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Jimin is getting ready to get off from work. She bids her goodbyes to her co-workers and leaves the building through the back of the store. She then noticed that Eric is arguing with a homeless, almost having a fistfight.

"what's going on?" Jimin chimed in.

"look at those oil drips! I'm tryna help, man. Why you gotta be so mean?" the homeless defended himself.

"I've checked this car every morning and never see any oil dripping from there, ma'am." Eric explained.

"screw ya'll people, man. All of you are the same, narcissistic people."

The homeless man walks away angrily and Jimin just enters the car. Eric quickly gets in and starts the engine. He starts driving normally, keeping a good speed like he usually does.

"are you sure you've checked everything?" Jimin made sure.

"yes, ma'am. I wasn't there when he came. I saw him after I came back from the restroom." Eric looks at her from the rear-view mirror. "actually, I saw the oils."

"and you do nothing about it?" Jimin furrowed her eyebrows.

"I checked it. it was not from the car. I swear. I'm telling the truth." Eric got a little panicked.

"okay. I trust you." Jimin sighs, letting it go.

"like, I was scared that that guy messed around with the car. If you don't mind, I'd like to-"

"Eric! Watch out!"

They almost crossed the intersection when the light turns red. Eric stepped on the brake just in time, before the cars from the other lanes starts going.

"I'm really sorry, ma'am. I was concerned-"


A truck that failed to slow down, hits their car with full speed. Both Eric and Jimin were still shook by the previous event, not hearing the horn from the truck. Their car got launched a few meters from their previous lane, flipping it two times, 360 degrees.

Everyone in the area starts calling 911 and some are trying to help the two who's still inside the car. The car is already wrecked, people are afraid that it might explode.

Thankfully, the police, ambulance, and firefighters are able to take Eric and Jimin to a safer place.

"get away from the fire!" the firefighters are preparing their gear, seeing that the car is burning.

"guys! they're all in! let's get to the hospital!"


Minjeong rushes to the emergency room. there are still many medics being busy taking care of the victims of the crash. She didn't waste any time to just look for her girlfriend without asking anyone.

"Jimin! Where's Jimin?!" Minjeong's heart raced like crazy.

"excuse me, ma'am. Are you related to the victim?"

"yes! yes. now let me see my wife!" Minjeong urged.

"we're still stabilizing them. They're in good hands, ma'am. Please calm down and I'll call you when you can meet them."


Minjeong takes a seat at a nearby bench as Jennifer approaches her. Jennifer sits beside her, holding her hand to comfort her.

"I'm so sorry."

"why?! WHY?! CAN I JUST HAVE ONE FUCKING PEACE IN MY LIFE?!" Minjeong raged. "I'm trying, okay? I've tried to settle." She looks at her with tears pouring from her eyes.

"I know." Jennifer lends her shoulder for Minjeong to lean on. "Chaewon is on her way."

"what did you see?" Minjeong asked, still sobbing.

"at first, nothing. Then, it seems like they stopped abruptly at red light. I looked away for a moment then I heard a crash. A truck... and their car."

Minjeong cupped her own face, feeling frustrated. The most unbelievable part for Minjeong is it's the same accident that her family had. It was with an unknown truck.

"ma'am?" a nurse showed up. "your wife is awake."

Minjeong hurriedly rushed to the room, following the nurse. She instantly noticed Jimin with an empty gaze. She's still shocked at what happened to her earlier.

"Jimin... baby..." Minjeong grabs her hand, kissing it a few times. "I'm here. I'm right here."

"I want my son. I can't leave him." Jimin looks at her. "can you call my cousin? He must be with him."

"what are you talking about? Gunhoo is at home." Minjeong is a little confused.

"whoever you are, please contact him." Jimin weakly takes her hand away from Minjeong's grip.

"but, I'm-"

"ma'am." A doctor showed up with a clipboard. "may I talk to you for a sec?"

Minjeong gets out of the room, following the doctor.

"I'm afraid that your wife hit her head pretty hard in the process. I need more time to observe her behaviour before deciding on the treatment." He explained. "this is a hard pill to swallow, but, I assure you we'll try our best to help the patient."

"how come she remembers her son but not me? I'm her partner."

"that often happens to someone who just got into a sudden accident, ma'am. Their long term memories are buried deep enough for them to remember." He added.

"then what should I do?! can you give me one solution?" Minjeong begged.

"all that we can depend on is the patient herself. If she wants to remember her life, she'd be willing to remember them." The doctor lets out a long breath.

Then, a nurse shows up with another clipboard. She whispers to the doctor, looking like she's informing something important. The doctor looks concerned. He glances at Minjeong then at the nurse.

"what? what happened?" Minjeong grew curious.

"we're really sorry, ma'am. We've found that your wife was three weeks pregnant. The baby did not survive."

Minjeong's heart shattered at the news. Jimin never said anything about her being pregnant. She leans on the wall, supporting herself with the rest of her energy. Her world just collapsed as she falls into her deepest agony all over again.

"Minjeong..." Chaewon finally came. She goes straight to her sister who's now on the floor. "what happened?" she looked up at the doctor.

He explains it again to Chaewon. It hits Minjeong the second time. she's there and has to listen to it again. Still, it's painful to accept that fact.

"thank you, doc. I'll take care of my sister."

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