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Chaewon caught Minjeong "locking" herself in her room for about three weeks now. sure, she started to gain more clients, but another thing that she gained is stress.

"Jeong... you'll die if you keep working like that." Chaewon said after she walked into Minjeong's room.

"I have to keep up with what I've lost." Minjeong responded without looking at her.

"I know but this is not healthy anymore." Chaewon goes to sit on the bed.

"I'm okay right now. this is my focused state." Minjeong replied, again, not looking up.

"how many clients do you have by now?" Chaewon folds her arms.

"five. I won't take more." Minjeong looks at her. "I'll work on them and I'll get a rest."

"when will you finish those cases? I'm guessing a year minimum." Chaewon sighs. "okay, then, sis. Good luck."


Finishing her research, Minjeong gets on her bed and checks her phone. turns out, she got a few missed calls from Mrs. Kwon. Since she put her phone in vibrate, she has no idea that it rang the whole afternoon. Seeing that it's too late to call back, she planned to just call her back tomorrow.

"Jeong..." Chaewon called after she walked in. "I'm going out with my friends."

"where?" Minjeong asked.

"mall. We're gonna watch a movie." Chaewon smiles a little. "there's a new biography coming out. but we're not watching that."

"biography?" Minjeong sits up. "shit." She cursed, missing the feeling of watching her favorite movie in the theatre.

"be fast if you wanna come along." Chaewon smirks and stifles, seeing her little sister gets intrigued.


Minjeong ended up watching the movie that Chaewon talked about. She enjoys the movie with a bag of popcorn on her lap. Once the movie is over, Minjeong walks out of the theatre and waits for Chaewon.

"where you going after this?" Chaewon showed up, asking her. her friends are waiting for her.

"I don't know. I'll wait for you, maybe. I wanna check out the bookstore." Minjeong informed.

"okay, then. I'll call you when I'm done."

With that, the sisters part ways. Minjeong casually walks through the mall, just taking her time enjoying the walk. she walks into the store, going straight to the biography section.

"I've read that... and that... that too..." Minjeong sighs, finding no new book on the racks.

"may I help you, miss?" a woman noticed her.

"do you have some new books from this section?" Minjeong asked.

"all the newest books that we have are all displayed at the front, miss. Let me take you there." The woman walks ahead, guiding Minjeong.

When Minjeong follows her, she noticed someone familiar standing in the cooking isle.

"can you show me where should I go instead? I'm about to check another section." Minjeong stopped the woman.

"absolutely, miss. All you have to do is go a little bit to the right and go straight. You'll see a bunch of new books on the display." The woman smiles kindly.

"thank you." Minjeong then heads to the cooking section, approaching the person. "hey, Jimin."

"yes?" Jimin turns her head, facing Minjeong. "oh, Minjeong. how's everything going?" She asked with a light smile.

"it's getting stressful again. I don't know if I should be grateful or suffer." Minjeong chuckles. "you?"

"I'm way better than before. My job paid me good, Gunhoo made a few friends, I'm no longer struggling, basically." Jimin replied. "are you looking for something?"

"just looking around. If I found something, I'd buy it." Minjeong shrugs. She then looks over to the racks. "oh, they still made this." she grabs one book and shows it to Jimin.

"you cook?" Jimin asked.

"no." Minjeong stares at the book. "my wife used to buy these cooking recipes books."

"used to? Is she okay?" Jimin furrowed her eyebrows.

"she's... we're not together anymore." Minjeong decided to just avoid the question. "anyway, can I give you a company?"

"sure, thing. If you're not busy." Jimin stifles. "maybe, you have a recommendation on some kids books for Gunhoo as well."


"... and then I just hide in the bathroom!"

Jimin listens to Minjeong's story, laughing along with her. they ended up having some ice cream at the food court and just hang out there.

"I didn't think you'd be scared of bugs." Jimin commented.

"I mean, they fly! That's terrifying." Minjeong chuckles. "do you have anything to do after this?"

"I got all I need. Thank you for accompanying me." Jimin smiles at her. she then checks her phone and calls someone. "hey, Becca. I wanna check on Gunhoo. Oh, he's asleep? That's very nice of you. I'll be there soon, okay? bye!"

"Rebecca Smith? That's Charlie's mom. He's a great kid. I'm glad." Minjeong commented.

"he is. they're closer than ever after Gunhoo helped him facing the bullies." Jimin proudly informed.

"so, that's what he talked about that day." Minjeong said under her breath. Well, loud enough for Jimin to hear.

"he told you? first?" Jimin looks straight at her.

"I don't know..? maybe???" Minjeong raised her shoulders.

"of course, he did." Jimin sighs. "well, I'm proud of him either way."

"let's go pick him up." Minjeong smiles warmly at her. "I'll drive, of course."

"suddenly? You're too nice to me by now." Jimin is getting suspicious, squinting her eyes.

"being a single mom is hard. Let me give you a hand and let's surprise your kid. He'll be happy to see me." Minjeong raised her chin in a cocky manner.

"that's annoying, what you just did there." Jimin rolled her eyes. "fine, let's go."

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