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Minjeong is back at Sungmin's office. After a week, Sungmin already gathered a lot of things to show Minjeong.

"for comparison, here's Chaehyun's files. This is all I can find about her case." Sungmin gave her the files. "and here's the files for the comparison. The similar things, different things, the drivers that I investigated."

"you already found that much?" Minjeong is impressed. She haven't even sent anything to him, yet he managed to do his job well. "did you find anything?"

"we have CCTVs from the other intersections. We can see the trucks, both who hit Jimin and Chaehyun. Turns out, they both had another smaller truck behind them." He informed, giving her a flash drive. "I dug deep into the company and, as you know, they're both from the same expedition. Their head company is The Crown's enterprise."

"do you know who owns it?" Minjeong asked.

"I haven't looked it up." Sungmin goes to type something on his computer. "oh, you said you wanna open up both of the case again to file for first-degree murder. You need a good lawyer for that. unless you want to be sued for defamation."

"I can trust my lawyer. That's why I need as much evidence as I can get." Minjeong reads all the files that's given to her.

"the enterprise is just a branch of a bigger company. that's what I'm working on right now." Sungmin added. "seems like someone you want to sue has bigger backups and power."

"do you work yourself or you have a team?" Minjeong asked. "make sure you work with someone you trust."

"I don't like to play dirty. I like money, but, I'm clean." Sungmin is still focusing on the monitor.

"I'll talk with my lawyer while you look up some more. You can call me again, okay?"


Minjeong asked Yujin to meet up at her office. When she arrived, Yujin smiles at her and let her take a seat.

"let's break this down." Minjeong drops the files on her desk. "we can watch these CCTVs videos first. Maybe we can find something in common."

"okay." Yujin plugged in the flash drive into her computer. "are those the files for both cases?"

"yes. I need more than these, of course. the detective is still investigating."

"aye, look at this." Yujin turns the monitor towards Minjeong. "who are they?"

Minjeong noticed three people coming out of the smaller truck behind the main truck. They hurriedly go to the bigger truck's driver seat and start checking on the driver.

"I can't see what they're doing?" Minjeong leans closer to the monitor. "what about the other clip?"

"the same. You said you heard nothing from the drivers, right?" Yujin made sure. "they could take care of them themselves. Still doesn't prove anything."

"I see." Minjeong nods. "I'll need some witnesses as well."

"and where are you gonna find it? you're not even on the spot." Yujin raised an eyebrow.

"I don't know. we need to dig deeper. Deeper than we thought." Minjeong sighs.

"do you have any events that seems odd? Like the timing, how it went, the people involved."

Minjeong runs through every unfortunate thing that had happened after Chaehyun and Chaemin passed.

"oh, fuck." Minjeong looked at Yujin. "James came at my dad's funeral. Then, Chaewon told me about him, seeing my mom. Next day, my mom called me, telling me that he'll help me with my company."

"that's not suspicious at all. you just lost a father."

"I know. the odd part is, my company started losing money. In result, I had a fight with my uncle. I couldn't really think straight back then, I thought I fucked up." Minjeong added.

"any proof that James had something to do with it?" Yujin starts to doubt Minjeong's suspicions.

"well, I better get my finance and accounting team ready. I'll make a report about all the incomes and expenditures from five years ago."

"right. just let me know if you have anything more... convincing."


With all Minjeong's research done for today, she finally arrived home later at night. The apartment feels empty and lifeless, maybe because she's aware that for Jimin, they're just acquaintance. Usually, Jimin would greet her as soon as she gets home.

"did you just got home?"

Minjeong looks back, seeing Jimin coming out of her room. she smiles at her from the couch that she's sitting on at the moment.

"I thought you're already asleep." Minjeong noticed her going to the kitchen to grab a drink.

"I did." Jimin turns around, leaning against the counter to face Minjeong. "I've been having these dreams. All random and I can't make out the timeline, but, I feel like I've been there."

"any specific thing you wanna address? Maybe I can help you."

"I'm always with someone. Has shorter hair than yours. Most of the times, we're like at a park, the park that you brought me to. Then, I was like in an office, multiple offices, and it constantly change, but, it's always the same offices, you know?" Jimin tried to explain what she saw.

Minjeong smiles to herself, thinking that she's in Jimin's dream.

"why are you smiling? Do you know who she is?" Jimin tilts her head, getting confused.

"you always do that." Minjeong looks at her. "that cute little head tilt when you're confused."

"ugh." Jimin rolled her eyes. "so, do you know her?"

"probably me." Minjeong goes to the fridge to grab a canned drink. "but, if know someone else who has short hair, let me know."

"how do I know that? I only know you." Jimin huffs. "which means..." she looks down, thinking.

"I need a good shower." Minjeong throws her a playful smile. "bye!"

Minjeong enters her room, not knowing that Gunhoo is in bed. She does everything quietly, take some clothes, get in the bathroom, finished her shower, and goes out of the bathroom.

"oh, you ready to sleep again?" Minjeong noticed Jimin on the bed. "guess there's no room for me."

"what are you talking about? Better to sleep with us, right? we've done this before, I suppose." Jimin responded.

"is this from what you see in your dream?" Minjeong asked as she climbs on the bed, joining them under the blanket.

"sort of." Jimin averted her gaze somewhere else. "good night, Minjeong."

"good night."

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