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The smell of coffee and the sound of a kid show wake Minjeong up from her deep sleep. she opens her eyes, letting the sunlight hits her face.

"coffee?" Jimin greeted Minjeong as she walks towards her with a cup of coffee.

"good morning Mrs. Kim." Gunhoo is sitting on the floor, leaning on the couch.

"good morning to both of you." Minjeong sits up, still gathering her soul. "my phone."

Minjeong looks at her coat the she hung on the couch rest last night and takes her phone from its pocket. She noticed that it's on 3%. There are also many notifications from Chaewon and Mrs. Kwon.

"still busy?" Jimin patiently waits for her to get fully gain her consciousness.

"still... I just wanna have one full free day." Minjeong sighs, finally stands up and does a few stretches. She's contemplating whether she should do her workout or not since Jimin is here and she's embarrassed to do it.

"we have nothing today." Jimin sits on the couch. "I can give you a ride somewhere."

"let me see what I have for today." Minjeong takes a seat again. She looks at her phone, using the last percent of her battery to briefly checks her schedules. "Sunday... two cancelled the appointment, one in the evening, gotta review the case, and... that's it." she repeated the schedules to herself.

"that's less busy, right?" Jimin asked, somehow feeling a little ignored.

"yeah, pretty much." Minjeong locked her phone and proceeds to stare at the TV.

Thinking about it, Minjeong realized that this is what she's supposed to be doing with her late family instead of getting busy outside, meeting with clients, and taking care of her father's company on the spot. She's more than capable to let someone handle her company back then, but, she refused to trust anyone with it.

"your coffee." Jimin grabs the cup for her.

"thank you." Minjeong snapped out of her thoughts, taking a sip of the coffee. "should we go somewhere today?"

"I want MacDonald's." Gunhoo looks back.

"we'll go there." Minjeong pats his head. "where else do you wanna go?"

"I want to watch movies at home with mommy and Mrs. Kim." Gunhoo stands up and faces the two adults. "can we make blanket forts?"

"I think that's better." Minjeong responded. Going out is not really her favorite thing to do on her free day anyway.



A lot of effort was needed to build a blanket fort for the little boy. It took them two hours of full work to set everything up including making the room darker. Gunhoo's request, by the way.

"do you like it already?" Minjeong put her hands on her waist, looking at the fort.

"I love it, Mrs. Kim, mom." Gunhoo shows his gratitude by hugging both of them. "I wanna see Baymax."

"let's go watch that." Jimin gets inside the fort and sits on the mattress made out of bed covers and sofa pillows.

Minjeong joins in after Gunhoo goes in. she sits beside Jimin who's looking for the movie.

"I forgot the snacks." Jimin looks at Minjeong.

"I'll get them." Minjeong crawls out then looks back inside.

"it's in the cabinet." Jimin informed.

Soon enough, Minjeong comes back with some bags of snacks, two cans of beers, and a couple of juice box for Gunhoo.

"really?" Jimin raised an eyebrow, looking at Minjeong.

"well, it's a drink." Minjeong chuckles. "let's just watch it."


After a few episodes of a kids' series, Gunhoo fell asleep on Minjeong's arm. Jimin noticed that Minjeong is looking at him lovingly, just like a parent to their child.

"can I get him to bed?" Minjeong asked the mother.

"sure." Jimin replied as she cleans up the fort.

Minjeong carefully carried Gunhoo to this room. she lowers him slowly and put his blanket on.

"do you think he'll wake up in the morning or in the-"

"middle of the night." Jimin replied before Minjeong finishes her sentence. "It's still seven. He'll probably wake up at one or two." She added.

"man..." Minjeong walks out of his room and sits inside the fort. "you think we can continue?"

Jimin goes in, joining her. she takes the remote and changes the movie so it's more suitable for them.

"I guess that's a yes." Minjeong shrugs and lies on her back, placing both of her arms behind her head for support.

"I gotta catch up on this series." Jimin lies on her back as well as the show starts playing.

"your house, your rules." Minjeong just follows along. She's not a fan of rom-com, which is what they're watching right now.

Along the episodes, Minjeong patiently listens to Jimin's rants. She can't help but to take glances at Jimin, getting interested in her.

"I'm glad that she ended up with him. don't you think so?" Jimin looks at Minjeong. Turns out she's already looking at her. "well, the other one is rich but crazy about his work. I hate that." she looks away, continues to watch the show. "look at him. handsome, rich, great at doing his job, yet so selfish and arrogant. He doesn't even look at his wife and kids."

Minjeong feels like she's been struck by arrows of facts, right to her heart and brain. She used to be like that and she hates it.

"he works hard for them. I admit that he's wrong and he'll regret it later on, but, he did it all for his family." Minjeong lets out a long sigh.

"but still... family comes first." Jimin looks back at her sharply. She then leans closer and squinted her eyes. "tell me you're not the type that does that."

"does what?" Minjeong leans back a little.

"family first, right?" Jimin put a little pressure on her.

"y-yeah. Family first." Minjeong looks down as her guilt comes back. "so, wealth is not important to you?"

"of course, it's important. Even so, you have to think about who you work for. Mom, dad, kids, maybe your friends. That should be the reason for your hard work." Jimin smiles lightly. "for me it's Gunhoo."

"I know." Minjeong looks at her. "good for you."

"I don't know who or what gets you going with all those work that you do, but, don't forget them." Jimin pats her lap for comfort.

"I'll get some drink." Minjeong gets out of the fort. "you can watch it."

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