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Finally, Minjeong has nothing today. No schedules for a case, no meetings, and no school.

"where are you going today?" Chaewon noticed Minjeong sitting on the couch watching TV.

"been thinking of what Ryujin said. I emptied my schedules today." Minjeong tried to relax herself by watching something. Of course, it's not something light. She casually watches a documentary.

"you can't get your brain to rest, can you?" Chaewon chuckles.

"you know I love watching them, Chae." Minjeong stifles. "any plan for tonight?"

"nope." Chaewon sits beside her. "don't tell me you already thinking about work."

"I'm a little anxious. I'm trying to stay calm, okay?"

Then, Minjeong heard her phone rings. The ringtone is so loud that they both jumps a little.

"it's Ryujin." Minjeong sighs and picks it up. "hey."

"come to the amusement park. They have a night market right outside. I'm with my family."

"suddenly?" Minjeong raised an eyebrow.

"I know you only stay at home with your boring documentary shit. Just come here. Yuna misses you." Ryujin then hangs up the call.

"what is it?"

"there's a night market at the amusement park. Wanna come along?" Minjeong informed then asked her sister.

"yes!" Chaewon cheered. "go get ready. Please, wear something decent."

"I always wear something decent." Minjeong said to herself then goes to her bedroom.


The two arrived at the amusement park. Minjeong turns off the car and checks herself in the mirror.

"you can just wear the flannel. What's that Einstein shirt doing?" Chaewon tugged Minjeong's inner shirt.

"I like this shirt." Minjeong pouts, looking at herself.

"alright, alright. I'm just giving you an advice." Chaewon then walks out of the car.

Minjeong and Chaewon can already see the market entrance. Minjeong takes her phone, wanting to call Ryujin so they can meet.

"Jeong... there's Korean food." Chaewon drags her to the stall while Minjeong is still trying to contact Ryujin.

"go buy whatever you like." Minjeong said to her, then, Ryujin picked up the call. "where are you?"

"I think I'm at the very back. if you see a trampoline, I'm there."


Minjeong hangs up the call and pay attention to Chaewon who's currently ordering some Korean street food.

"you should try this." Chaewon shoves a thick sausage into Minjeong's mouth.

"that's still hot." Minjeong said after taking a bite. "Ryujin is inside. Let's go."

"it's good, right?" Chaewon follows her further into the market. "we should go out more often."

"then, I should have more free time. which is almost impossible." Minjeong responded as she looks around.

"oh my god! they have cotton candies!" Chaewon squealed. She then drags Minjeong again to go there.

"can you slow down? there are people on the way." Minjeong just let her be. Though she's older, Minjeong understands the childish trait of her.

"c'mon, have some fun!" Chaewon nudged her arm as she grabs the cotton candy and pays for it.

After some time walking around, finally, Minjeong noticed Ryujin and her family in front of a food stall. The two approach the family with a smile.

"finally!" Ryujin greeted, giving her a hug. "you get out of your apartment for once."

"hi, aunt Minjeong and Chaewon!" Yuna, the nine years old daughter, greeted her as well. "going here makes me miss Chaemin."

"sweetie..." the mother, Yeji, rubs Yuna's back. "I'm sorry."

"it's okay. I miss her too." Minjeong just smiles at her.

"let's not ruin the fun." Ryujin wraps her arm around Minjeong then looks at Chaewon. "you're okay with my wife, right?"

"sure. you both go ahead and have fun." Chaewon responded, walking closer to Yeji and Yuna.

Ryujin then takes Minjeong around the market. Other than casually talking and joking around, they also buys some snacks to munch on.

"I know, right? I can't possibly let her do that." Ryujin ended her rant about Yeji. "what about you? you must need someone else other than your sister."

"I'm not planning on having someone else after Chaehyun." Minjeong replied after taking a bite of her churros. "don't mention anything about my client."

"I was about to give you an idea." Ryujin looks away. "alright, then. let's go to the shooting game. Get something for your sister."

The two walks towards the booth. Ryujin then paid for the two of them and they starts playing. They're having fun so far.

"mommy, I want that bunny!" a little girl approached the booth and points at a stuffed bunny that's hanging on top f the booth as a present.

Minjeong noticed this and looks at Ryujin. She then places another bill to play again.

"how much for that doll?" Minjeong asked.

"you have to hit at least eight." The man behind the booth replied.

"okay." Minjeong then starts playing again, wanting to give the bunny to the girl. lucky her, she got eight out of ten.

"aw..." the girl sulks, looking at her mother.

"this is for you." Minjeong gave the bunny to the girl. she then looks at the mother. "have a good night, ma'am."

"thank you so much. we've stop by this booth for like the fourth times today."

"no problem."

Minjeong then continues to walk around with Ryujin.

"you are very nice." Ryujin commented. "buy something for Yuna too. she's in that age."

"you wish." Minjeong stifles. "it's late. We should go back. call your wife."

While Ryujin is calling Yeji, Minjeong takes the opportunity to check her phone. there are many notifications from her clients, other lawyers, and the orphanage that she owns.

"watch out!" 

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