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Jimin walks out of apartment building with Gunhoo, ready to take him to school. Before she can get to her car, someone stopped her.

"mama!" Gunhoo hugs the woman. "why are you here? You're supposed to be working."

"I agree." Jimin is confused. "and why are you smiling like that?"

Minjeong comes in between them and grabs their hand. She takes them to the apartment front entrance and stops in front of a car. There's also a man with formal clothing.

"this is my second car." Minjeong pointed at it. "and this guy is Eric. He'll be your driver for... as long as we live basically." She stifles.

"good morning

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"good morning." Eric greeted them with bubbly smile. "I'm a family man, you can trust me." he joked around.

"yeah! Mommy won't be tired anymore!" Gunhoo jumped excitedly. "can we go now, mom?"

"get in." Minjeong opened the door for him. "wait for a bit." She then looks at Jimin.

"really, Minjeong. I know you want to, but, I think this is too much already. Why don't you hire him for yourself?" Jimin feels a little uncomfortable. She's not used to this treatment.

"I'm perfectly healthy. Clearly you need him more than I do." Minjeong just wanted to make her life easier. "just accept it, okay?" she caresses her forearm and holds her hand.

"you're unbelievable." Jimin stifles and rolls her eyes playfully. "bye."

"take care!"

Minjeong finally watch them drive away. She can now walk to her own car and start her day.


Arriving at the company, Minjeong already greeted by Isa and Rachel. What a good sight, she thought.

"good morning, everyone. You guys seems serious." Minjeong goes to sit on her desk.

"we just talked about a way to increase the sales at the SS Auto. Also, I suggested that we should start looking for a new area to build a hotel. I remember you want that." Isa informed. "there are some companies that we can buy if you want. The estimated profit can be increased if we invest in those companies."

"that's a lot to take in the morning." Minjeong purses her lips. "alright. What's the offer?"

"here's what we should do to maximize the profit of the mall and hotel. For the Automotive, Shin group is still leading." Rachel placed a document on the desk.

"that son of a bitch." Minjeong stifles, thinking about her bestfriend. "let her lead in that field. That's where all her money comes from."

"but she has other businesses as well. We're technically neck and neck." Rachel informed again.

"I'm aware." Minjeong looks up at her. "she's like my second sister. Keep her out of the list of our competitors, okay?"

"yes, ma'am."


Minjeong is finally done with her work at the company. it's already past lunchtime, but she doesn't feel that hungry. that's not until someone comes in with a bag of food.

"you missed lunch." Isa approached he desk. "I don't know what you like, so I bought a bento from a Japanese chain nearby."

"how much are these? Let me pay you back." Minjeong takes out her phone.

"oh, you don't need to." Isa starts taking out the boxes. One for Minjeong and the other for herself. "enjoy your lunch."

"do you have to sit there?" Minjeong noticed that Isa is sitting on the couch. "that table is too low."

Isa hesitantly walks back to Minjeong's desk.

"how's your dad?" Minjeong breaks the silence.

"he's in his office, maybe." Isa nervously replied.

"we've been so busy lately. I haven't got the chance to ask where did you get your master's degree." Minjeong got curious. Other thing is because Isa seems nervous.

"I went to Sydney for it. I'm an only daughter so I have to take care of the business no matter what. unless I can find a partner that's richer than me." Isa chuckles.

"I'm sure you'll find one." Minjeong encourage her.

"I've been spending my life studying. I don't really have time for romance. My dad started to invite 'candidates' for a dinner, wanting me to choose." Isa opened up.

"I'm sure he wants you to have a good life. If I had an only child, I'd want them to have a wealthy life." Minjeong shrugs.

"yeah, I get it. just, I get pressured." Isa chuckles. "I heard from my dad that you actually had a family."

"I did, yeah. They passed away in a car crash." Somehow, Minjeong didn't feel anything when she thinks about them. She just feels relieved and accepts it.

"I'm sorry." Isa looks up. "must be hard for you."

"it was. But, I have to let them go. I'm sure they don't want me to live in misery." Minjeong smiles at her. "anyway, since we have something to discuss with the other divisions, we'll have a meeting next week."

"I'll inform Rachel about it."


On her way to her car, Minjeong got a call from Eric. Wondering what's happening, she picks it up as she enters her car.

"what's up?" Minjeong started her car.

"I just want to let you know that we're at a grocery store. It seems like Mrs. Yu was avoiding someone at the apartment. should I guard them, ma'am?" he informed.

"yes please. do you know the guy she's avoiding?" Minjeong is on her way to Jimin's apartment.

"no, ma'am. I'm sorry. Maybe you can give me some information regarding the person."

"I will. But, don't make it too obvious. I don't want her to feel uncomfortable." Minjeong is getting close to the building. "actually, just do as she told."

"I understand, ma'am." A light chuckle can be heard form Eric. "have a good day."

"thank you, Eric."

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