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Minjeong finally got the time to come to be with Jimin and Gunhoo. she's still at her law office though.

"I see that you don't have any schedule for the weekends." Giselle commented as she tidies up Minjeong's desk.

"thank god. I really need a rest." Minjeong can imagine being on the same bed as Jimin, cuddling, playing with Gunhoo, and all sort of things to do with them.

"you deserve it. for next week you'll have some new clients. You'll have to talk to them before taking their cases, so, I arranged some meetings with them." Giselle informed.

"okay, you can tell me about it another day." Minjeong sighs. "also, you can just go home. You don't need to fix my desk."

"I can't see something messy. Sorry." Giselle giggles. "alright, then. have a great weekend, ma'am."


Minjeong arrived at Ryujin's company, knowing that it's still Jimin's working hour. Han greets her upon entering the showroom.

"Jimin is right there, ma'am." Han smiles at her. "want anything to drink?"

"no, thank you. I'll just wait." Minjeong replied. "what about Ryujin?"

"she's in her office, ma'am."

And so, Minjeong goes to Ryujin's office since Jimin is still busy.

"bestfriend!!!" Ryujin stands up with her arms wide open. "I got you something." She hugged her for a brief moment.

"yeah? What is it?" Minjeong takes a seat on the couch.

"look." Ryujin took out a souvenir from her suitcase. "limited edition ship in a bottle. You got the details, real sand from a beach, and a little flag inside. All handmade."

"what's your 'limited' means? You got it from an auction?" Minjeong knows how Ryujin can sometimes be overboard with unique valuable things.

"they only made two. No one buys them so I did." Ryujin shrugs. "different model, by the way."

"thanks, I guess." Minjeong stifles. "how can you do that? this thing is not even useful."

"hey, you gotta spoil yourself sometimes. I didn't buy those kinds of things randomly. I look at their value. You know most of my shirts are from some thrift shop." Ryujin approached her with a glass of whiskey.

"yeah, yeah." Minjeong takes a sip of the drink. "anyway, I feel like I can take care of my company fully. Soohyun often left me with it."

"dude, he's just fed up with your shit." Ryujin chuckles. "when are you gonna get married again? You're fucking rich. Hire some people or something."

"I don't know. her ex came back." Minjeong sighs, taking another sip. "he's pretty determined."

"so?" Ryujin raised an eyebrow. "I'm sure you're better than him."

"oh, please, I know that. this isn't about me, though. It's all about Gunhoo. His right to choose." Minjeong shrugs. "I can only hope for the best. By that, I mean, he choose me."

After spending time chatting, it's finally time to go home for Jimin. Han informed her that Minjeong is already here. So, Jimin decided to call her.

"ready to go?" Jimin smiles to herself.

"you drive. Ryujin gave me a drink."


Minjeong and Ryujin show up at the lobby. The two greets Jimin with a smile.

"have a good night, Jimin. You don't have to come tomorrow and the next day." Ryujin informed. "oh, you're not getting fired. I allowed you to have a free weekend."

"I'm sorry, what?" Jimin knows very well that the weekends are the busiest days. She then looks at Minjeong who's smiling in a silly way.

"girlfriend's privilege." Ryujin rolled her eyes. "but still, you have to come on weekdays." She pointed her finger at her as a warning.

"thank you, ma'am. I appreciate it." Jimin bowed at her.

Entering Jimin's car, Minjeong makes herself comfortable since she's a little light headed.

"Mrs. Smith told me that she'll take Gunhoo to the apartment. she's waiting for me to come home with Charlie." Jimin informed.

"any texts from Jihoon?" Minjeong looks at her.

"I haven't checked. I don't care." Jimin shrugs.

"he usually came without telling you. what if he's already there?"


Minjeong and Jimin walks into the apartment lobby. She can see Gunhoo, Charlie, and Mrs. Smith playing together. Another thing, there's Jihoon. Minjeong expected him to be here.

"mama!" Gunhoo noticed the two and runs towards Minjeong. He gives her a tight hug.

"okay, you're strong." Minjeong chuckles, rubbing his head. she then looks at Jihoon.

"he said that he knows Gunhoo. You know it's inappropriate to leave a kid to a stranger." Mrs. Smith said as she stands up.

"thank you for taking care of him, ma'am." Minjeong said to her. "we'll take it from here." She then watches them leave the building.

"what are you doing here?" Jimin tried to be as nice as possible.

"I bought a ticket for a roller-skating rink. He said he wants to try it." Jihoon smiles a little.

"but I wanna spend time with mama." Gunhoo looks down, grabbing Minjeong's hand.

"your time is up. you already had the whole last week." Jimin stated.

"but I already paid for it." Jihoon frowned.

"I'm sorry." Gunhoo looks up at him.

"no need to be sorry, kid." Jihoon sighs. "I'll leave, then."

Minjeong feels sorry for him. she can see his sincere effort to spend time with Gunhoo.

"let's go." Jimin walks ahead. "what do you want for dinner?"

"anything is fine. whatever you make, I'll eat it." Minjeong winks.

"behave. There's a child here." Jimin nudged her arm.

"I want sausage." Gunhoo chimed in.

"oh, I'm sure your mom wants it too."

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