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Minjeong is at Ryujin's company again. She came after having a pretty rough case at the court. Aside from seeing her friend, Minjeong also wants to see her now favorite woman.

"man, I'd be sad if one day, you'll be here only for my employee." Ryujin sighs. "tell me you're here for me too."

"you're annoying. Of course, I'm here for you." Minjeong chuckles. "I'm starting to take care of my company, by the way."

"wait, it's the one that your uncle takes care of, right? did he say something about you coming back? also, I'd be hard for you because, no offense, you know little about managing a company." Ryujin said honestly.

"dude, chill. I know." Minjeong rolled her eyes. "that's why he's not that accepting. I told him that I want to learn."

"don't you think it's better for you to just leave it? you basically dedicate your life to help people. Once you get into business, I can assure you that sooner or later, you won't be able to do that." Ryujin sips her beer casually. "besides, I'm sure you have an assistant there. Your uncle is competent enough to run it."

"that's the thing. All that is in my account is because of him. at least, I have to do something to help. I can't just sit around and solely receive his hard work." Minjeong explained. "pretty sure he does it for the sake of his brother. if not, he would've kicked me out."

"what about your lawyer career? You love that shit. Everything will be limited. You have to do this, then you have this problem, after that's done, you'll have another. I mean, I'm just saying as a friend. I've known you since we're in elementary school." Ryujin was speaking as a bestfriend by now.

"then, I won't grow. I want to grow. I need to face it." Minjeong reassured her. "you know I need to go on my own pace."

"I understand." Ryujin smiles a little. "hey, I'm actually gonna go on a vacation the next weekend. With my family for a month."

"I can still visit, right?"

"see? you're here for Jimin. Now I'm sad." Ryujin pouts. "looks like she's done. I'm heading up." she stands up. "have fun with her."


Jimin is waiting for Minjeong to put Gunhoo to sleep. Gunhoo always requested that every time Minjeong is around.

"done." Minjeong got out of the room, smiling to Jimin.

"thank you so much." Jimin then pats the space beside her on the couch. "how's your day?"

"it was exhausting." Minjeong huffs, dropping her butt on the couch. "so I've decided to start working at my company. I wanna help my uncle."

"that's great. Does your uncle work there?" Jimin wondered.

"he basically replaced me. my dad initially gave the company to me but when I was at my lowest, I decided to be an irresponsible person and leave. Since my dad was still alive back then, he asked his younger brother to temporarily help me." Minjeong explained.

"and how long have you been abandoning the company?"

"about five years." Minjeong chuckles awkwardly. "he's a little pissed."

"of course, he is. it's not fair for him." Jimin furrowed her eyebrows. "so, how are you gonna manage it after him?"

"I don't know. I've been visiting him for these pasts of few weeks." Minjeong replied. "hard for him to accept me even though I'm the legal owner of the company."

"even so, you still need to monitor it. your dad is kind enough to let your uncle take care of it." Jimin sighs, feeling the need to understand her. "you can take it slow. I want you to be a better person for yourself."

"that's actually my plan. Thanks for reminding me." Minjeong looks at her. "what about you? how's your day?"

"oh, you won't believe who I've met today. That customer is from Dubai and he's super rich, like, he can point at a car and straight up buying it. with. Cash. Like, how can someone be that rich? I mean, someone can be that rich. But, he's like on another level." Jimin excitedly told her. "also, Ryujin was being nice. She bought a meal and coffee for all of us. she said we can take some as well."

"didn't think you'd talk a lot. I should've asked about you." Minjeong realized. "what else?"

"well, there are some annoying businessmen who think that they can get a discount everything. Services, parts, even asking for benefits. They're members there so I get the privilege but I'm just doing my job following the rules." Jimin then glanced at Minjeong. "you're making me blush. Stop looking at me like that."

"you are... an amazing woman." Minjeong looks deeply into her eyes. "your job must be hard. One kid, a job that required you to talk to many people, a single mother, yet you still have that spirit inside you. I know Gunhoo is the reason behind all of that but you must've felt exhausted." She holds her hand and rubs the back of it with her thumb.

Jimin can feel her sincerity. It was somehow soothing and it calms her mind. it's been a long time since someone really gives her support like Minjeong did.

"do you trust me enough to let me take care of you? if I can't provide you with my damaged mental health, maybe I can help you financially, and physically." Minjeong's eyes were filled with hope. "I promise, this time, I will do my best to help you with all I have. Everything."

"Minjeong..." Jimin's eyebrows slanted as she felt a deep feeling of pity. "you already have a lot on your plate. I don't wanna be your other burden."

"you won't me my other burden." Minjeong scoots closer, taking her other hand. "I hate to see you struggle or hear your struggle. It makes me feel like shit. I mean, I will gladly listen to all your stories, the bad and the good ones, but I feel like I can-"

"go easy on yourself. you can help me with that. get some enough sleep, eat, and don't forget to text me." Jimin stifled at the end. "that's what you can do for me."

"I will. Of course, I will text you. I will sleep here, eat you- I mean, eat what you cooked, and I'll be there for Gunhoo. Maybe you can take me as a free babysitter." Minjeong chuckles.

"now, repeat the part where you wanna eat me." Jimin joked. "I'm scared now."

"well, that's..." Minjeong's eyes fall to Jimin's lips then back to her eyes. "...up to you."

Jimin smiles a little and stifles before quickly pecking Minjeong's lips. Minjeong immediately covers her mouth in surprise as her eyes widened.

"should I warn you beforehand?" Jimin raised an eyebrow. "you're blushing."

Minjeong can only say 'fuck it.' in her head. She leans in and catches Jimin's lips one more time, deeper and longer than the previous one. She's aware that her 'skill' might be poor, but, she needs to taste her one more time until it's planted on her brain.

Jimin smirks into the kiss. since she's also busy with her life, working, this moment ignites the sparks that she thought she's no longer have. Of course, it's different from making out with a man. Jimin loves this better.

"ouch." Minjeong flinched after Jimin accidentally bit her lip. "I feel like you're gonna be the one eating me."

"I'll gladly take that guy." Jimin glanced down. "you're just what I like." She let her lust spoke for her.

"am I?" Minjeong raised an eyebrow.


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