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Minjeong promised herself since that day. she wants to work on other things, the stuff that she abandoned after the accident. Now, here she is, standing in front of a huge building with 'Shooting Star Group' written on it.

"good afternoon, Mrs. Kim. Glad to see you again after... five years." An old guard greeted her.

"I'm glad that someone remembered me." Minjeong smiles at him.

"let me take you to Mr. Kim."

Minjeong follows the man going into the building. Getting inside the elevator, the man opens up a conversation.

"what took you so long? I'm probably one of a few people that still remembered that you're the official owner of this company."

"I was kinda lost. I hope that Soohyun doesn't hate me." Minjeong stifles, thinking about her uncle.

"I feel like you came at the right time. we need a little help around here."

Just then, the metal door opens up, revealing a huge space of room. Minjeong noticed an accountant's office, personal assistant's office, and secretary's office.

"I'll head back down. he's probably still on a meeting. Have a good day, ma'am."

Minjeong steps out of the elevator and takes a seat on a couch in the main area.

"I want to increase the sales on SS Auto. Their team is somehow... worse. The mall is great. We should make another- oh."

Minjeong recognized the voice. She stands up and smiles at the man.

"Soohyun." Minjeong walks towards him. sadly, he doesn't seem happy.

"are you done running away? You know it's too late, right?" he walks towards his desk and starts reading some documents

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"are you done running away? You know it's too late, right?" he walks towards his desk and starts reading some documents.

"I'd like to make it up. if there's a way-" "no." Minjeong looks at him when he cut her off.

"it's not the same anymore. I need to fix a lot of things, a big one, because you decided to leave it like a trash. I had to clean up your mess." Soohyun sighs as he looks up at her. "now what? you wanna take over? After I made it work?"

"I know it's wrong of me to leave back then. that's why I just wanna help. If I'm allowed to or you wanna teach me." Minjeong looks down. "I'd disappoint not only my dad, but, my family."

"I've dedicated my life mostly for working here. My own company can manage without me already. I should be at home with my family but suddenly your mom asked me to take care of this company and wait for you. you shouldn't just come back like this." Soohyun ranted. "what do you want me to do? most of the profit goes to your account."

"I can come here once in a while. On the weekends, no, maybe, when I have no schedule with my clients." Minjeong suggested.

"right. you're a lawyer as well." Soohyun nods slowly. "here's what we do. I need a vacation."

"sure, you can do that. you want me to stay here while you're at it, right?" Minjeong is getting excited.

"come here when you can. I'll guide you before I'm out of here."


Another thing, Minjeong built a shelter for orphans after she started a family. Minjeong stands before a mansion, enough to accommodate more than a hundred kids. Chaewon kind of takes care of it, monitoring everything from afar.

"well, at least this one doesn't change." Minjeong goes to the door and opens it.

Greeted by a large hall, Minjeong can see kids running around and caretakers are busy tidying up the place, playing with the kids, and just making sure that everything is proper.

"Mrs. Kim!"

Minjeong looks towards the voice. She can see a middle ae woman approaching.

"you can call me by my name, Mrs. Oh." Minjeong takes her hand to shake. "how's my sister doing around here? I guess she's doing a lot." She walks side by side with the woman.

"she's a big help. I'm glad that she's willing to check on us pretty often." Mrs. Oh smiles at her. "we managed to gain a few companies that wants to donate to the orphanage."

"the kids looks happy." Minjeong looks around.

"we're expecting three couples next week. One of them wants siblings." Mrs. Oh informed. "this place is well maintained. The kids are healthy, happy, and capable of socializing. Maybe you want to adopt?"

"oh, I actually have other plan. I just wanna check out the place." Minjeong responded. "let me know if you guys need any help around here. I know my sister can't keep handling this place because she has other job."

"I'll let you know. I hope you still have the same number."


Chaewon noticed that Minjeong's shoes are on the rack. That means, she's home, right now. she knocks on her sister's door to let her know she's home.

"sister~" Chaewon peeked inside. "aren't you supposed to be in your girlfriend's house or something?"

"what girlfriend?" Minjeong replied while her eyes are still glued to some documents. "Jimin?"

"right." Chaewon stifles. "we should hang out together again. I've only met her for like one time."

"I can make that happen." Minjeong looks at her. "I went to the orphanage today, by the way."

"oh really?!" Chaewon walked in and sits on the bed. "Mrs. Oh must've missed you a lot."

"she's still... stiff." Minjeong turned her chair around to face her. "and I went to the company as well. Soohyun doesn't seem happy."

"I wonder why a person like you hangs out with the most serious people. Except that one friend of yours." Chaewon chuckles. "but, hey, I'm proud of you, little sis. I suppose you can manage your life again, just like how it used to."

"well, I'm starting to. I just need a little encouragement." Minjeong smiles lightly. "also, I need pizza tonight."

"oh, god. fine, I'll order. You better change your clothes."

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