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"well, then... we gotta keep quiet."

Jimin goes on top of Minjeong, starts kissing her aggressively. Maybe because she wants to express all the longing that she felt to the fullest, she's getting eager.

"I like those bites." Minjeong said after feeling the little bites that she gave her. "you should do it more often from now."

"shut up." Jimin sits on her waist, grinding on Minjeong's appendage as she takes off all of her top clothing. Feeling Minjeong's hardened shaft is already arousing for her.

Minjeong grabs Jimin's waist, watching her feeling herself. As her dick grows, the contact with Jimin's private parts got more intense. They haven't even got to the best part, yet both of them are already on the edge.

"I wanna feel you." Jimin looks down at her.

Minjeong obeyed, hurriedly taking off all of her clothes. Jimin too, starts taking off her shorts and panties. Jimin continues to ride on Minjeong, making sure to lubricate the whole length.

"you still... feel so good..." Minjeong pants as she gets aroused even more. Quickly, she flips them around, making her on top.

"aren't you still tired?" Jimin caressed her cheek as well as wiping some sweat that starts to show up.

"I will never get tired of this..." Minjeong continues to slide her shaft up and down her folds. "or from this activity." She still got time to smirk, teasing her partner.

"such a naughty girl." Jimin rolled her eyes playfully.

Minjeong lowers herself, supporting herself with her elbows and slides her forearms under Jimin's shoulder. It's not hard to find the entrance since the situation down there is already slick and wet.

Jimin lets out a low moan when Minjeong's tip starts to make its way inside. Soon, half of the shaft follows. There's no better view than Jimin's pleased expression right now. Jimin shuts her eyes, enjoying the feeling of Minjeong penetrating her.

"I'm not even fully in, babe." Minjeong stifles after feeling Jimin's nails dragging on her back. she bites her bottom lip as she tries to slide in even more.

"oh, God..." Jimin then covers her mouth with her hand, wrapping her legs around Minjeong's lower waist, begging for her to go deeper.

"we should keep quiet, you said." Minjeong teased as she pulls out slightly, then pushes it back in as hard as she can.

Jimin can feel the pulse on her cervix. No matter how many times they did this, it'll always feel like the first time. Jimin grabs Minjeong's hand with her free hand, intertwining them. Minjeong removes Jimin's hand that's covering her mouth. Before any sound can escape, Minjeong put her lips on hers.

"let's try this again." Minjeong said as she keeps the pace constant, going a little faster than before.

Jimin's legs give up on her. it spreads open like a book, only to let Minjeong reach deeper into her womb. Jimin is dying to scream out of pleasure. The only thing she can do to hold it in is to grab on Minjeong's back and bury her face on her neck. Minjeong adjusted her position so both of them can be comfortable.

On the other hand, Minjeong is struggling to keep herself from exploding. Minjeong bites on Jimin's shoulder lightly and at the same time, Jimin takes her chance to bite on Minjeong's neck. Minjeong lets out a moan when she felt suction on her neck. Not once, not twice, Jimin marks her on very place she can reach.

"oh, fuck." Jimin slams her head on the pillow. "baby... harder."

Minjeong uses all her energy to thrust harder, hitting her spot as best as she can to pleasure her girlfriend. She doesn't care how long she has to do this, as long as Jimin is pleased.

"ride me, Minjeong. I want you to ride through it." Jimin is still at her peak. She didn't tell Minjeong that she's already done just because she doesn't want her to stop. She might sound selfish, but either way, she knows that Minjeong enjoys it as well.

With the tightness that Jimin provides, she clamps Minjeong's girth, massaging it with perfect pressure. 'Fuck it' Minjeong thought to herself. She picks up the pace, thinking of herself. Minjeong really wants to get off right now.

"I love you, Jimin." Minjeong said as she sprays her seeds inside the girl she loves the most. Her lower body got tense as she feels the loads keeps coming out. Jimin never fails to satisfy her in any aspect and it only makes Minjeong adores her even more.

"do you want another?" Jimin offered while Minjeong is still gaining back her soul. She embraces her, caressing her head that's now on her chest.

"I mean, if I could." Minjeong's voice got muffled.

Minjeong pulls out slowly, then moves to lie beside Jimin. She stares at the ceiling, feeling a deep euphoria from the event. She forgot how good the sex is with Jimin.

"do you miss that?" Jimin scoots over to lean on Minjeong's shoulder. Minjeong accepted her by using her arm as a pillow for her.

"abso-fucking-lutely." Minjeong stifles, looking at her. "this is the best night."

"you're amazing, as always." Jimin closed her eyes, snuggling into Minjeong comfortably. "I love you, Minjeong."


As if last night is not enough for her, Jimin decided to take care of Minjeong's morning wood while she's still asleep. Little did she know, Minjeong is actually already awake, trying to loosen up the muscle down there.

"babe..." Minjeong moans. Her shaft is more sensitive in the morning.

"good morning." Jimin looks up, smiling at her. she then continues to shove the length into her mouth, up to her throat.

"amazing morning." Minjeong sigh in satisfaction. She put her hand on Jimin's head, guiding the pace. "can you take it, babe?"

Jimin just nods at her. then, Minjeong's waist jerks up as she comes on her mouth. Jimin pulls out slightly to make room for the juices. This is a great breakfast to start her day.

"mommy! Mama!"

The two immediately fix themselves, hiding under the blanket. They see Gunhoo on the door, dumbfounded at what he witnesses.

"Gunhoo? Let's go. You're gonna be- oh, shit." Chaewon quickly pulls Gunhoo away from the room. "forget everything you see. please." she said to him she then peeks inside the room. "at least lock the door. I'll take him to school. Bye guys."

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