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While Jimin has been focusing more on her job, Minjeong has gotten closer with Gunhoo. As she promised, she's been taking him to amusement park, swimming pool, movies, or just to a nearby park to hang out.

"you said you'll bring mommy too. when are we gonna invite her?" Gunhoo looks up. he's currently holding a balloon and cotton candy.

"we did go with her the other day, right?" Minjeong takes his hand. "your mom has to work for you."

"what about you? you have a job too."

"I work alone. I can have my own free time when I want to, work when I want to, go anywhere I want." Minjeong smiles at him.

"that's awesome. I wish mommy works like you."

Not long after, Minjeong noticed her phone vibrating. She stops her track and answers it.

"good evening, Kim Minjeong speaking." Minjeong steps aside. She can see Gunhoo looking at some Turkish ice cream stand. "oh, you're the one sending an email the other day. how's your day, ma'am?"

Ever since she limits herself, she decided to take calls from her clients. They'll only meet if needed.

"of course, ma'am. I'll give you my best and I'll make sure you get what you deserve." Minjeong chuckles. "if you have other concerns or something you want to discuss, you can contact my assistant first, then I'll get to you."

The client soon hangs up the call and Minjeong can finally go back to Gunhoo. Minjeong widened her eyes when she can't find him anywhere near her.

"oh, fuck!" Minjeong looks over to the Turkish ice cream stand. He's not there either.

Minjeong runs anywhere she can, looking for the little boy.

"yellow balloon, cotton candy." Minjeong remembered. At this amusement park, he could be anywhere. Minjeong stops once in a while to ask some people. "have you seen a little boy about this tall with green jacket and jeans? He got yellow balloon and cotton candy."

"I'm sorry, must've missed my eyes." "sorry, no." "I don't know, ma'am. Sorry."

Minjeong cursed herself for a hundred times already. Almost for thirty minutes, she runs anywhere she could reach.

"clowns... no, he must be dead scared." Minjeong said after she came across one. "c'mon, where are you Gunhoo. Your mom is gonna kill me."

"someone! Please help! This kid is dying!"

Minjeong instantly goes to the call after she heard it. soon, she witnesses something that makes her hear drops. Gunhoo is lying on the ground, struggling to breathe.

"what the fuck are you guys doing?! you! call an ambulance!" Minjeong drops down, keeping the little boy conscious. "stay with me, Gunhoo. Please."


"where's he?! I wanna see my son!"

Minjeong's head tilts up after hearing Jimin's voice. She's expecting her to panic, but, on the other hand, she's scared as hell.

"you. can you even keep an eye on him? I told you to take care of him and avoid his allergies!" Jimin is getting really mad.

"I'm really sorry. I suddenly got a call." Minjeong looks down.

"you can go home. I'll stay here with him." Jimin ignored her.

"I can stay too. you have work tomorrow." Minjeong grabs her wrist.

"my son is more important." Jimin sharply looked into her eyes and took her hand back.

Minjeong follows her quietly, peeking inside the room. the VIP room was from Minjeong's request. By now, she still can't trust herself to be better. One clumsy moment can really result a really fatal situation.

"Mrs. Kim..." Gunhoo notice her.

Jimin looks over to the door and sighs. She looks at Minjeong and nods half-heartedly.

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Kim." Gunhoo looks down.

"hey, it's not your fault. I should've stayed with you, boy." Minjeong walked closer. "I'm really sorry."

"I didn't know that that rice cake has honey in it." Gunhoo smiles a little. "I love honey but I can't eat them."

"I know, baby. It's for your own good." Minjeong pressed a smile.

"can we talk? outside." Jimin chimed in. she then looks at Gunhoo before standing up. "have a rest, okay? I'll be back."

Once they're outside, Jimin looks at Minjeong in a serious manner.

"you could've held his hand." Jimin started. "I understand that you miss your son, but, please... Gunhoo is not yours. You should be more responsible."

"please, forgive me." Minjeong begged sincerely.

"maybe you should learn how to manage your time. your priority. You should be able to separate family from work. This is what happened when you mix those things up." Jimin ranted. "if you're that busy, needed by your clients, you can forget about Gunhoo. We're not even related, Minjeong."

"then, let's have one." Minjeong blurted out. "I mean, I- you know, I didn't mean it like that. I just..."

"figure out what you want. I'll stay until Gunhoo is healthy." Jimin flatly responded.

Minjeong then left alone in front of the room. there are a lot going on in her mind now. looks like she's still clueless about herself and what she wants even though she thought that she had it all figured out.


"I finally can see you here."

Chaewon greeted her sister who just got back from the hospital. Minjeong sits on the couch and just stares at the blank TV.

"what I want, what she wanted, what he wanted, I don't even know. I probably don't care that much." Minjeong sighs. "I thought I can easily move on."

"hey, nothing is easy." Chaewon sits beside her, turning on the TV.

Minjeong stands up, not interested in watching it.

"why are you so sulky?" Chaewon chased her to her room. "what's bothering you?"

"I almost killed a child." Minjeong shuts the door. "I'm locking the door!"

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