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Minjeong is currently at her company, on a call with Soohyun just to keep up with each other. Other than this, she has no other errands for today.

"just stay there and settle." Minjeong joked around with him. "I don't need you here anymore. Everything is perfect."

"you're cocky. I hate you."

"hahaha... you should be proud of me!" Minjeong just laughed it off. "wait, I think I have another call."

"hey, invite me to your wedding. I'll bring my family."

"yeah, I'll let you know." Minjeong hangs up and answers the other incoming call. "hey, James."

"emergency. Can you give my daughter a company? her driver got sick."

"don't you have another driver?" Minjeong wondered.

"that's for me. please, you're the only person I trust." James pleaded. "I'm gonna fire that old driver and look for a new one. Accompany her while I look for it."

"I'm already busy, sir." Minjeong is a bit confused.

"she'll let you know if she needs help. I trust you, Minjeong. I gotta go. Bye!" James hurriedly said and hangs up the call.


Minjeong arrived at the mall. Isa called her earlier to ask her to accompany her to check on some stall to open a new store.


The girl looks at the source of the voice calling her. Isa waves her hand when Minjeong noticed her.

"did you wait too long?" Minjeong asked with a smile.

"don't mind it." Isa smiles back. "I need your opinion."

"shall we go to the place?"

With that, the two walks round the mall with Isa's lead. Minjeong can only follow her and share some of her opinions like Isa requested. Other than searching for a stall, Isa stops by some store to satisfy her own needs. Minjeong gladly stays with her throughout those shopping activity.

Spending time with Isa for hours outside of work makes Minjeong more comfortable with her. little by little, she noticed some things about Isa's behaviours and habit. Minjeong unconsciously picks up those things because she's used to paying attention to details, especially when she's getting close with someone.

"so what do you think?" Isa held up an earring to her ear. "or this one?"

"the silver one is great on you." Minjeong smiles a little.

"wrong. I want the gold one." Isa sticks her tongue out jokingly.

"I swear, if you keep-"

"I admit you have a good taste." Isa cut her off, talking bubbly. "don't be mad at me." she pouts. "I'm buying both."

"suit yourself." Minjeong shakes her head and stifles.

"I'm a sucker for cute accessories. forgive me." Isa looked at her and scrunched her nose.

"cute person needs cute things." Minjeong said under her breath.

"I heard you." Isa rolled her eyes. "thanks, by the way."

Minjeong comes to her senses. It feels like she said something that shouldn't be said.

"oh my... look at those cakes." Isa stops at a bakery. "are you hungry? you didn't miss your lunch, did you?"

"ah, I wasn't hungry. I had breakfast." Minjeong responded. "you can just eat instead."

"how can you resist that?" Isa pointed at one of the displayed cakes. "I'll buy, don't worry."


There's a seating area at the bakery, so, they have a seat after buying some pieces of cakes and breads. Isa goes straight to eat her chocolate cake and Minjeong has a blueberry cheesecake for herself.

"so good." Isa squealed. "you have to try this." she takes some on her fork and shoves it in front of Minjeong to feed her.

Minjeong can see that it's probably too sweet for her, but, she takes the bite anyway.

"right? you should buy one too." Isa excitedly said.

"ooh..." Minjeong is impressed. It's not as sweet as she thought and she can taste the bitterness of the chocolate to cut off the sweetness of the cream. "you're not joking."

"I should know how to feed myself with something good. you should too." Isa shrugs. "next time, I'll take you to my favorite restaurant."


Minjeong looks at the time, it's already late in the evening. The initial plan to look for a stall is already done. The rest are just Isa goes shopping and food hunt.

"thank you so much." Isa said to Minjeong as she enters the car. Minjeong too, gets on the driver seat.

"my pleasure. It's a good time." Minjeong started driving out of the parking lot. "maybe, you wanna have dinner?"

"yes, please." Isa looks at her, getting excited. "my choice, okay?"

"yeah, up to you. you said you know a good place." Minjeong glanced at her.

"here's the place." Isa shows her phone to Minjeong.

Minjeong looks at the map and starts heading towards the restaurant.

"is Jimin okay with this?" Isa asked suddenly.

"should be. She's not the jealous type. Besides, she knows you." Minjeong casually replied. "she's not home yet, anyway."

"must be hard for you." Isa put her hand on Minjeong's on the gear handle. "she has a son, right?"

"um, yes." Minjeong nervously replied. "it's hard to see her working like that." she put her hand on the steering wheel.

"we actually allowed the managers to have their days off. If they need to come to work, they can come." Isa informed. "for her, maybe, she needs to come everyday because her job has something to do with the customers."

"I see." Minjeong nods slowly. "you should've told me about it."

"hey, it's all in the contract." Isa pouts. "I can see that she's really into her job. I gave my employees their freedom to talk to me."

"it won't be easy for them. They look up to you." Minjeong responded. "maybe you should learn more from me." she stifles.

"I've learned enough from you." Isa scoffed, looking away.

Minjeong takes a glance at her. it'd be a lie for Minjeong to think of Isa as a junior at this moment. Minjeong starts seeing her as a woman who she can be attracted to and adore.

Minjeong looks back at the road, erasing all her romantic thoughts and what ifs questions. Jimin is supposed to be the one beside her right now. instead, she's with Isa who she used to think as a junior.

"we're close. Look to your left. That's the restaurant."

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