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Jimin got out of Gunhoo's room and found that Jihoon is still there.

"get out." Jimin snapped at him.

"fuck, I hate that kid sometimes." Jihoon said under his breath.

"what did you say?" Jimin squinted her eyes, walking towards him. "you hate him?"

"I said sometimes. I like him." Jihoon cleared it up. "I like it when he's having fun with me, laugh with me, eat what I cooked him. it hurts me when he talks about that damn woman he calls mama and some shit. I'm just showing him what it means to have fun."

"your fun is not the same as his. It takes time to deal with him, Jihoon." Jimin sighs. "are you really here for him or just to crawl back to me?"

"bold of you to assume that." Jihoon scoffed, looking away.

"glad to know that. I'll never let you back in my life." Jimin sharply said.

"yeah? What about him? he likes me enough." Jihoon said with a threatening tone.

"don't ever use him as an excuse. This is my decision." Jimin looked straight into his eyes.

"right." Jihoon sighs. "I'm sorry. I just wanna get close to you again, I admit."

"what for? Everything is over when you left." Jimin sits down.

"is it because she's rich?" Jihoon flatly asked. "because she spoiled you?"

"you wanna know why?" Jimin has to stand up for this. "she's way better than you, Jihoon. She's rich, yes. do you think that's the most important part of it? No. she loves Gunhoo as a whole, no buts, no conditions. She's patient with him and knows what he likes. She does everything without asking for anything in return not only for Gunhoo, but for me as well, Jihoon."

Jihoon walks a step back.

"most importantly, she makes time for me. I didn't ask her to do so, but, she's willing to change. Either it's because of me or herself, but, she wants to change. What about you? having a job doesn't change you that much." Jimin continued.

"fine, then. FYI, I promised him something else." He bragged. "So, if I'm here again, it's all for him."


Minjeong decided to call Jimin as she starts her day. she's afraid that she'll be busy for the whole week so she wants to make time for Jimin.

"didn't think you'd pick up." Minjeong greeted her. "are you already out?"

"I just dropped Gunhoo off to school. What's up?"

"just checking." Minjeong stifles. "I miss you already."

"then you can come by. Like the usual."

"I can visit, but... for this week I won't be having that much time." Minjeong sighs, kind of pissed at herself for having such a complicated job.

"really? At times like this?"

"what do you mean?" Minjeong raised an eyebrow.

"I can't let Gunhoo get close to Jihoon. He's still an asshole." Jimin's sigh can be heard. "believe me, he still is."

"I'll come by your place later. Do you have something to tell me?" Minjeong sensed something.

"yes. I've made a mistake."

Minjeong's negative mind starts to take over. Though she doesn't want it that way, the thoughts keeps coming anyway.

"please don't think anything weird. It's better to talk in person."

"I'll keep thinking about it if you said that." Minjeong chuckles. "see you later, okay? I'll get to work."


Minjeong arrived at Jimin's apartment. walking into the lobby, she noticed Jihoon talking with the security. Minjeong approaches him, wanting to greet him.

"good day, Jihoon. Any plan with Gunhoo?" Minjeong smiles at him.

"oh, not really, no." Jihoon turned to her. "I'm about to give this to them. It's an apology for what I did yesterday." He gives her a bag filled with boxed food.

"what did you do exactly?" Minjeong squinted her eyes.

"you'll find out from her. I was just doing what I was supposed to do." Jihoon smiles at her. "you have a good one. I better leave."

Soon after, Minjeong enters the unit. She's greeted by Jimin and Gunhoo who's currently working on his homework.

"you came." Jimin greeted after she turned her head around. "what's that?"

"food. From Jihoon." Minjeong walks towards the kitchen and starts taking the boxes out.

"let me prepare it." Jimin showed up, taking it over.

"he apologized. For what happened yesterday." Minjeong takes a seat.

"he better be." Jimin rolled her eyes. "he picked a fight in front of my son. How dare he?"

"so you're not doing anything... weird?" Minjeong realized.

"what? no! I'm not crazy, Jeong." Jimin somehow got offended. "did he say something?"

"he made it sound like you've been doing forbidden stuff." Minjeong looks down and shrugs.

"oh, god." Jimin sighs. "please don't listen to him." she then sits across Minjeong.

"I actually don't mind if he wants to spend time Gunhoo. He doesn't look like what you've described." Minjeong doesn't want to be selfish. He's his dad after all.

"why are you like this? I only want you, Minjeong. You're perfect for Gunhoo. Perfect for me." Jimin sounded as if she's begging.

"because I know how it feels to lose a child." Minjeong looks at her.

"what happened to you is different. He literally left me after he found out that I'm pregnant. You think he wanted him? make it make sense." Jimin shook her head.

"so it's up to him." Minjeong looks over to Gunhoo. "I won't be able to be around that often anymore. It'll be temporary. I need to take care some business appointments, cases, and court trials."

"hm..." Jimin hummed. "call me often." She sternly said. "and you forgot about my bear."

"oh, man." Minjeong slapped her forehead. "I'll get it after this."

"are you gonna stay tonight?" Jimin asked, hoping.

"I'm sorry. I promise, as soon as things are done, I'll come back." Minjeong smiles, reassuring her.

"spend time with him. I really don't want Jihoon to enter my life again." Jimin is too attached to Minjeong now.

"I will. Don't worry, okay? I will never leave you."

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