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Minjeong and Jimin finally settled at their penthouse, still with a great city view. Minjeong is currently watching TV with Gunhoo, who's now in high school, and Jinwoo, the second son, who's playing with his robots, on his second year of elementary school.

 Minjeong is currently watching TV with Gunhoo, who's now in high school, and Jinwoo, the second son, who's playing with his robots, on his second year of elementary school

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Meanwhile, Jimin is cooking them a dinner. Though, sometimes, it's tiring, Jimin can always depend on Minjeong to brighten up her day and restore her energy again.

"smells good." Minjeong showed up behind Jimin, wrapping her arms around her waist. "guess what?"

"what?" Jimin smiles at her.

"I love you." Minjeong kissed her neck. "well, that's not all. I talked to Mrs. Kwon and she said Jinwoo is really great at sports."

"oh, really? We should offer him a training." Jimin excitedly kissed her. "now, have a seat."

The four of them eats peacefully, having a light conversation as a habit. Jimin and Minjeong both agreed to teach their sons to open up about anything without any pressure of getting scolded later on. Not that they scold their son, but, they want them to be safe around the parents.

"I did so bad today." Gunhoo sighs. "the coach told me that I should just quit."

"did you mess up at practice?" Minjeong asked, knowing about a new hobby that he picked up, which is playing basketball.

"kinda.. I think too much when I play." Gunhoo pursed his lips. "I'm aware of that, of course."

"hey, it's okay. just a hobby, no biggie." Minjeong reassured him. "just know that you're doing your best."

"how about your science club?" Jimin asked.

"it was amazing. My friends there are really supportive. I can say that the basketball club is more individualistic." Gunhoo shrugs.

"that make sense."

"basketball!" Jinwoo chimed in cutely. "I can play that at school, park, field, everywhere!"

"not inside a room, kiddo." Minjeong ruffles his hair. "hey, eat your veggies, bud. You need good food to do sports."

"potatoes are veggies."




Minjeong's little family are hanging out with Mingyu's at his house. they're getting closer since the day of the wedding and the kids are just like siblings at this point. The parents are hanging out at the common area while the kids just go wherever they like.

"no, it was worth it. you should try investing in that one." Mingyu just gave Minjeong a suggestion on some investment. "but, still, you already have a lot of investment. It's just a little income for you."

"my expenses are not so little, Mingyu." Minjeong chuckles, sipping her beer.

Meanwhile Jimin and Jeonghan are talking about something else.

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