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Jimin is having dinner with Gunhoo. It's been a while since Jihoon came back to their life. Jimin thought that it's the right time to ask the son about him.

"how's your trip your dad yesterday? Where did he take you?" Jimin opened up a conversation.

"It was nice. We play at the arcade and went to the market. We ate a lot of street food." Gunhoo then looks up. "can I call him uncle instead? I don't think I'm close enough with him to call him dad."

"sure, dear. Just do what makes you comfortable." Jimin smiles in satisfaction. "what else do you like?"

"I like his food. he took me to a basketball court. That's about it. he's having fun." Gunhoo shrugs.

"and you weren't?" Jimin tilts her head.

"at first, yes. but I get tired. I wanna go home and read and draw, but, I don't want to ruin his fun." Gunhoo sincerely said.

"oh, baby... you can be honest. It's okay." Jimin reassured him.

"he looks like he's trying so hard. The other day, you and him fought, I was sad because he screamed at you. I don't like that." Gunhoo stated his feelings. "I like mama better."

"what if he wanted to hang out with you again?" Jimin asked just to make sure.

"it's okay. maybe, we can just hang out here." Gunhoo looks at her.

"well... if that's what you want, then... okay."

Just after they finished their dinner, Minjeong arrived at the unit. Jimin noticed that she brought quite a lot of things.

"hi, mama." Gunhoo waved his hand at her then goes back to do his homework.

"hey, kid." Minjeong greeted back. she then looks at Jimin who's cleaning the dining table. "hey, babe."

"what's all that?" Jimin asked about the things she brought.

"it's a little gift for the little guy. Since he loves to draw, I want him to try painting." Minjeong suggested. "the basic supplies are all there."

"that's so thoughtful." Jimin turns around as she dries her hands with a cloth. "have you eaten?"

"got a Subway on my way here. I'm already full." Minjeong smiles at her. "how's your work today?"

"it's all fine, basically. There wasn't a lot of customers. Most of them only went to the workshop." Jimin walks towards the couch, followed by Minjeong.

"it's maintenance season, I guess." Minjeong sits beside Gunhoo, looking at his homework. "read that again. You get the point but that's not the answer."

"that's as far as I know. I'm a little confused." Gunhoo sighs.

"it's alright. I'll help you out." Minjeong ruffles his hair.

"can we talk after this?" Jimin chimed in, looking at Minjeong.

"yeah, sure."


Minjeong gets out of Gunhoo's room after putting him to sleep.

"guess what. he loves the supplies!" Minjeong plops beside Jimin on the couch. she's currently watching some TV shows. "we should probably start supporting his hobbies. Especially, reading. He loves to read."

"I'm really happy that you're here." Jimin grabs her hand. "Gunhoo feels the same as well."

"I'm happy to be with you both." Minjeong brings Jimin's hand towards her lips and plants a soft kiss on the back of it.

"Jihoon is still texting me. keeps telling me that he want to see Gunhoo." Jimin informed. "then, I already asked Gunhoo about it. he said he wants to hang out here instead."

"if that's what he wants then I'm okay with it." Minjeong smiles at her.

"I don't want him to be alone with him." Jimin rests her head on her shoulder. "you should know that he's a walking red flag."

"you must've had something bad with him back then. you hate him that much." Minjeong wondered.

"I do hate him." Jimin huffs. "like, why do I had to meet him again after five years? Why now and why he wants to approach me again?"

"I think he's feeling guilty. So, he started working to build a good life and hoped that he could make it work again." Minjeong just stated some random assumptions about Jihoon.

"my parents were furious and so were his. After he ran away, my dad decided to come to his parents' house to clear the situation. My parents wanted me to let go of him, but, at that time I was blind, thinking that he want the baby. So, I waited, and waited, until I had my little boy. I've struggled alone, trying to finish my study, my parents were supportive, of course, but they're not always there for me." Jimin takes a deep breath, preparing herself to open up further to Minjeong. "when I see Gunhoo, I realized that what I did was useless. I feel so stupid for waiting on him. so, I started to put all my focus, sweat, and energy to Gunhoo. He's all I have and losing him would mean losing my life."

"thank you for opening up to me, Jimin." Minjeong plants a kiss on her head. "it makes me want to give you every good thing in the world, giving you all the love I have."

"please..." Jimin looks up at her. "win his heart. I don't want that stranger near my son."

"I already win." Minjeong said confidently. "I will protect Gunhoo with all my life... and money."

"you're not this bold a few days ago." Jimin raised her eyebrow. "what's gotten into you?"

"I don't know. I just feel like you guys are my version of custom limited edition ship in a bottle." Minjeong looks into her eyes.

"okay...?" Jimin got confused. "it's getting weird."

"what I was trying to say is you both are important to me. worth more than any treasure in the world. I don't want you to ever be worried about anything anymore."

Jimin leans forward and kisses her gently and deeply. That's one way to thank her.

"what was that? still impressed me." Minjeong smiles warmly at her, tucking strands of hair behind her ear.

"I am very grateful.. that you.. came into my life." Jimin said between pecks.

Minjeong got shy, still lost in her own feelings. She wraps her arms around Jimin's figure, burying her face on her neck.

"you are my last puzzle piece, Minjeong."

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