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Jimin gets out of her bedroom, getting ready for her shower. To her surprise, Minjeong is still sleeping on the couch with her mouth agape. Looks like she's really comfortable.

"Minjeong. Wake up. I have to go to work." Jimin shook her body for a moment.

"yes, Chaehyun, baby! I'll take Chaemin to-" Minjeong opens her eyes properly. "oh, Jimin. Sorry."

"it's cute that you call her that." Jimin chuckles. "I think this is your best sleep here."

"I guess so." Minjeong stretched her body and sighs. "I feel like I can sleep here a little more."

"no. I have to go to work with Gunhoo and you need to leave." Jimin insisted.

"alright, alright." Minjeong gets up lazily. "I'll take Gunhoo."


Just like the other day, Minjeong picked him up on time. instead of going home, Minjeong took him to where Jimin works.

"you know, before I got married, I used to hate kids. Especially, when they're like under six. They run around and bump into things. so stupid." Ryujin commented as she watch Gunhoo playing round with his toy-car.

"you love Yuna now. wanna have another?" Minjeong teased. "she's a bit lonely don't you think?"

"that's your dream to have four kids." Ryujin rolled her eyes. "I'm already stressed out with one."

"it's not too late to have another one. How old is she now?"

"going ten. I guess it's not. have to talk with Yeji about it." Ryujin shrugs. "I see that you're less busy now? you're still a lawyer right?"

"I am. I put a limit to myself though." Minjeong sips her beer. "my stress level is slowly decreasing."

"that's great. What's your secret? I wanna get rid of my stress as well."

Minjeong then noticed Jimin catching Gunhoo in her arms and laughing along with him. sadly, not long after that, Jimin has to go back to greet a customer.

"man, stop staring. She's my best employee." Ryujin snapped her fingers to get Minjeong's attention back on her. "I think I'll promote her soon."

"will she get busier?" Minjeong looks at her.

"of course. that's obvious, right? I was thinking that I can move Han to my other branch, closer to his family, and Jimin can replace him as the manager. Needs a few years for her to be the manager." Ryujin informed. "I'll hire some more people at the end of the year."

"you got everything planned out really well. I'm jealous." Minjeong stifles. "while I'm here just confused on what to do with my life."

"I know." Ryujin chuckles. "you probably spend your money on gas and eating out."

"hey, I paid my bills and taxes."

"Mrs. Kim! I broke the door." Gunhoo interrupted, showing her his toy car. "I'm sorry, Mrs. Shin."

"nah, it's okay. I have a bunch of them. Wanna have more?" Ryujin stood up and walks over to him. "any color and model that you wanna have. I'll give you another one before your mom found out, okay?"

"thank you, Mrs. Shin."

Minjeong watches them walks away. She then uses this chance to approach the mother. after seeing that Jimin is finally free, Minjeong walks towards her with a smile already planted on her face.

"are you off work yet?" Minjeong greeted.

"oh, gosh!" Jimin got little surprised. She turns around and found Minjeong with a smiley face. "I'm almost done. The sales are going up I have to report it today so I don't have to worry about it later." She smiles politely.

"then, I'll wait in the car?" Minjeong offered.

"but, I brought-"

"yeah, I'll wait in your car." Minjeong then runs off to the parking lot.

"was she always that stubborn?"


"Gunhoo, Minjeong, dinner!" Jimin said after she's finished setting the table.

"first one gets to the table, gets all the chicken. Go!"

Gunhoo and Minjeong goes to the table as quick as they can. Of course, Minjeong has to let him win.

"you wanna teach him to run around the place now?" Jimin sighs.

"sorry." Minjeong giggles.

"I'm sorry mommy." Gunhoo looks down and pouts. "I can get all the chickens, right?"

"absolutely." Minjeong winks at him.

"I'll give one to you because you're nice to me and my mom." Gunhoo placed a piece of chicken on her plate.

"only one? I'm an adult. I need twice as you." Minjeong pouts, showing him her puppy eyes.

"what's wrong with you two? We can eat some and save for tomorrow." Jimin cut them off.

"we can buy more, don't worry." Minjeong leans in towards Gunhoo. "good thing we bought groceries earlier. Can save up for a few weeks."

"no. that's enough." Jimin stares at them both. "don't teach him to be a rebel. Please."

"I just thought that he can have some fun." Minjeong looks down and continues eating.

"here's for mommy." Gunhoo innocently placed a chicken on Jimin's plate. "please don't fight."

"we're not, big boy. You can eat whatever you want." Minjeong smiles at him. she then looks at Jimin. "can I take Gunhoo for a ride while you're working on the weekends?"

"aren't you busy?" Jimin wondered. "he's okay with his friends."

"then I'll take them too." Minjeong smiles at her. "it'll be like road trip or something."

"that'd be too much, Minjeong. You don't have to go that far." Jimin stifles, not taking it seriously.

"it's just me, then." Gunhoo chimed in. "I want my friends to have time with their family. So, us two can go."

"thoughtful. It's set, then." Minjeong looks at him. "next time, your mom can join us."


"I haven't said anything." Jimin looks at them both confusedly. "don't do anything dangerous, okay? remember your allergies and something you're afraid of."

"you're afraid of something?" Minjeong raised her eyebrows, looking at him.

"I just don't like some things." Gunhoo looks down.

"that can happen." Minjeong nods slowly. "I'll protect you. I can fight, you know?"

"you're afraid of small moth. Can you fight a bear?" Gunhoo mocks her.


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