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Minjeong is already on her second trial. Jimin can see the broadcast from the showroom's TV. Not only her, Ryujin and Han are also present.

"if I didn't have a client today, I'd sit there and punch that man." Ryujin huffs. "with my eyes." she added, noticing that Han is staring at her.

"why does it have to be aired?" Han wondered.

"they're famous, apparently. One of them doesn't seem to know that." Ryujin sighs, referring to Minjeong who only cares about her job.

Meanwhile, Jimin is only listening to the event. By now, Minjeong's attorney managed to convince her that Minjeong is not guilty. Jimin doesn't really know how that trial works but, so far, every evidence made sense. Yeonjun's attorney has a hard time convincing the juries and judges.

"Jimin." Ryujin stands up from her seat. "come with me for a sec."

Jimin easily obeys her, following her to the meeting room. she has a feeling that it's not about work.

"you know that man." Ryujin stated her point as she sits down.

"yes, ma'am." Jimin looks down. "but, I swear I know nothing about his job."

"relax. I'm not interrogating you." Ryujin stifles. "I just wanna get some answers. I'm your boss, so, my friends are your boss too. you get what I'm trying to say, right?"

"I'm not on anyone's side, ma'am. I'm just here to work."

"I'm not telling you to pick a side. I could kick you out of this place as soon as I know that your cousin is a criminal. But, I'm too nice to do that." Ryujin purses her lips. "so, is he a good man?"

"as far as I know, he's a family man. He's good to me and my son. If it turned out to be true, then, I won't let him near my son again. We're not even close related." Jimin explained, feeling a little threatened.

"this might be a one time thing, then." Ryujin rubs her chin. "okay. you can go back. thank you for opening up."


Minjeong, Chaewon, and Namjoon got out of the courthouse, guarded by some security guards so they can safely get into their car.

"you think it came out better?" Minjeong asked, feeling worried.

"yeah, I think so. We have two days to prepare more." Namjoon replied. "you can relax now."

"maybe, I can. My income has decreased for over thirty percent." Minjeong sighs. "I have enough savings, though."

"I'm sure you'll get your job back. don't stress too much, okay?"

Namjoon drops the sisters off at their apartment. the two of them do their own thing after entering the unit. Minjeong goes straight to her room and Chaewon prepares some meal for their late lunch.

"I'll go to Ryujin. You can eat first." Minjeong walked out of her room.

"are you okay?" Chaewon showed her concern.

"just need a friend to talk to. I know you have to go to work after this, so, I'll just go."


Minjeong doesn't really care about how she looks right now. since her intention is to see a friend, she doesn't mind wearing casual clothes. Maybe a little too casual.

"good to see you, Mrs. Kim. Mrs. Shin is in her office." Han greeted her as soon as she walks in.

"I know." Minjeong shares a little smile before going to meet her friend.

Ryujin warmly welcomes Minjeong in her office. Minjeong takes a seat across her.

"how's it? how you feeling?"

"I got two trials left. At least, that's the plan." Minjeong responded. "did you talk to Jimin?"

"yep. Yeonjun is a family man, apparently. What's his case, again? Embezzlement and avoiding taxes?" Ryujin recalled.

"from his casino and nightclub." Minjeong added. "it's just a simple matter actually. but it goes for three years and he wanted to be free by paying the judge to just let it go."

"but, why you?" Ryujin furrowed her eyebrows. "was it a coincidence?"

"we're not in that section yet."

"alright, then. wanna go out? I'll drive. You look terrible." Ryujin offered.



Coming back from their 'quality time', Ryujin parked her car, and they walk to Minjeong's car.

"thanks, by the way." Minjeong smiles at Ryujin.

"no problem. Just come here whenever you want." Ryujin pats her shoulder a few times. "oh, you sure you don't want her to be your witness?"

"we figured it out. no need for extra witness." Minjeong refused. "I mean, there's no way she wants to do that, right? she doesn't even let me get close to Gunhoo."

"I talked to her about it. there's no way I'd hire someone who's related to a criminal." Ryujin lowers her voice. "she will pick your side."

"I don't need that right now, Ryu. Just leave her alone." Just then, Minjeong noticed Jimin and Gunhoo walk out of the showroom. "I better go now."

"mommy, that's Mrs. Kim!"

Gunhoo chases him, Ryujin noticed them, Minjeong hurried to her car, and Jimin goes to her son.

"I'm really sorry, ma'am." Jimin bowed a little.

"she's your son's favorite." Ryujin taps on Minjeong's car, preventing her to go.

Gunhoo ignores the adults and goes to knock on Minjeong's window. Minjeong sighs and can't help but roll her window down to greet the kid.

"I need to go, kid. You better stay with your mom." Minjeong calmly told him.

"I have a good nap today." Gunhoo smiles cheekily at her, ignoring her words. "I also fight with my friend because he made the girl I like cry."

"a girl you like?" Minjeong raised an eyebrow. "you have a crush?"

"I like Samantha. She's funny." Gunhoo looks down with a little smile. "is that okay, Mrs. Kim?" he looks up again.

"you should tell your mom. Not me." Minjeong stifles. "I really need to go, Gunhoo."

"excuse me. sorry to interrupt." Jimin came between them. "have a safe ride, ma'am."

"thanks, Jimin."

Jimin and Gunhoo make a way for Minjeong to drive off.

"Mrs. Kim looks sick. Can we visit her, mommy?" Gunhoo looks up, asking his mother as they walk to their car.

"you need to understand that people have their personal space and limit, Gunhoo. We need to respect that." Jimin explained to him. it seems to her that Gunhoo is getting personal with Minjeong for some reason.


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