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"it's two hours from here."

Said Sungmin after two days of investigating. It's a long process of working non-stop for hours and he and Yujin finally able to locate the possible location of Minjeong.

"that's our final place. just like our guides, it's a company that James often goes to, it has a basement parking lot and unknown floor below it. only authorized people goes there, meaning that if James allowed them." Sungmin continued his explanations.

"how do you know all that?" Yujin grabs some papers filled with pictures from the building in question. "that button can only be accessed from the basement."

"I have spies and intel going around. From James's assets information, his cars, his possible fake identities, they're able to follow him and his subordinates. He's not some kind of unknown businessman, you know that." Sungmin starts flipping through the other files. "if we move too quickly, they might move her somewhere else."

"that's possible." Yujin rubs her chin. "what if... nevermind."

"stop thinking about those things. he needs her. that's like the last thing he'd do. torture is most likely."

"damn." Yujin sighs. "someone's already going there, right?"

"I sent someone there to keep an eye on everything. Still no reports." Sungmin informed. "as much as I want to take her back, we still have to be careful."

"I know."


Minjeong is still asleep. Just like the last few days, she's still chained to the chair. doesn't matter how much she tried to wake up, taking the guards' punches, she can't handle it anymore.


Minjeong doesn't care anymore. She ignores everything since yesterday when her stomach starts to ache. The guards only gave her a small cup of water just to keep her alive. Right now, James is sitting in front of her.

"you look pathetic so I'll give you something more... flavorful." He put a cup of freshly made lemonade on the table. "this is from my favorite place. you should try it."

As much as how refreshing it looks, Minjeong knows that that thing can make her condition worse.

"or maybe you want me to print a new paper? This one's dirty." He flips the paper back and forth. "really, I won't let you go. If you wanna rot here, I didn't mind at all."

Minjeong can only stare at him blankly, listening to all his useless yapping.

"I have a guest for you." James looks back, waiting for the guest.

"hey." A man smiles. Waving his hand at Minjeong.

Minjeong's eyes widened as he walks closer towards the two.

"breathing fresh air, now, son?" James lets out a light laugh. "have a seat, Yeonjun."

"thank you, sir." Yeonjun immediately faced Minjeong. "how you doing?"

Minjeong looks away, still refused to say anything.

"honestly, you won't get my blessing after throwing me to prison. You think I'll let you stay with her? I'm all that she has. Who do you think she'll trust? No guarantee that she'll remember you, anyway." Yeonjun straightforwardly stated.

"no need to slap her like that." James pats his shoulder. "she's a tough girl."

"yeah, I know. my lawyer struggled against her." Yeonjun glanced at her. "are you planning on messing up her brain like this?"

"hopefully. I wanna see how long she can hold on. Soon enough, I know she'll become depressed and desperate." James replied. "you still can't go public. You still have four years to stay hidden."

"I know. thanks for the mansion." Yeonjun smiles at him. he then looks at Minjeong. "now, if you can tell me one good thing you give to Jimin, I might think about it."

Minjeong looks down. she can't think of anything at the moment, either because of her critical condition or because she can't think of the answer.

"none? Okay." Yeonjun shrugs it off. "we all can work together, Minjeong... think about it. no need to work, you'll have more assets, you can travel the world, buying things without looking at the tags, and many more. Your life would be easier if you marry his daughter."

Minjeong shook her head in refusal. She stares at the abandoned paper and pen on the table. This is the part where she should be strong for Jimin and Gunhoo. There's no way she'd give up on them over some materialistic dream. She'll only regret her life if she gave in to his offers.

"how long has she been here?" Yeonjun asked.

"four days, almost." James informed. "I have everything ready for you. as soon as you sign it, everything will be yours." He looked at Minjeong.

"I think she understands that already. I gotta go, sir." Yeonjun stood up, excusing himself.

"I'm glad I can work with you. keep the clubs and bars running, yea? Have fun, son."


Sungmin is preparing to go with the other police squad to go to the assigned building that they suspected to have Minjeong in it.

"the team is ready, sir." An officer informed Sungmin. "we'll do a briefing before heading out."

"I'll join you guys." Sungmin nods at him.

The team gathers in a room to talk about the strategy, a rundown on the building's map, and all the things they need to do if things go south.

"are you guys ready to leave?" Yujin showed up right after the briefing. She walks towards Sungmin. "what happened to not rush into it?"

"our goal is to look for Yeonjun. Our spy found him roaming around the building. We won't rush, for sure. if we can't find Yeonjun, we'll search the place. we already have a warrant."

"how long have you planned it? isn't it too soon?"

"are you listening? We have a report that Yeonjun has been released from prison. We indirectly looking for Minjeong." Sungmin walks past her. "you should go somewhere else."

"okay. should I inform Chaewon?" Yujin followed him.

"sure. we're making progress."

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