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"mama! Mama! Mama!"

Minjeong got woken up by Gunhoo's voice. He's standing beside the bed, shaking her body harshly.

"what's up, bud?" Minjeong still has her eyes closed.

"I'm going out with Alice."

"you what?!" Minjeong shots her eyes open and sits up.

"since it's Sunday, she and uncle Jeonghan invited me to go picnic with them." Gunhoo explained.

"oh..." Minjeong lets out a deep breath. "are they gonna pick you up?"

"yes! mommy told them our address." Gunhoo excitedly told her. "you always wake up early. Can you stay with mommy today?"

"yes, sure, champ." Minjeong smiles at her. "where's she now?"

"making my lunchbox and snacks. I'm happy that she remembers my favorite food!" Gunhoo smiles brightly.

Minjeong just smiles back, feeling glad that Gunhoo can finally accept what happened and willing to be patient about the situation.

"I'm still sad that mommy forgets about you. I thought I will have a brother or sister." Gunhoo shrugs.

"I'm sorry."


While Gunhoo spends his time with Alice, Minjeong and Jimin are left alone with no idea what to do. since Minjeong allowed her to do anything, Jimin decided to watch her favorite series. Minjeong already watched it for fifty times, probably. They used to binge watch Jimin's favorite series in their free time.

"you'll hate this part. You always skipped it." Minjeong spoiled.

"don't spoil it." Jimin slapped her arm. "I haven't seen this episode."

"okay, okay." Minjeong chuckles. "what else are you gonna do? we have the whole day."

"shush..." Jimin leans forward getting immersed in the series. "you're fucking right, I hate that woman."

Minjeong stifles, realizing that even though her memories are hidden somewhere, Jimin is still the same. She doesn't change one bit.

"anyway, I don't know what I wanna do. maybe you have something you wanna show me?" Jimin looks at her.

"wanna go for a ride?"

With that, the two of them gets ready to have a ride for the day. Minjeong finally wears her casual clothes after a long time while Jimin is wearing her usual clothes that still looks pretty to Minjeong.

Minjeong starts the car as Jimin gets in the passenger side. Minjeong turns on the radio.

"you didn't connect it to your phone?" Jimin asked. "I can't do that with my car though."

"speaking of, we actually sold your old car." Minjeong informed.

"oh, that's why they told me about the driver. Eric, right?" Jimin looked at her.

"yep, that's him. unlike you, he's in a worst state. Still in hospital for recovery. His family were informed and I decided to helped them financially." Minjeong explained. "later, if you wanna start working again, I'll give you a new car and driver."

"no, no, no. you gotta stop doing that. I can grab an Uber, okay? you won't be attached to anyone." Jimin refused, grabbing her hand on the gear handle. "I don't know what I feel for you back then, but, I'm sure grateful was one of them."

"me too." Minjeong glanced at her. "I don't know what I'd do without you."

"I feel like we both were really important for each other." Jimin looks down as the guilty feelings starts creeping up.

"hey, it's okay. I'm willing to start all over again with you if no therapies worked. I don't wanna give up on us."

"welcome! To The Million Questions Show!!!"

Minjeong noticed the radio announced. She slightly turns the volume up, intending to show off her intelligence to Jimin, just like how she used to impress her.

The two listens to the show as Minjeong told her about her habit of answering the quiz correctly. Of course, Jimin is skeptical. Regardless, Minjeong managed to prove it to her.

"you probably remember all the questions. Are you for real?" though Jimin is impressed, she can't believe the fact that Minjeong is that smart. "you've heard them before, haven't you?"

"they always make new questions, Jimin." Minjeong stifles. "this is exactly what I showed you the first time we have a ride together."

"can't say I'm not impressed. No wonder you were a teacher." Jimin smiles at her. "is that why Gunhoo have been reading a lot when he doesn't have any homework?"

"he's always a reader. It's just that I often bought him new books and it seems that he read it all." Minjeong informed. "I feel like you don't have to worry about him. he's not hard to deal with."

"I know that. the problem is, right now, I can't remember anything about my life after I met you and your friends." Jimin brought it up again as she wants to remember everything for Minjeong. Not that she does it out of pity, but, she wants to have something with Minjeong as well, with true feelings, not because people told her that they were a couple. "the dreams that I have were also-"

Her words got cut off when Minjeong's phone rings. Minjeong looks at the screen and Sungmin's face showed up.

"Sungmin... I'm with Jimin right now." Minjeong said as soon as she picked up. "I'm driving. Can you call me later?"

Jimin looks at her worriedly, afraid that another accident might happen.

"yes, yes. I'll be there at six." Minjeong glanced at Jimin who's still looking at her. "we'll talk with Yujin as well. I'll give her a call."

"that's dangerous!" Jimin slapped her arm. "what were you thinking?! I just recovered and you just did that?"

"hey, I'm sorry." Minjeong glanced at her. "it's an important call."

"more important than our lives?" Jimin sulks looking away and folds her arms.

"I'm really sorry." Minjeong sighs and just continue to drive in silence.

"I bet you've done that a million times. Don't you know how scared I was? I can barely remember my accident but I'm still traumatized." Jimin looked at her. "please care about yourself. you haven't done that lately."

"I am taking care of myself." Minjeong furrowed her eyebrows, thinking that Jimin is paying attention to her.

"you always come home late, you skipped your dinner, you're always glued to your laptop and ignore everything around you. it feels like your mind is somewhere else. Do you ever have something to refresh yourself?" Jimin confronted her.

"I can't get it right now. the only thing that matters to me is you. so, I'm sorry if I'm not at my best."

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