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Minjeong is sitting in the car, on the backseat, with Chaewon and Namjoon on the front. Minjeong opens her wallet and stares at the picture of her past wife and son. Seeing them gives her comfort and a little courage to face her day.

"you gained a lot of fans." Namjoon commented. "people are on your side."

"I'm glad." Minjeong keeps her wallet back in her pocket. "I just don't wanna be punished for something I didn't do."

"you're safe. I can assure you that."

"just pray, okay?" Chaewon chimed in.

"since when you became religious?" Minjeong chuckles.

"I'm not. I mean you have to have a hope." Chaewon huffs. "ignore everyone. Don't say anything to the reporters."

"as always."

They arrived at the courthouse, quickly enters their courtroom. While waiting for the guests to come and prepare for the trial, Minjeong and Namjoon are also talking about their possible responses in case Yeonjun's attorney asked them something.

"that's the point. You have no criminal record. They can't go against you. that's our last defends." Namjoon stated.

"well, I can be confident about that."

Minjeong wants to check on the people that come today. She looks back and smiles at her sister, which she smiles back. then, someone comes in. Ryujin, Yeji, and Yuna are rooting for her. Minjeong feels glad that they came, adding in some support.

"all rise!"

Minjeong averted her gaze forward, getting ready to start her trial.


"the court finds guilty, the defendant Choi Yeonjun of embezzlement, defamation, and misleading information. The court sentences the accused Choi Yeonjun served 5 years and five months in prison and $2.350.000 fine."

And so, the final trial ended. Minjeong can finally let out the biggest sigh in her life. Namjoon goes straight to hug her firmly.

"congratulation." Namjoon smiles at her. "I'm glad you decided to file it first."

"I couldn't do this without you, Joon. Thank you so much."

Minjeong and Namjoon goes outside and finds Ryujin and her family waiting for her.

"man, I'm proud of you." Ryujin gave her a big hug. "congrats. You can work again now."

"thank you."

While they're busy chatting, Minjeong got a glimpse of someone familiar. She jogs towards her and taps her shoulder.

"Jimin..." Minjeong watches her turns around.

"hey..." Jimin looks down, feeling embarrassed. "congratulation on winning the case."

"thank you, but, I'm sorry." Minjeong nervously bites her bottom lip. "I'm sorry that it has to go like this. he looks like a good man."

"forget it. he made a big mistake." Jimin pressed a little smile. "have a good day."


"Gunhoo? He's at his friend's house. I'm about to pick him up." Jimin got used to it. she has a feeling that the two will be inseparable if they spend more time with each other.

"oh, okay. have a good day as well." Minjeong doesn't want to bother her again. At least that's what she thinks about it.


Jimin arrived home after picking Gunhoo up from his friend's house. Gunhoo looks happy after hanging out with his friends. Usually, he'll be able to sleep faster tonight.

"mommy, how's uncle Yeonjun?" Gunhoo asked.

"he won't be hanging out with us again, dear. He's punished by the law." Jimin kindly explained. "remember, we shouldn't get involved with someone who do crimes. It'll make our life harder."

"did you meet Mrs. Kim?" Gunhoo asked again, sitting on the couch.

"I saw her, yes." Jimin walks over to him with a bowl of chips.

"was she getting in trouble too?" Gunhoo looks at his mother who sits beside him.

"no, she's not." Jimin caressed his head.

"does that mean I can see her again?" Gunhoo sounded excited.

"what for? She's not your teacher anymore, right?" Jimin furrowed her eyebrows.

"because I feel happy." Gunhoo turns to watch TV. "I'm not bored when Mrs. Kim take me to go around the city with her car."

"I'm jealous." Jimin joked around. But, deep down, it feels like she's losing time with her son. "what about me?"

"I'm happy with mommy too. if I want to play with you all day, you will be tired. If you're tired, you will be sick. Then, you can't play with me anymore. I want to be with mommy forever." Gunhoo leaned on Jimin's chest, getting in her embrace.

"you're so sweet, baby." Jimin smiles to herself, feeling proud of her son. "thank you."

"you're welcome." Gunhoo smiles at her. "Mrs. Kim said working is hard and tiring. I know what tired is and it's uncoferable."

"uncomfortable?" Jimin chuckles. "that's a hard word for you."

"words are hard."

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