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Minjeong is standing in front of the window, just looking at the road and cars on this busy morning.

"ah, I fell asleep."

Minjeong looks back at the fort, seeing Jimin crawling out of it. Jimin noticed her with a cup of coffee, having no idea if it's from last night or just this morning.

"don't bother. I called Ryujin so you can have a free day." Minjeong turns to face her. "I'll take Gunhoo to school."

"what am I gonna do, then?" Jimin is still processing everything. "you didn't sleep?"

"you can just... relax." Minjeong smiles to her eyes. "go back to sleep or something."


"nope." Minjeong walks towards her. "maybe you can tidy up the fort?" she giggles at the end.

"I'll return Gunhoo on time. don't worry, okay?" Minjeong pats her head a few times. "oh, I'll wake him up."

"you haven't slept. How can you drive?!" Jimin returns the gesture by slapping her arms a couple times.

"I'm awake!" Minjeong covered herself with her arms. "I'll drive safely."

"fine." Jimin pouts. "On. Time."


"why? You like her?"

Minjeong visited Ryujin today. Just for a brief chat.

"they're just like them." Minjeong sips her beer. "damn, I'm sleepy."

"take a nap. Han will wake you up." Ryujin suggested.

"how can I sleep for an hour?" Minjeong sighs frustratingly.

"you should be reading those cases, talk with your clients, and shit. Why are you here?" Ryujin furrowed her eyebrows.

"I'll fall asleep on my desk. I know that." Minjeong takes some gulps of her beer. "I have to pick him up on time."

"then what about your law stuff that you adore so much? it's like your own blood." Ryujin scoffed.

"I forgot I have an assistant. She has a lot of free time because I thought I need to handle those cases myself." Minjeong stifles. "she's back to working with me."

"oh, that girl? you're an asshole." Ryujin chuckles. "stop that beer. I'll get you something else."


Right on time, no, actually, Minjeong managed to arrive earlier. She gets out of her car and leans on it, waiting for the kids to be dismissed.

"they should be out, right about... now." Minjeong looked at her watch then looks up to the school's entrance. Moments after, the kids starts running out of the building, going to their parents.

"Mrs. Kim!" Gunhoo also runs towards her.

"hey, kid." Minjeong smiles at him. she then looks up to see Mrs. Kwon looking at her. Minjeong just holds up her hand to greet her, which makes the older woman smiles.

"can I get a sandwich?" Gunhoo asked, looking up at her.

"we'll go home. Okay?" Minjeong opens up the door for him. "we can eat together with your mom. It's good to have her around, right?"



"we're home!" Minjeong entered the apartment, takes off her shoes, and walks in with Gunhoo.

"have you guys eaten?" Jimin greeted them.

"awh... you cleaned up the fort." Gunhoo pouted, walking to the living area.

Minjeong sighs, watching the place being cleaned out properly. She can even smell something delicious from the dining area.

"you must be tired, huh?" Jimin kindly helps her with her coat. "I can finally cook a proper meal because of you. thank you."

"no biggie. That's what you're supposed to be doing, right? I mean, someone should help you, especially when you have a kid. He needs you as his mother." Minjeong smiles warmly.

"I feel like you're being sexist." Jimin squinted her eyes. "aren't you?"

"I'm not..." Minjeong raised an eyebrow. "I'm just saying." She added as she walks over to the dining table.

"I get it. I'm just kidding." Jimin chuckles. "Gunhoo! Let's eat!"


After the whole afternoon with Gunhoo and Jimin, Minjeong can finally relax herself on the couch.

"tea." Jimin placed a cup on the coffee table. "get you to sleep better."

"thank you." Minjeong looks at Jimin. "how's it? do you miss being a housewife?"

"well... I have a lot of free time. that's good." Jimin looks back at her. "why are you doing that?"

"I'm just being nice." Minjeong looks away. "too nice, maybe. You deserve it."

"I don't, Minjeong. I feel like I get too much help from you. if you're pitying me, then, I don't need that kind of help, okay? I'm doing great so far. On my own." Jimin sighs.

"are you?" Minjeong asked. "are you really doing fine?" she looks at her. "I know how hard it is to take care of a kid. It'd be harder if you know that the other parent is out there, leaving their family to suffer."

Jimin can't be mad. Gunhoo's father is still out there, indeed.

"I admit I feel sorry for you. but that's not my reason to do all this." Minjeong looks down and sighs. "you remind me of my family. I can't seem to forget about them."

"it's okay. I don't know what happened with them, but, I know it must be hard for you too." Jimin placed her hand on Minjeong's. "I'm sure you're a great mother and wife."

"I'm not. sadly."


"can't you pick him up? for once!" Chaehyun yelled at Minjeong on the phone.

"I have a client waiting on me! please, babe."

"I have a job too, Jeong. Can't you just delay that?" Chaehyun begged. "I have to work overtime."

"I really can't, babe. I'm sorry." Minjeong then hangs up the call.


"you should be glad I love you. you're such an ass sometimes." Chaehyun mumbles, still pissed off about Minjeong's behavior. "when are you gonna change, huh?"

Chaehyun arrived at Chaemin's school to pick him up. Chaemin gets in the car while sobbing.

"what happened, baby? Did they make fun of you again?" Chaehyun looks at him. "talk to me, dear."

"you said mommy will pick me up." Chaemin sulks.

"she's busy. I'm sorry." Chaehyun sighs as she starts driving.

Some time after that, Chaehyun got a call from her wife.

"are you on the road? I just finished." Minjeong informed. "I'll be home a little late."

"you're always like that. Chaemin got bullied again. You should come to school and talk about it." Chaehyun got a little frustrated. "he asked about you."

"I'll pick him up next time, okay? I'll talk to the teachers."

"that's what you always said. Can you stick to it for once?" Chaehyun groans. "at least, make time for us on the week-"

"mom! Watch out!"


Minjeong hissed, remembering their last moments. She does let them go, but, there are some things she needs to pay.

"are there some things you regret?" Jimin dared to ask.

"many." Minjeong purses her lips. "anyway, thanks for the tea. I should go."

"okay. have a good rest."

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