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Minjeong is running around her father's office, playing with her babysitter. The seven years old girl is having a good time while her father.

"Jeongie..." the father called, not looking up from the documents on his desk. "your uncle is visiting."

"uncle Soohyun?" Minjeong runs up to his desk, tiptoeing to take a peek.

"yes." He looks at Minjeong. "fix your clothes. Your uncle is bringing his friend."


With that, Minjeong goes to her babysitter and sits on the couch, waiting patiently.


After school, Minjeong got taken to his father's company. instead of him, Minjeong found a girl playing with two dolls. She's also with a babysitter just like Minjeong herself.

"hello, friend." Minjeong kneels down, greeting the younger girl. "I'm Minjeong."

The girl just looks up, not saying anything. Minjeong is confused, thinking that she can't talk yet.

"hi, Minjeong." The babysitter replied instead. "wanna play together with Chae?"

While the two is getting to know each other, the fathers are having their private talk on the other room.

"I brought my daughter so we can relate to each other more. Also, both of our companies have a lot of potential."

"I know, James. That's why I want us to work together." Minjeong's father offered.

"well, since Soohyun is already succeeded, maybe I can give you a hand. Is your daughter gonna takeover?" James asked. "still a long way, am I right, Youngmin?"

 "still a long way, am I right, Youngmin?"

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"right. it's just... I want her to have it easier than me." Youngmin responded, as if begging, almost. "let's start our relationship as early as possible."

"if you wanna start this early, I should know what will I get. What's in it for me?" James shrugs.

"I'll leave that to my daughter. This company will be hers, anyway."

"what a great coincidence! Mine will be my daughter's too." James smiles at him. "it'd be great if our daughter could run the business together."

"yeah, we can do that. all it takes is a right timing." Youngmin is satisfied with the offer.

"let me focus on your brother first. He's dating my distant cousin. Hilarious." James stifles. "I'll mark your words."


Minjeong stood beside her father's casket. She can't believe that only two months after her family died in a car crash, God decided to take her father as well. Tears already runs out, the 23 years old Minjeong can only stare blankly at the lifeless body.

"dad! daddy!" Chaewon cries the hardest. Though she's not that close to him, he's still the best man in her life.

"everything will be okay, darling. He's already at peace. Shush..." the mother is busy calming the sister down, rubbing her back.

Minjeong left the funeral shortly, leaving her mother and sister behind. She goes back to her apartment, feeling empty. Decided to have her alone time, Minjeong sits on the couch, just looking straight at nothing.


Chaewon's voice echoed. She walks over to her little sister and sits beside her.

"stay with mom. I wanna be alone." Minjeong doesn't move her gaze one bit, as if her soul is slowly leaving her body.

"stay with us in the meantime." Chaewon grabs her hand.

"I still have a case to work on." Minjeong takes her hand back and stands up. "thank you for coming, though."

"I'll visit again later, okay?" Chaewon understands that Minjeong is not the type to share her feelings right away.

"don't bother. I won't be home."


Minjeong is at the company, catching up with what her father left her with. Based on what she's been observing, things are not getting better. She has no will or energy to deal with the business.

"Minjeong!" Soohyun barged into the office without a warning. "what on earth have you done!?"

"I'm doing my best here." Minjeong sighs.

"no you're not." Soohyun leans on her desk. "you lost a lot of your shareholders and dropped your worth up to twenty percent! Have you had any idea what that can do to our business?!"

Minjeong stays silent. She's well aware that it's all because of her.

"you gotta be here, Minjeong. Mind and heart. If you wanna keep crying about your dad or wife, then don't come here at all. we don't need those to run the company." Soohyun frustratingly scratch his head. "you don't even have the degree to work on this field. What the hell are you on?!"

"fine, then!" Minjeong banged the desk as she stands up. "I'll get out of here! I don't even wanna be here!"


"Minjeong? Hey." Jimin taps her arm.

The two of them, Chaewon, and Gunhoo are having dinner at a restaurant. Jimin noticed that Minjeong often zoned out at random times lately.

"oh, sorry. What is it?" Minjeong looks at them.

"Gunhoo needs new books and a lab coat. The coat is optional." Jimin repeated what she said.

"can I get the coat anyway?" Gunhoo looks up at her.

"I thought it's provided by the school." Minjeong furrowed her eyebrows.

"they are. The books as well. I'm just telling you. not asking for you to buy it." Jimin sighs. "you know what? nevermind."


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