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Minjeong arrived at Isa's clothing store. Her intention is just to see Jimin. It's only been a few days that they only exchanged some texts and short calls.

"excuse me. I'm here for Miss Yu."

Jimin looks up from her monitor and sees Minjeong with a big bouquet of flowers and a smile on her face. Minjeong never seem to fail to seduce her. Jimin's heart instantly softens upon seeing her especially when they haven't meet for days. It's considered a long time since they used to meet every day.

"come in." Jimin smiles warmly at her.

"here's for you." Minjeong shoved the bouquet forward. "I'm sorry."

"I'm not mad anymore. I forgive you. I'm sorry for thinking too much." Jimin goes to her and give her a hug.

"so... will you move in with me?" Minjeong proposed. "again?"

"I really wanna live with you." Jimin then kissed her lips softly. "what about my apartment?"

"that'll be your asset. Maybe for Gunhoo, his future family." Minjeong suggested. "but, I'll give him something much better, that's for sure."

"at our age, that sounds romantic." Jimin giggles.

"oh, I missed you so much." Minjeong hugged her again tightly. "I've been having a hard time lately."

"can I finish my work first? Gunhoo is getting along with Eric pretty well. He's with him at home." Jimin walked back to her desk.

"oh, I already look for a planetarium. I haven't bought anything for him." Minjeong takes a seat.

"that's great! I'm gonna talk to Isa for a day off." Jimin smiles at her.

"I'll talk to her. you can just sit back and let me handle everything." Minjeong hurriedly stands up and walks to the door. "I'll see you later."


After talking to Isa about Jimin's day off, the two continues to have a casual chat.

"then he said, 'I will leave you if you keep coming home late.' Like, I have my own life. It's not like he's my husband." Isa just told Minjeong about one of her ex.

"what if he was? You gonna stop being a rebel?" Minjeong chuckles. "so that's your last relationship?"

"yes. then, I never got the time to do all that. I have to follow my dad's path."

"well, you enjoy your job right now, right? I mean, you have everything." Minjeong commented.

"I do, yeah. But..." Isa looks into her eyes. "I need a girl-boyfriend." She stuttered.

"girl-boyfriend? Like trans or something?" Minjeong giggles. "have you tried meeting anyone? Going to a bar or café?"

"I'm not that social, Minjeong. Also, I've been with a girl. both are great in everything so, it's hard to choose." Isa pouts. "I have no intention to go to that kinda place. I've tried dating apps, though."

"and? do you have a specific type?" Minjeong continued.

"they have to be considerate. I like the romantic type. I don't even care what their gender is. personality is key." Isa's eyes were moving left and right, thinking of an answer. "that's why it's hard to be in those apps. You're lucky."

"it's different. I've been married and I think I perceived a relationship in a different way than you." Minjeong shared.

"that's better right? you're experienced." Isa jokingly teased. "nothing better than a mature partner."

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