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Minjeong is on her way to the apartment after picking Gunhoo up from school. Jimin told her that today they'll have a meeting and she'll come home late. That's why Minjeong didn't go to the company.

"are we going home?" Gunhoo noticed the road.

"yes. mommy will come home late. It's better to stay home." Minjeong looks at him through the rear-view mirror. "do you wanna go somewhere?"

"no. I keep waiting for dad to take me somewhere. He promised me something, but he's just gone. Mommy never talk about him as well." Gunhoo looks down.

"you're pretty serious about promises." Minjeong just chuckles. "maybe he's busy, kid."

Shortly after, they arrived at the apartment. the two walks towards the entrance and notice something, or someone.

"that's dad!" Gunhoo runs towards him, but stops before he can hug him.

Minjeong sighs in defeat and approaches them. She can only smile at Jihoon to greet him.

"you never take me anywhere. You promised." Gunhoo frowned.

"I just got the time today, buddy. How about we go to the park right now? I brought soccer ball." Jihoon smiles lightly at him.

"he just got back from school. He had PE today. he'll be too tired." Minjeong replied for him.

"oh, then, I brought some food. You guys don't have to order." Jihoon gave her a bag with some food in it. he then looks at Gunhoo. "I got the dumplings just for you."

"thank you. so, when are we gonna go play?" Gunhoo looks up at Jihoon.

"tomorrow? Is that okay?" Jihoon glanced at Minjeong. She looks at Gunhoo after. This is all up to him, anyway.

"okay." Gunhoo pressed a smile. "if we have more time, can we go somewhere else?"

"sure thing, boy. Wherever you like."


Minjeong is preparing the food while waiting for Gunhoo who's taking a shower. Minjeong sits down, taking her time thinking. as far as she knows, Jimin never really talks about him around her or Gunhoo. But, knowing that they know each other's number, Minjeong can't help but start thinking suspiciously of them. It's possible for them to text each other without her knowing.

"mama." Gunhoo showed up beside her and sits down. "are you okay?"

"yeah." Minjeong smiles at her. "let's eat."

Then, the door opened, revealing Jimin who hurriedly takes off her shoes and put her bag on the couch.

"hey, baby." Jimin kissed the top of Gunhoo's head. "hey, love." She then ruffles Minjeong's hair.

"dad came." Gunhoo told her straightforwardly.

"yes, I know. he told me." Jimin smiles at him. she then looks at Minjeong.

"these are from him." Minjeong thought that she had to respond.

"apparently, he's at the kitchen part. He told me that he cooked it." Jimin added.

"ah, that's why the dumpling is different. It's good though. Right, mama?" Gunhoo looks up at her.

"yeah, it's good." Minjeong pressed a smile. Seeing how casual Jimin is right now, doesn't make her stop worrying about Jihoon. It somehow feels like a competition now. "I gotta go tonight. I'm afraid I can't stay. I have a lot to prepare for next week."

"you're usually free on weekends. Is everything okay?" Jimin asked, being clueless.

"totally, yeah. I'll leave after you're asleep, lil' guy." Minjeong ruffles Gunhoo's hair.

"then... can you read me a bedtime story? Like, Pinocchio."

"you're so sly, aren't you? you have the thick book." Minjeong chuckles. "alright, whatever makes you happy."


Minjeong is checking her phone after hours of inactivating it.

"hey, are you good? You seemed a little down today." Jimin sits beside her on the couch. "it's because of Jihoon isn't it?"

"did he tell you after or before he got here?" Minjeong asked right away.

"I didn't know he was here. If I knew I would've told you." Jimin sighs. "I'm sorry."

"I've told you, it's okay." Minjeong looks at her and smiles. "it's just... they said that jealousy is a sign that someone is not confident and right now I'm not that confident about myself."

"baby..." Jimin gave her a hug. "you're everything I've wanted."

"I'm flattered." Minjeong rests her head on top of Jimin's. "I'm actually free tomorrow."

"then why did you say you're gonna be busy?" Jimin furrowed her eyebrows.

"because tomorrow Jihoon will take care of Gunhoo." Minjeong informed. "he didn't tell you?"

"no. what are you gonna do, then?" Jimin snuggles into Minjeong even more.

"luckily, Soohyun invited me to a company party. One of his colleagues decided to hold a gathering for businesspersons around the world. my uncle wants me to come." Minjeong reassured her. "I won't be lonely."

"of course, you won't. there'll be a lot of pretty women there." Jimin groans.

"I wouldn't even notice." Minjeong stifles. "it'll be for work only. I'm not going there for that."

"I know. but, you're very attractive. trust me, someone's mother will approach you."

"then, trust me, I'll refuse every single one of them." Minjeong then kisses the top of Jimin's head. "just tell me when Jihoon texts you or something. I hate to think about it."

"will I see you tomorrow?" Jimin looks up.

Minjeong looks back and leans in. she kissed Jimin's lips ever so softly, as if telling her that all her feelings are real. Just thinking of her with someone else already hurts her. but, it's even more painful to not be able to see her at all.

"I'll miss you. I miss you every second we don't see each other." Minjeong looked into her eyes. "just call me. I don't want Gunhoo to get confused." She then looks away. "well, I want him to choose me over him, but, you can't really force him to make that decision."

"you're cute." Jimin giggles. "you really gonna leave now?"

"yeah. I think you can trust Jihoon with him." Minjeong sighs. "don't worry. he seems like a good guy."

"you have no idea how he used to behave." Jimin sighs. "I still can't trust him enough."

"what if he changed?" Minjeong tried to be positive.

"don't think about it, Jeong... I won't let him come between us."

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