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Minjeong easily opens the apartment door since she knows the password. She sneaks inside the unit, trying to surprise the woman. Luckily, Minjeong heard the shower running. Jimin must be showering right now.

Minjeong takes off her coat, shoes, and put her stuff beside the couch. She nervously waits for Jimin, sitting on the couch.

Soon enough, the bathroom door opens. Minjeong looks back to see Jimin with two towels covering her body and hair.

"oh, gosh!" Jimin got startled.

"hi." Minjeong greeted her with a wide smile.

"you should've given me a heads up." Jimin walks towards her room afterwards.

Minjeong hurriedly follows her inside before Jimin can close the door.

"I'd give you the head only." Minjeong teased.

"annoying." Jimin rolled her eyes. "get out, I wanna change."

"I've seen you." Minjeong closed the door and goes to sit on the bed. "I'll just watch."

"this is different!" Jimin slapped her arm. "close your eyes."

"fine." Minjeong gets on the bed and turns her back on her.

Having an idea, Jimin silently walks towards her and snakes her arms around her torso.

"see? it's all on you." Minjeong turns her head, taking a glimpse of Jimin's face beside her.

"you still can't look." Jimin holds Minjeong's chin to keep her head straight ahead.

Jimin starts kissing her neck lightly while pressing her chest on Minjeong. Her hand moves down to caress Minjeong's crotch lightly, teasing her.

"I missed you. even if it's just for a few days." Jimin softly whispered into her ear.

"what are you gonna do about it?" Minjeong challenged.

"cuddles." Jimin lets go of her hold form Minjeong.

"not fun." Minjeong sighs.

Jimin giggles and continues to do what she's supposed to do. she puts on her nightwear and joins her in bed.

"okay, we'll do cuddles."

Minjeong just takes off her shirt and pants to get ready to sleep in her sport bra and boxers. The two then lie down on the bed. Minjeong wraps her arms around Jimin, hugging her from behind. Jimin grabs Minjeong's hand that's under her torso and guides it to grab one of her breasts.

"hey, don't squeeze." Jimin warned.

"you squeezed me down there. I'm holding myself here." Minjeong responded. "we won't be able to sleep if you keep doing that."

"we? I can sleep. I'm tired." Jimin then closed her eyes.

"whatever you say."


Jimin feels a disturbance. It's like a pressure between her ass. She's still not fully awake but she can feel that it's Minjeong moving while breathing heavily behind her. Jimin decided to just help her since Minjeong is holding her so tight right now. she presses her ass even more against Minjeong's hard girth.

"that's so good. Please wake up, babe." Minjeong said under her breath.

"I'm awake."

"what?" Minjeong opens her eyes halfway, seeing Jimin already looking at her through her shoulder.

"just take if off." Jimin said as she takes off her own shorts, giving Minjeong more access to get inside her.

Minjeong finally takes out her dick and guides it with her hand. She drags the tip along Jimin's fold. That movement gains a soft moan from Jimin.

"you're already wet." Minjeong is still trying to find the entrance.

"yes, right there." Jimin adjusted her position to help Minjeong.

At last, Minjeong dares to push it in. it feels way tighter than before. Minjeong buries her face on Jimin's hair, as well as embracing her tighter. Her hand squeezes Jimin's breast lightly.

"holy. Shit. We should do this again." Minjeong stays inside to get a good feel of Jimin's tightness.

"I agree." Jimin intertwined her fingers with Minjeong, holding it for dear life. She too, feels incredible with Minjeong inside her.

Minjeong starts to move slowly. She's actually already close to exploding, but, this feeling is too great to let it last.

"you can go faster." Jimin gave her permission.

Minjeong soon do as she told. She can't hold it much longer, but on the other hand, she wants Jimin to get off first. Minjeong bites her bottom lip to prevent any sounds escaping her mouth.

"let me hear you. he's a heavy sleeper." Jimin noticed her tense body, knowing that the other girl is close.

Minjeong starts moaning over and over again. At that moment, Jimin realized that that's the sexiest sound she's ever heard. It's her last push to the edge.

"fuck, you're so hot, Minjeong. I'm close." Jimin informed while her breathing gets uneven and faster. "keep doing that."

"me too. I don't wanna wet the bed."

"just fucking cum inside me."

They're ignoring every possibility at this point. The two continues their ride to reach paradise. Soon enough, Minjeong noticed that Jimin starts to tremble. When it feels like her shaft is choking, Minjeong can't help but to let out her seeds inside Jimin. She gives her the last deep thrust to keep every drip inside Jimin's abdomen.

"Minjeong...." Jimin moaned. "fuck, that's a lot."

"you're so tight, baby. It's blowing my head. both of them." Minjeong is still inside of her.

Both of them are starting to relax. Minjeong has no intention to pull out. she's too comfortable. Jimin doesn't want her to 'leave' as well. She massaged her inside so good.

"you won't wet the bed now." Jimin let out a long sigh. "are you planning on staying inside?"

"yes. please." Minjeong already sounded sleepy.

"good. Sleep tight,darling."

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