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Minjeong stands before the altar of a small chapel. The celebrant is ready to start the ceremony. With Yujin, Ryujin, Jeonghan, and Mingyu, as Minjeong's bridesmaid. As for Jimin's, Chaewon, Yeji, Jennifer, and Giselle as her bridesmaids.

Minjeong and Jimin agreed to only invited people who are important to their life like, Han, Namjoon, Isa, Eric, Rachel, and Soohyun and his family. It's fortunate that they can attend the ceremony.

Minjeong nervously waits, tidying up her suit, making sure that everything is perfect. Though it's her second wedding, she forgot how it feels to experience it.

Then, a song comes on. Minjeong's heart raced like crazy, knowing that it's time for Jimin to enter the chapel. Her eyes are glued to the entrance, waiting for the love of her life to show up.

Soon, the door opened, revealing Jimin with a bouquet of white flowers. Minjeong feels like she's falling for her all over again. With Jimin's wonderful dress and a long veil hanging on her hair, her beauty for Minjeong is unbeatable.

Jimin walks down the aisle, followed by Gunhoo and Alice as flower children. Just like the flowers' petals that spreads along the aisle, Minjeong's chest is filled with endless blooming flowers in a field.

The two are finally standing face to face, holding each other's hands. Jimin can't express her happiness well enough. She's finally living her dream to marry someone who she truly love and loves her unconditionally. She tried as best as she can to not shed a tear, afraid that it'll ruin the makeup.

"family and friends, welcome. I'm Joe Davidson and I'm an authorized marriage celebrant. With a happy heart, I am welcoming you all to celebrate the love of Yu Jimin and Kim Minjeong on one of the most exciting days of their life."

The celebrant proceeds to tell their story for the opening of the ceremony. From how they met, how Minjeong is attracted to Jimin and how Jimin accepted Minjeong as the part of her life, to all the obstacles that they faced to only make their love stronger than ever.

After exchanging the 'I do's the celebrant lets them read their vows. He steps aside and give them the spotlight.

"we have been through a lot of ups and downs in our life. Today I am the happiest woman on the planet earth to be able to celebrate your dream to be married. You are the strongest woman, also a mother, for me and Gunhoo. You helped me in many ways, to keep my life intact. Even though I see you almost every day, I will never get tired of your personality, behaviours, advices, your supporting words and, sometimes nags. I know I'm not a perfect person, but, I will try my best to be the person you wanted." Minjeong heard some laughs. "I can't wait for us to continue our life together as a legal loving couple and I promise to love you unconditionally, no matter how hard or easy it's gonna be. I promise to always protect you and Gunhoo, be your 'one call away' person, and I promise to support you in any way possible. I promise to bring you all the happiness in the world and spend my old days with you, till death do us part." Minjeong finally looks up at Jimin who's already sobbing silently, wiping her tears carefully as she goes.

"the first time I met you, I never imagined that you'll be the special person my life. I used to think that you're nice and kind to everyone, especially widows." The guests laughs at the statement. "but, I thought wrong. You're the only person with a sincere heart, who's willing to sacrifice your life for me, and I'm grateful to have you in my life. You helped me through a lot of my hard times and I can't be thankful enough for that. you are also a great parent for Gunhoo, my most precious son. You're able to accept me as I am, without questioning or doubting my love for you, as you want nothing in return, but, for me to accept your love. which I already do." Jimin chuckles. "I love you to Andromeda and back. I promise to you, that I will be the first to greet you in the morning and kiss you goodnight, I promise to cook a lot of your favorite food, and I promise to give you all the love you deserve. I promise to support you in any of your smart and stupid decision, to scold you if you missed your meal and or overworked yourself. I promise to be there for you when you're sick and healthy, in happiness and sadness, in ups and downs. I promise to stay true and loyal to you, give my all to you, and spend my old days with you, till death do us part." Jimin ended her vows, looking up at Minjeong. She noticed her red eyes and snot running down her nose. Jimin can only laugh at her, which makes Minjeong laughs along.

After the celebrant continues. It's time for the rings. Ryujin walks up to them and gives them the rings. With the guidance of the celebrant, the two successfully fits the rings on their fingers.

"I am now happy to declare, Minjeong and Jimin, to be wife and wife." A slight pause was given. "Minjeong, you may now kiss the bride."

The guests give them a big applauses and cheers as the newly-wed crashed their lips together, feeling each other passionately, even when everyone is watching. They finally pulled away, smiling at each other. Both of them are crying out of happiness in this moment.


The after party is held just outside the chapel. They set some tables and a little stage. Also, they provided the guest with varieties of food and drinks that they can enjoy.

"attention, please!"

Minjeong and Jimin who's sitting with Chaewon and Jennifer, looks at the stage. Standing there is Ryujin with a mic.

"she's always like that." Minjeong shook her head, but still stifles some laughs.

"I'm Ryujin, Minjeong's bestfriend, also married to the most beautiful girl in the world. I just wanna say that I'm proud of you, Jeong. I can't even handle one marriage and you got two. It must be hard for you to go through that. not the marriage part, of course, I mean the family problems, fights, and the differences between you two. Happy for you, man. Don't have a third one." Ryujin ended her speech.

"me! me!" Yujin also comes to the stage, taking the mic from Ryujin. "I'm Yujin, one of Minjeong's students. Not literally, but, she taught me a lot of stuff about being a good lawyer and a great mentor for me. it's an honour to help her, defending her in court. Also, I can see that she's a great parent for Gunhoo. You both look good together. Hope you have a great life ahead. Thanks, Mrs. Kim."

Minjeong smiles and gives them applause.

"they're getting along pretty well." Jimin commented at Ryujin and Yujin who sit at the same table. "Giselle looks a lot better. I'm glad she survived."

"yeah. I'd like my friends to know each other." She then looks at Chaewon. "you two have a plan?"

"I do." Jennifer replied.

"you do?" Chaewon looks at her. "you never plan for anything." she rolled her eyes playfully.

"I bet you're the one deciding things on daily basis." Minjeong said to Chaewon jokingly.

"I hate making plans, that's true." Jennifer responded. "Doesn't apply to when it comes to her."

"oh, shut up."

"wait, I need to go up there." Jimin said after sipping her water.

Jimin walked up to the stage and grabs the mic. after testing it and the guests are looking at her, she starts her speech.

"hi, guys. first of all, I'd like to thank you for coming here. Since my wife already made her speech, I thought that I should do one. I have an announcement actually." Jimin smiles at Minjeong. "I am currently... a month pregnant!"

"YES!!!" Minjeong jumped out of her seat excitedly, then runs towards Jimin to hug her.

The guests are cheering for them and give them applauses. Ryujin and Yujin walk up to Minjeong and hugs her tightly.

"I'm gonna be a brother!!!" Gunhoo runs to them as well, hugging his mother.

"bro, isn't this the best gift for your birthday?" Ryujin wrapped her arm around Minjeong's neck.

"this is the best day of my life, guys." Minjeong said to all of them as Ryujin holds the mic for her. "thank you all once again for being here, for me to share my happiness today. This is the happiest I've ever been and I'm happy that each one of you came to my life."

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