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A few days has passed, everything goes back to normal. Minjeong and Jimin realized that there's no point in fighting about it.

"I'm gonna talk to her today."

Minjeong is at her office right now. she sighs after hearing that from Jimin. Looks like she can't really hold her back.

"okay." Minjeong massaged her temples. "good luck."

"I'm sorry."

"why? I respect your decision." Minjeong leans back on her chair. "let me know if she agreed."

"what if she didn't?"

"then she still needs you. just do what you want, it's okay."

Jimin hangs up the call and steps out of the elevator. yes, she noticed how stressed the CEO is, but, she's ready to move to a 'better' place.

"excuse me, ma'am." Jimin walked in.

"what's up?" Ryujin looks up, noticing that she has a folder in her hand. "what's that?"

"I'm really sorry, ma'am. I really thank you for your generosity for these past of, now, six months. I really appreciate it. this is a hard decision for me." Jimin places the folder on her desk. "I'd like to resign from this company."

Ryujin doesn't bother to read the supposed letter. She stares at Jimin with no expression.

"are you really gonna do this?" Ryujin doesn't look away one bit. "just because I didn't listen to you?"

"no, ma'am." Jimin is scared.

"I did listen to you. I don't give a shit about your relationship with Minjeong because you're my best employee. I have a soft spot for you, don't you get it?" Ryujin stated. "I thought you trust me, just like you said that day at the meeting. This loss that we're having is normal, right? you agreed!"

"I'm really sorry, ma'am." Jimin looks down.

"just go. I'll give you your last pay." Ryujin sighs.

"it's okay, ma'am. You don't have to." Jimin politely refused.

"shut up and leave."


Jimin sits on the couch, waiting for Minjeong to finish her work.

"I already took care of your investment in Cam's Icon. I hope it brings us a lot of profit."

"thanks, Rachel. So, Isa won't be coming here anymore?" Minjeong made sure.

"Mr. Camelot confirmed it the other day, ma'am. She's handling the store." Rachel smiles at her.

"I'm glad." Minjeong stood up and goes to her girlfriend. She sits beside her, noticing Jimin's worried face. "how's it going?"

"now, I feel guilty." Jimin pouts, looking at Minjeong. "you think I did the right thing?"

"you wanna be better. You're right for that." Minjeong holds her hand. "next week, you can start working on at the store."

"I still have to apply formally." Jimin tilts her head, getting confused.

"James called me. you can go straight to work." Minjeong ruffles her hair gently. "I'll take you there on your first day, okay?"


Minjeong goes to a restaurant where she and Ryujin were planning to meet. Ryujin called her just before she's about to go home.

"hey, Jeong." Ryujin greeted as she poured herself some wine. "you didn't fight with Jimin, did you?"

"no, why?" Minjeong takes a seat and orders something non-alcoholic.

"then why did she resign? I thought you guys broke up or something." Ryujin sighs.

"that's as long as I can hold her. I'm sorry." Minjeong purses her lips.

"nah, that's okay." Ryujin sips her drink. "she must've gotten a better offer."

"how did you know?" Minjeong furrowed her eyebrows.

"that's what happened in business, bestie. Either she holds a grudge towards me or she got a better job offer." Ryujin just smiles at her. "so, where is it?"

"Cam's Icon. You remember Isa, right?" Minjeong noticed Ryujin's nods. "her dad owns it."

"oh, you mean, James? I've heard about him." Ryujin shrugs. "what's his offer?"

"sales manager, six grand per month, average working hour." Minjeong briefly explained.

"that's too good. No wonder she's eager to take it." Ryujin takes another sip. "don't you think so?"

"I was surprised as well. I just think that James is that generous, especially that he and my dad knows each other very well." Minjeong didn't think much of it.

"and Jimin is a great person. She's been a big help to my company. I feel bad for being harsh on her today." Ryujin added.

"did you shout at her?" Minjeong furrowed her eyebrows.

"no... well, a little stern, maybe." Ryujin averted her gaze somewhere. "I cuss a little."

"I know you didn't mean it." Minjeong understands her state. "just go home. This isn't good either. Can you really plan for your company in this state?"

"yeah, yeah. Yeji said the same thing. Yuna can't see me like this. at least I have time to look sober once I'm home."

"I thought you left your habit at high school." Minjeong chuckles. "just come to me whenever you feel stressed out. you don't have to drink like this."

"do you even realize how busy you are?" Ryujin scoffed. "you clearly have a son right now."

"oh, you wanna brought that up? you keep hiding things from Yeji. Talk to her, dude. She can help you. you also have a daughter. Don't make me think that you're an ungrateful person." Minjeong advised.

"oh, shut up. her projects are already a burden for her. why should I add mine?" Ryujin rolled her eyes.

"because you're supposed to be in each other's side...?" Minjeong raised an eyebrow. "don't you want her to share her struggles with you so you can help her as well?"

"yeah... I think so. We vowed to each other." Ryujin pressed a smile. "order some more. It's on me."

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