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Minjeong is still chilling on the couch, watching TV with Gunhoo. She thought that everyone will just stay home today, until Jimin comes out of her room with formal attire.

"you're going to work?" Minjeong furrowed her eyebrows.

"what about our picnic?" Gunhoo looks back.

"I'm really sorry. I'll be home as soon as I can." Jimin goes to them and gives them a kiss.

"it's Sunday, Jimin." Minjeong sighs.

"Isa called me. the store is open for new brands." Jimin sadly has to go.

"alright." Minjeong then looks at Gunhoo. "we'll have our picnic, okay?"


It's already the promised time for their quality time together. Even after Gunhoo and Minjeong are ready to go, Jimin still hasn't come home.

"are you done?" Minjeong can finally call Jimin.

"I'm sorry. Customers keeps coming in, Jeong. I don't think I can come home now."

"alright. I'll go to the park with Gunhoo." Minjeong informed.

"what about me?"

"we promised him. I'll just take him. feel free to come."

Soon, the two arrived at the park. Minjeong sets up their spot and takes out the snacks for Gunhoo.

"I wish mommy were here." Gunhoo sits on the blanket. "she loves this blueberry bread."

"I know. I'm sorry, bud." Minjeong presses a smile.

"but... mommy must be tired." Gunhoo looks down, munching on his snacks. "why can't you just help her? mama have a lot of money."

"mommy wants to work, son. Of course, I want to help her as well, but, I can't force her to leave her job. She loves to work." Minjeong explained it simply.

"when I have a wife, I don't want her to work. I will make a lot of money so she don't have to work anymore."

Minjeong stifles and smiles at him. it tickles her a little after hearing how easy it sounds for Gunhoo to say that.

"pigeons!" Gunhoo got distracted. "can I feed them?"

"sure. don't go too far."


Arriving at home, the two go straight to clean up. while Gunhoo goes to Chaewon's room, Minjeong enters her own. She noticed that Jimin is asleep, so she approaches her and caresses her head.

"I'm sorry, Jeong." Jimin grabs her shirt and pulls her for a hug. "was he happy?"

"are you hungry?" Minjeong pulls away. "c'mon. let's eat together."

Jimin gets up and stretches her body. She then follows Minjeong outside.

"mommy!" Gunhoo runs to her and hugs her. "mama taught me how to fish. We also played with pigeons. I already eat a lot of snacks, so, I'm not that hungry."

"I'm sorry I can't join you guys. I promise I'll go next time, okay?" Jimin sits on the dining chair noticing some takeouts that Minjeong bought.

"I'll eat with you." Minjeong sits across her, taking out the food from the bags.

"mommy?" Gunhoo sits beside Jimin. "can you have a rest?"

"I wish I could, baby." Jimin looks at him.

"it's okay. I just feel like you need it." Gunhoo shrugs. "tonight, I want you to tuck me in."

"sure. as an apology, tomorrow I will take you to school." Jimin smiles, patting his head.

"yay! Thank you, mommy."

"no work?" Minjeong raised an eyebrow.

"off for tomorrow. The store is still open, though."


Minjeong and Jimin can finally be alone after Gunhoo is asleep. Prepping themselves in bed, they don't want to sleep yet. Minjeong misses her intimate moments with Jimin and so does the latter.

"are you gonna work like this for the rest of your life?" Minjeong scoots closer towards Jimin.

"I don't know." Jimin said as she embraces Minjeong's body. "I never realized how small you are."

"is that a compliment?" Minjeong stifles. "I missed you."

"I missed both of you." Jimin sighs. "I'm sorry. I just... have this thoughts that I don't want to bother you, be a burden to you."

"you're this close to sacrificing Gunhoo." Minjeong clasped her index finger and thumb together. "at this point, you're not working for him."

"I work for both of you." Jimin responded casually. "I love this job already."

"I know, darling." Minjeong sighs. "when we get married, I'll make sure that we don't have to work like this anymore."

"when is that?" Jimin stifles. "we both are busy."

"I hope soon."

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