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Minjeong walks into Jimin's room with Gunhoo and Chaewon. She still hopes that Jimin can remember her right now even though it's only been a day.

"my boy." Jimin looks at Gunhoo. "have you been eating well? Where's uncle Yeonjun?"

"he's out of the country. I'm with aunt Minjeong and Chaewon." Gunhoo understands the situation. Minjeong told him everything with an easy explanation.

"I'm sorry, sweetheart. I need to stay here for a while." Jimin smiles weakly at him. she then looks at Minjeong. "thank you for taking care of him."

"y-you're welcome." Minjeong looks away. If she looks at her any longer, she'd cry for sure. "I'll check on Eric." Minjeong can't stand it anymore. She wants to leave.

Minjeong walks out of the room and goes to Eric's room. unlike Jimin, his condition is worse. He's still unconscious and both of his hands has casts on them.

"are you gonna forget me as well?" Minjeong dragged a chair and sits down. "sure I have Chaewon. She's the only person I truly trust." She then scoffed, laughing at herself. "I'm talking to an unconscious man now."

"good evening, ma'am. I'm here to check on him." a nurse walked in. "he's still recovering from his surgeries for multiple broken bones, not coma."

"I'm relieved." Minjeong pressed a smile.

"he should be back in a few hours." the nurse said as she injects some substance into him. "I'm really sorry for what-"

"it's alright. I've heard those a million times for years." Minjeong sighs. "I don't mean to be rude. It's just... I'm sorry." Her head is a mess right now. "you may continue."

Minjeong leaves the room, going to the waiting room. she wants to have her alone time again, thinking of the bad things that happened when she has a relationship with someone. As if the universe didn't allow her to have anyone in her life.

Disturbing her thoughts, her phone vibrates inside her pocket. She looks at the contact's name and sees Isa's name popped up. easy for her thumb to just press the reject button.

"here's a snack. You haven't eaten at all since yesterday." Chaewon showed up and sits beside her.

Minjeong just takes it, not eating it. she stares it for a long time.

"c'mon, eat it. she doesn't want you like this either." Chaewon snatched the snack and opened it for her.

"she doesn't even know me!" Minjeong snapped at her. "fuck, I'm sorry."

"you wanna go home or..." Chaewon got worried.

"no. is Gunhoo gonna stay with her?" Minjeong looks at her.

"I'll stay here." Chaewon knows that Minjeong is frustrated. "you can rest. I'll keep you updated."

Then, another call from Isa comes in. Minjeong takes a deep breath before picking up.

"hey, Minjeong. Is Jimin with you? I need her for a meeting for this month report."

"I'm at the hospital." Minjeong flatly informed.

"oh, are you okay?"

Minjeong closes her eyes, trying to hold back her tears. Chaewon snatches her phone after noticing her.

"hi, Isa, right? I'm her sister." Chaewon excused herself, going somewhere else.

Minjeong leans back, just waits for Chaewon to finish. Then, a boy runs up to her, with a nurse.

"he insisted that you should feed the mother." the nurse informed.

"please, mama?" Gunhoo looks as blue as Minjeong.

Minjeong smiles lightly and goes to the room, hand in hand with Gunhoo. The nurse told Minjeong a few things about some medicines that Jimin should take. Minjeong sits on the chair with a bowl of porridge, looking at her dear girlfriend.

"are you okay with this?" Jimin asked. "I'm really sorry. My son really wants you here."

"it's all okay. can't really resist a request of a child, right? let alone your own son." Minjeong stifles. "may I?" she lifts up a spoonful of the food.

Jimin smiles before opening her mouth as Minjeong feeds her. on the other hand, Minjeong is still trying to control her emotion. If it's really Jimin who remembers her, the look would be different. The constant 'thank you' and 'I'm sorry' would come out of her mouth. Minjeong can only watch her speak to her son as she feeds her.

"hey, are you okay?" Jimin noticed a tear coming out of one of Minjeong's eyes.

"don't mind me." Minjeong looks down, wiping her eyes.

"look..." Jimin looks at her. "I know what happened to me. I really want to apologize if, back then, we have something going on. I don't want to rush anything about my recovery."

"I understand." Minjeong then looks up, meeting her eyes immediately.

"we did have something, didn't we?" Jimin got concerned even though she doesn't know anything about Minjeong.

"let's finish your food. you have to take the vitamins." Minjeong pressed a smile. "my sister will be here."

"oh, do you have an important work to do?" Jimin wondered.

"y-yes, I do." Minjeong had to lie. "I'll come back again tomorrow."


Minjeong enters a bar, walking to the private room that Ryujin booked earlier. She doesn't waste any time to sit down, pours herself a drink, and takes the shot in one big gulp.

"yo, chill. At least you have to eat before drinking like that." Ryujin got taken aback. "but, you never drink like that."

"I can accept everything that happened to my family back then. but, right now, I can see her, touch her, talk to her, but, she's gone!" Minjeong raged, accidentally smashing the glass on the wall. "I'd rather die."

"hey, take a deep breath." Ryujin holds both of her shoulders. "you gotta calm down so you can think."

"I am calm! All this time!" Minjeong shouted to her face. "I just wanna have a nice family, give them every good thing in this world, and just live my life peacefully, you know?" she leans back, closing her eyes.

"I don't even know what happened." Ryujin pours another drink for both of them.

"car crash." Minjeong sighs. "she only remembers Gunhoo. Everything about me is wiped out. I don't even know what she remembers."

"dude..." Ryujin shows her sympathy. "is there any chance for her to remember you again?"

"I don't know." Minjeong takes the glass and drink slowly. "I can't even face her and act like strangers."

"you can try." Ryujin shrugs. "she lives with you, right?"

"yes. already put her apartment for rent. We agreed on it." Minjeong sighs. "I don't know where to start."

"just stay there with her. she'll get used to you and, hopefully, she'll remember." Ryujin suggested. "be strong for her and Gunhoo. I'm sure he wants you to be there as well."

"I know."

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