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Soon enough, the three of them enters Jimin's apartment. Surely, it's not as modern as Minjeong's apartment but it's still warm and homey.

"we only have two rooms." Jimin said as she tidies up the place, cleaning some messy clutters around the unit.

"the couch is fine." Minjeong responded, looking around the place. "you don't have to bother fixing up the place. you can rest, maybe."

"Mrs. Kim! Look at my books." Gunhoo runs to a bookcase beside the TV.

"you read all those?" Minjeong approaches him.

"mommy used to read them for me. now I can read them myself. those are mommy's books. It's not fair that she put it on the top racks." Gunhoo added.

"you studied language and communication? Marketing as well." Minjeong asked Jimin.

"yes." Jimin replied, preparing a drink for Minjeong. "do you need anything? blanket, pillows... or this place is too hot for you?"

"calm down, Jimin. I'm not that kind of person." Minjeong approached her. "do you need help with getting Gunhoo to bed?"

"no need. You can just... chill while I do that." Jimin walks over to the living area, placing a cup of warm tea on the coffee table.

"can I play with Mrs. Kim, mom?" Gunhoo looks up at his mom.

"Mrs. Kim needs to rest, dear." Jimin caressed his head. "you have school tomorrow as well. No more playing."

"listen to your mom." Minjeong sees him pouting after that. "let's go. I'm sure you don't wanna be late tomorrow."

"what about you?" Gunhoo asked as Minjeong walks with him to his room.

"I have a job. I'm sorry I can't come to school tomorrow." Minjeong sits on the bed after Gunhoo climbs up on it. "what do you do before sleep?"

"mommy just turns off the light and kiss my head." Gunhoo gets inside his blanket.

"close your eyes." Minjeong goes to turn off the light. She then sits back down on the bed and starts singing. "I love you... you love me... we're a happy family. With a great big heart and a kiss from me to you. won't you say you love me too." she then leans down to kiss Gunhoo's forehead.

Minjeong smiles at him who seems to be asleep in a short time. she carefully gets out of the room, making her moves as quiet as possible. Minjeong then meets with Jimin who's cleaning the unit. Throwing out trashes, washing dishes, wiping the counters, and some other things.

"is he asleep?" Jimin noticed Minjeong sitting on the couch.

"I believe he is." Minjeong takes a sip of her tea. "do you always clean up at night?"

"the only time I have." Jimin stifles. "then I can go to sleep."

"you must be struggling." Minjeong commented. "how long?"

"what?" Jimin asked back as she finished cleaning. "being a single mother?" she looks at Minjeong who seems to be waiting. "before Gunhoo was born. My ex didn't want to live in poverty though I'm the one working for everything."

"but you have improved. So, you didn't live here before?"

"no, I lived with my cousin. He helped me find this apartment and paid for it for about a year or two until I can make enough to live independently." Jimin smiles at her. "it's okay if you wanna sleep. I gotta take a shower."


Minjeong wakes up with a blanket over her. she doesn't remember sleeping with it.

"good morning, Mrs. Kim!" Gunhoo surprised her. "I'm ready for school."

"have a good sleep? you snore a little." Jimin giggles. "you're not coming to school, right?"

"I'll call an Uber." Minjeong then does a few stretches to loosen up the stiffness throughout her body.

"it's uncomfortable, isn't it?" Jimin asked.

"no, it's a habit. I'm getting old." Minjeong replied with a light chuckle. "gotta get these joints healthy."

"I see. you work with kids." Jimin then gives Gunhoo his bag. "let's go downstairs."


Minjeong looks at his phone. it's already dinner time and she's still with her client. Even though it's only been one day, she has a lot to catch up on her cases.

"I'll see what I can do, sir. I'm sure your daughter wants the same thing." Minjeong encouraged her client.

"thank you so much. I promise I'll pay as much as you deserve."

"don't sweat it, sir. I'm happy to help. Your daughter deserves something more."

Soon enough, their session ended. She gets out of the café that she's in and enters her car that's parked near it. she then opens up her sun visor and takes a polaroid of her and her family attached to it.

"it's so different without you." Minjeong takes a deep breath and let it out slowly. "I'm lonely here. I still can't forgive myself, love." She then noticed a tear runs down her cheek. She knows that everything that had happened is because of her own selfishness and arrogance.

Minjeong puts it back in the sun visor's pocket and starts driving. She drives slower than her usual pace to help her think about her life. So far, nothing is getting better or worse. She's just stuck at one place and no one can drag her out of her comfort zone.

Arriving at her apartment later than usual, Chaewon greeted her with worries in her eyes. Chaewon noticed some dried tears on her face, so, she helped her with her bag and coat.

"were you having a breakdown again?" Chaewon follows her, sitting beside her. "want me to call your therapist?"

"I'm fine. just a little drained. I haven't been there since... I don't know... since I feel better." Minjeong rests her back fully on the couch. "I just miss them."

"I know. I miss them too." Chaewon rubs Minjeong's shoulder to give the younger sister some comfort. "but I'm sure they want you to continue your live and find your happiness."

"I want that, Chae, I really do."

"you're doing great so far. you're just not satisfied with it for some reason." Chaewon shrugs.

"there's always something missing. If Chaehyun were here, I can share all my happiness with her. I would come home to their smiles and Chaemin would greet me with a hug like he used to."

"this isn't healthy. Everything is only a distraction. You have to be honest with yourself." Chaewon sighs. "have a rest."

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