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An alarm goes off, waking up a sleepy teacher in the morning. Minjeong sits up looking at a blackboard above her working desk.

"fun fact of the day. Jeremy is allergic to nuts and... latex?" Minjeong stretched as she stands up.

Minjeong gets on the floor and does her morning workout. Just a simple set of push-ups squats to strengthen her core.


"wait. Fifty more." Minjeong responded to her sister. "that's still below my target. I have to pick up those kids." She speaks to herself.

"got time for breakfast?"

"yes, Chaewon. I'll be out in a minute." Minjeong grunted as she continues her workout.

After her other morning routine, she gets out of her room and greeted the older girl.

"someone got adopted today. Well, yesterday. They told me just this morning." Chaewon shrugs.

"I'm glad." Minjeong joins her to eat.

"right, just like what you said the last time." Chaewon sighs. "I'm gonna go check on that new place you bought."

"okay. I'm leaving all that to you. you don't need to report things to me." Minjeong chuckles.

"alright..." Chaewon stifles. "see you tonight, sis."


Jimin goes straight to work after dropping off Gunhoo at school. She enters the locker room and change into her uniform.

"working two shifts again?"

"no. I promised my son that I'll pick him up today." Jimin replied to her workmate.

"oh, that's lovely. Have you thought of bringing him here?" They asked as they walk out of the locker room.

"he stays with my cousin on holidays. I don't have those days, really." Jimin stifles, hiding her sadness.

"aw... don't be sad. We'd love to have him, especially the guys in children section." they lean towards her a little.

"this store doesn't have enough room for him to run around." Jimin responded as she rearranges some clothes. "he's fine with his uncle."

"you have a point. He can stay on the toys' section."

"he's alright. At least, he never complains." Jimin smiles lightly. "what if he wants to buy something I can't afford? Those toys are expensive as hell."

"so he's that kinda kid? Okay, that's acceptable." They chuckle. "oh, look. That woman is having the belly. I gotta go."


Jimin gets out of her car, walking towards the school. She immediately sees her son with Minjeong sitting on a bench.

"mommy!" Gunhoo stands up and waved at her. "look!"

Jimin walks towards them, noticing Gunhoo with an ice cream and some lollipops on his other hand.

"did you ask her to buy you these?" Jimin lowers herself, ruffling his hair.

"I offered, ma'am. No biggie." Minjeong responded before the kid does.

"how much is it? I'll-"

"no need, ma'am, really. His silly behavior paid for it." Minjeong chuckles.

"thank you so much, miss. I'm sorry, I'm late to pick him up." Jimin takes her son's hand.

"better than not showing up at all, right?" Minjeong stifles. "have a good day, Mrs. Yu."

As Minjeong walks back to the building, the mother and son walk back to their car.

"I'm sorry, baby. Someone at work was taking my time." Jimin said to Gunhoo as she starts driving.

"it's okay, mom. I have a friend." Gunhoo replied excitedly.

"really? Who?"

"only Mrs. Kim. But, she ask me to find friends." Gunhoo replied.

"what about Brian and Joseph? You used to be friends with them." Jimin remembered them from his second grade.

"they don't want to play with me anymore." Gunhoo sounded sad. "they said I'm a loser."

"I'm sorry to hear that, son. I wish I can provide better for you." Jimin sighs.

"it's okay, mommy. I love you." Gunhoo smiles at her.

"I love you too, kid."


Chaewon walks into Minjeong's room, seeing her scribbling on her book.

"you haven't came out since this evening. Aren't you hungry?"

"this mother keeps begging me to help her get her custody. She's economically unstable and often gets kicked out because of it. not to mention the history of drug abuse." Minjeong's mouth ran like a train. "the dad is an asshole, a loaded asshole, abusive towards the mom and brainwashed the kid. According to mother's testimony." She sighs, massaging her head.

"take a rest. This is your fourth case this year." Chaewon walked towards her and massaged her shoulders. "that's too much for a young lawyer like you."

"what do we have?" Minjeong spins around, facing her.

"lasagna and wine." Chaewon smiles at her. "you can't work with an empty stomach."


The two walks towards the dining area. Minjeong is the only one eating, while Chaewon just waits for her.

"speaking of, I wanna check the orphanage tomorrow." Minjeong takes a sip of her wine. "after I'm done with the school."

"why do you wanna be a teacher? You've had enough with your current job." Chaewon wondered.

"you know how much I love kids, Chae. They remind me of him." Minjeong calmly replied.

"I understand." Chaewon purses her lips. "go easy on yourself. I'm gonna sleep."


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