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Since Jimin is committed to her new job, Minjeong has to replace her in taking care of Gunhoo. Other than Eric who's taking care of the ride, Minjeong, on the other hand, has to provide some quality time for him.

Today, Minjeong decided to let Gunhoo stay at her apartment so Chaewon can keep an eye on him while she's meeting her client.

"just hope that the hearing goes well." Minjeong ended her session with her client. She's currently at the law firm along with Giselle.

"thank you so much, dear. See you." the client soon leaves the two.

"how's Jimin?" Giselle asked while tidying up the paperwork.

"I feel bad for her. she got home, cleans up, and sleep. that's her routine now." Minjeong sighs. "also, for Gunhoo, he doesn't say it, but, I can feel that he's lonely. He has a friend though. Either he visits her or she visits us."

"why don't you hire a babysitter?" Giselle takes a seat on the couch.

"she's against it. she wants to take care of Gunhoo herself. I can't see her like that."

"you know what's best for both of you. maybe you guys should talk about it more." Giselle suggested.

"she's too tired to have it." Minjeong purses her lips. "was that my last client?" she checks her phone.

"yes." Giselle smiles at her.

"then, I'll go home. Thanks for today, G."


"mama!" Gunhoo runs towards Minjeong right after she steps into her apartment. "I ate a lot today."

"that's great!" Minjeong picks him up and spins around, playing with him. "where's aunt Chaewon?"

"she's showering. Aunt Jen just left." Gunhoo informed. "mama?"

"yes?" Minjeong joins him on the couch.

"why's mommy always come home late now? I want her to tuck me in." Gunhoo lied on Minjeong's lap, facing the TV.

"mommy got a new job, buddy. It's an important job." Minjeong rubs his head lovingly. "it's already late, don't you think? you've had your dinner, right?"

"I have." Gunhoo stays still. He really wants to wait for his mother to come home. "I wanna see mommy."

Minjeong looks down properly, noticing that the boy is already shedding some tears. This really breaks her heart. She gets him to sit down and hugs him.

"I want mommy!"

"what's wrong, guys?"

Minjeong looks back to see Chaewon. She approaches them worriedly and take a good look at Gunhoo.

"he wants to wait for Jimin. She'll be home in two hours." Minjeong said after checking the time on her wrist. It's still 8pm.

Chaewon sits beside him, also patting his back to calm him down.

"do you wanna read something instead? we can wait for her." Minjeong tried to distract him.



It's almost 11pm and Minjeong didn't get any notice from Jimin. Gunhoo fell asleep after holding himself back for only an hour since the reading started. Minjeong had to move him to Chaewon's room so he can sleep properly.

"are you really sure that she's supposed to be home?" Chaewon asked, not looking up from her phone.

"Eric said that she hasn't come out yet." Minjeong sighs, starting to regret her decision to introduce Jimin to a new job. "now, I got nothing."

"I'm home!"

Minjeong and Chaewon looks back, finally seeing Jimin walking in with her exhausted face. Minjeong will never get used to it. she looks away, staring at the black TV screen.

"hey, baby." Jimin just pecks Minjeong's head. "hey, Chae. Is Gunhoo asleep?"

"yes. he's in my room." Chaewon smiles at her.

"okay. I'll clean up first."

Just like that, Jimin enters Minjeong's room. on the other hand, Minjeong feels like she needs to talk to her about her new routine.

"find the right time to talk. maybe on the weekends." Chaewon said as if reading her mind. "though I feel glad that you finally feel what Chaehyun felt, I feel sorry for you."

"right." Minjeong looks down. "good night, Chae."

Minjeong walks into her own room. Jimin is still showering, so, she waits for her, sitting on the bed.

"you know what? this whole managing thing is super frustrating. I mean, it's not my fault that that girl snapped at a customer for having such a confusing request knowing that we don't have that kind of dress." Jimin ranted as she gets on the bed. "don't get me wrong, I like this job. I can control anything that I need to control and it pleases many people."

"I understand." Minjeong is still sitting at the edge of the bed, not moving closer to Jimin. "is it worth it?"

"of course, it is. I don't have to worry about my meals, how much I got paid, over all, things are going great." Jimin stares at her. "come here."

"are you not worried about your son?" Minjeong turns around, fixing herself to sit closer to her.

"why? What about him? did he give you a hard time?" Jimin gets up a little.

"no, not at all." Minjeong looks down. "he cried earlier."

Jimin looks away, thinking of what she did wrong or anything wrong.

"he waited for you for hours every single day. maybe today is his limit." Minjeong looks at her. "I know he's not that kinda boy who cried easily, but, I'm sure that this new routine of yours affected him so much that he broke down in front of me."

"I'll talk to him tomorrow." Jimin sighs and lied down. she turns her back on Minjeong. "I have no energy to have this talk. I'm sorry."

"really, now?" Minjeong huffs. "whatever, Jimin. I hope you think about it."

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