parents who wait for their kids to come out, chatting by themselves. Of course, they all take glances at Minjeong, talking about her. Minjeong is no longer surprised.

"good evening, Mrs. Kim."

Minjeong looks to the side and see a kid with an A4 paper. He's one of her students.

"hey, Richard." Minjeong smiles at him. "what you got there?"

"I draw you and Mrs. Kim. Is she your girlfriend?" he asked, looking a little sad. He then gives her the drawing.

"what? where did you learn that?" Minjeong chuckles. "thanks for drawing me. no, she's my friend. Just like you and Claire."

"but, I like Claire." He looks down.

"Richie!" his mother approached them. "I told you to stop playing around after school." She grabs his arm, pulling him away from Minjeong.

"good evening, Mrs. Oscar." Minjeong stood up, greeted her.

"stay away from my son."

Minjeong furrowed her eyebrows, watching them walk away. Shortly after, she noticed Chaewon's car pulling up in front of the gate. She goes straight to it and gets in.

"bad day?" Chaewon asked.

"the parents are not happy." Minjeong reclined her seat and closed her eyes. "I need to see my client tonight."

"the twins got adopted." Chaewon informed, trying to cheer her up.

"really? That's awesome."


Minjeong knocks on her client's apartment door. Despite her long exhausting day (and night), she promised her client to talk today.

"thank you so much for coming." A woman lets her in.

"so, do you have any files you wanna give me? is Jordan asleep now?"

"he's in his room. I'm actually desperate right now. my husband is gonna take Jordan away from me. you know how powerful he is."

"I know, Mrs. Flynn. I'm trying to find the best solution for both you and Jordan. I can't just ignore your past despite how bad your husband is. I have to be honest and say that he's more capable of taking care of Jordan than you." Minjeong sighs. "did you still do it?"

"it was for my son! What else am I supposed to do?" the woman whined.

"you can have another better job. I don't have a problem with you being a call girl, but you have to think about your son. Not everyone can see that as a god thing."

"then, how much do I have to pay for you to say that I'm no longer a whore?" the woman begged. "I'd give you my service if I need to, Minjeong. Just, please, I don't wanna lose him."

"no, ma'am. I'd like to work honestly. If he ended up living with your husband, I can only make you able to check on him every once or twice in a month. more often if you promise him to change."

"please, Mrs. Kim." The woman starts moving closer, rubbing Minjeong's thigh. "you must need more to help me. if you refused my money, let me give you my body as transaction."

"ma'am." Minjeong pushed her away, standing up. "I've tried my best to help you... up until this point. Don't make me regret it." she looks away. "my job here is done. I hope you find a better lawyer."

"Minjeong, wait!"

Minjeong gets out of the unit as soon as possible. Getting to the lobby, she quickly orders an uber as she walks out of the building. She feels a little guilty, leaving her client like that. regardless, she thought of giving her some time before working on her case again.

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