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First day on the job, Jimin is excited because Minjeong is with her. she thought that Minjeong will only drop her off. Turns out, she walks with her through the back door until they're in the store.

"can I stay a bit longer?" Minjeong can't let go of her hand.

"but you can't see me anyway." Jimin chuckles. "I'll see you at home, okay?"


Minjeong watches her walks away. Thinking that she doesn't have anything important today, she decided to enter the store from the front entrance.

"welcome to Cam's Icon!" most of the employees greeted, including Jimin.

Minjeong stifles after seeing her. then, a young woman approached her.

"good morning, miss. I'm Kim at your service. May I help you with something, miss? Perhaps you can tell me what you're looking for." She politely offered.

"I just wanna look around. Probably need a new piece for my outfit." Minjeong had another purpose. After investing, she wants to know more about the services and products. So far, it's satisfying.

After following Kim's guidance for minutes, also looking for something to buy, someone tapped Minjeong's shoulder. She turned around and found Isa standing there with an ipad in her hand.

"do you like the service?" Isa asked.

"I love it. you did great." Minjeong smiles at her. meanwhile, Kim is slowly walking away from them. "did you train them?"

"I taught them the basics. We have a short brief every morning to review what we have to do." Isa said as they walk around together. "since Jimin is new, she doesn't know it yet."

"is there anything she needs to know?" Minjeong asked casually.

"there's a misunderstanding about the schedule." Isa turns to her. "I'm really sorry that you found out late."

"what about it?"

"managers and supervisors will have a full time here. They need to stay until the store closes." Isa purses her lips. "I hope you don't mind."

"me? you should've told her." Minjeong almost raised her voice. She knew that the offer is too good to be true. There's no way that there's no twist in this job. "you have to tell her."

"of course, I will tell her. my dad was too excited that he forgot to explain it to her."

"this is why we always need a contract. As much as I respect your dad, this is a bit too much."

Isa just walks first, leading Minjeong to her office on the third floor. Minjeong enters the office after her and takes a seat.

"here's the contract that we have with the managers and supervisors." Isa lets out a paper.

Minjeong reads it carefully, taking her time understanding the contract.

"my dad said that he gave her the contract and time to think. I thought she read it already." Isa explained again.

"clearly, she doesn't read the working hour part." Minjeong is a little pissed. "she has a son, you know that?"

"she's not the only one having a family, Minjeong." Isa can only sigh. "I'll talk to her, okay?"

"excuse me."

The two instantly turn their head towards the door. Standing there, Jimin with a confused face.

"yes?" Isa looks at her with a light smile.

Minjeong looks down, fiddling with her fingers. Jimin walks in hesitantly, glancing at Minjeong once in a while.

"I just heard from the other manager that we're going to work until the store closes. I haven't been informed with it." Jimin stated.

"we're just talking about it. my dad already gave you the contract, right?" Isa made sure.

"yes. it said I'm going to work from 9AM to 5PM." Jimin informed.

"there must be a mistake. That's the contract for a clerk on morning shift." Isa furrowed her eyebrows and quickly checks her monitor. "right..."

"so?" Minjeong chimed in.

"I think my dad gave you the wrong contract." Isa looks up at her. "I'm really sorry. Let me give you the right contract."

"oh, it's okay. if it's only the time, I can manage." Jimin politely refused, thinking that she's already started her job as a sales manager.

"give her the new contract." Minjeong sighs. "I work with laws. I know how this small problem can affect many things in the future."

"I understand. Once again, I'm really sorry." Isa quickly takes care of the paperwork and prints it. "here."

Minjeong stood up and ask Jimin to sit down. Jimin takes the seat and reads the contract properly.

"I'm glad you came sooner. You have to address these kinda things immediately, okay?" Minjeong said to her.

"thank you, miss. I'll do my best." Jimin stands up and bows a little.

Minjeong smiles sweetly at her as she walks out of the room.

"she's smart." Minjeong takes a seat again. "sadly, she's too kind. I like her ambitious trait, though."

"you love her that much, huh?" Isa chuckles, teasing her a little.

"I do, yeah." Minjeong smiles to herself. "hey, I'm looking forward to this business. I invested a lot."

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