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Arrived at the school, Jimin, Gunhoo, and Minjeong walk through the hallway. They can see other parents coming in as well, walking with their sons and daughters. Minjeong greets every teacher she knows along the way.

Jimin noticed some of Gunhoo's friends' parents, smiling at them. Meanwhile, Gunhoo proudly walks between them, also greeting his friends.

"moms! There she is!"

Minjeong and Jimin got dragged by Gunhoo. They suppose he wants them to meet someone.

"this is my friend Alice. That's uncle Jeonghan." Gunhoo stops in front of two people.

"oh, nice to meet you." Jimin initiated a handshake and Minjeong followed. "I'm Jimin. This is my partner, Minjeong." She introduced themselves.

"honey. I parked the car near the entrance." Another man approached them and stands beside Jeonghan and Alice. "oh, hi! I'm Mingyu."

"you have a lovely daughter

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"you have a lovely daughter." Minjeong commented.

"thank you. I actually have met your son. He's a nice kid." Mingyu responded. "Alice likes him."

"dad!" Alice pouted, pulling on his shirt.

"we can play together after school." Gunhoo suggested.

"that's a great idea. We'll see you guys later."


After some moments of speech from the homeroom teacher, the event starts with the students' performing in front of the class. One by one, each of the students prepared something to show their classmates and their parents.

Minjeong enjoyed every second of it. she's proud of the students, the children that she used to teach. On the other hand, Jimin is taking glances at Minjeong. Seeing how lovely her gaze at the kids made her realize how sincere of a person Minjeong is.

"thank you so much, Eddy. Next up, we have Gunhoo. Another excellent student in this class." The teacher gave an applause as Gunhoo walks up in front of the class.

"good morning everyone. My name is Yu Gunhoo." He looks at his parents and Minjeong gives him two thumbs up. "today, I have a story for you. I prepared a slideshow. My own drawings." He proudly showed them a stack of papers in his hands.

Gunhoo starts with showing them the first drawing.

"this is me and my mom. The one with long beautiful hair. There was only two of us. my mom works hard for me so I can eat, go to school, buy toys, and many more. I didn't care about my dad at that time. I only have my mom." Gunhoo then shows them another drawing.

"this is me and my friends. When mommy is working outside, I play with them. Alice, Joseph, Brian, and Charlie. I used to be enemies with Brian and joseph, but, I don't like having enemies. I tried to help as many people as I can from bullies and mean kids." He then changed the drawing again.

"this is me and Mrs. Kim. I sure you remember her. she's the nicest teacher ever. I learn a lot from her. drawing, math, history, science, even fighting." Gunhoo giggles. "I'm just joking. She likes to joke around with me as well." He looks at Minjeong with a smile. "Mrs. Kim has been nice to my mom as well. She makes her happy, she bought me a lot more books and she took me to any place I like. Other than that, Mrs. Kim saved me from drowning in the lake. Since that day, I like her even more."

Then, comes the last drawing. Which is a drawing of the three.

"this is me, my mom, and Mrs. Kim. I've been living with only my mom for years, then Mrs. Kim came into our family. Everything get better, my mom is happier, I feel like I have another parent. I don't care that Mrs. Kim is a woman. My mom seems to love her and all I ever want in my life is to see my mom happy. So, I started calling her mama." Gunhoo smiles proudly. "now, we're basically a family. A complete family. I love you moms."


Minjeong is still resting after a long day of the event. Gunhoo didn't mention anything about a race or competition. Minjeong and Jimin weren't prepared for it.

"you haven't showered." Jimin throws a towel at her lightly. "you're asleep pretty deep. Gunhoo thought you're dead."

"why do I had to take care of all the physical races." Minjeong massaged her own shoulders. "what time is it?"

"ten." Jimin sits beside her. "go shower. I'll heat up the food." She smiles and ruffles her hair.

"I want a massage." Minjeong stands up, stretching her body.

"I already gave you one earlier. My turn to sleep." Jimin then leaves her, going to her room.

After taking her time having a shower and eat, Minjeong goes to the bedroom. She noticed Jimin doesn't move at all. so, she quietly climbs onto the bed and attempts to cuddle her.

"have you eaten?" Jimin sleepily asked.

"yes. now I'm sleepy again." Minjeong snuggles into Jimin's neck.

"I'll wash the dishes."

"no, don't worry. I've cleaned it up." Minjeong prevented her from getting up. "you're free tomorrow, right? get a long good sleep. don't worry about Gunhoo."

"Thanks, Minjeong. What did I do to deserve you."

"hey, you deserve all the good things in the world." Minjeong plants a kiss on her head.

"there are many single mother at that school. Why me?" Jimin turns around, facing her.

"you have no idea how evil they are. Their kids are sweet, but, the mothers? They're rude towards me, they used to call me a predator. I was kicked out of school because of them." Minjeong explained. "not gonna lie, I fell for you because of how beautiful you are."

"so, you're here for my looks?" Jimin raised an eyebrow.

"that was long ago. Right now, I'm here because of how loving you are. You're just that beautiful inside and out. I sometimes think that if I didn't have any money, I wouldn't be able to pull you off."

"probably not. I'm quite realistic. There's no way I'd accept someone who's lazy and broke at this age." Jimin honestly stated. "I'm not a gold digger, though. If they're working hard to get on their feet, I'd support them."

"phew... good to hear." Minjeong wipes her fake sweat off of her forehead. "wait. So you're saying that it's possible for you to go back with Jihoon?"

"what are you talking about?" Jimin stifles. "he's in the past."

"he's working hard at a restaurant. He's trying to get close to you again. I'm supposed to be worried." Minjeong slanted her eyebrows.

"you don't have to. I have you now. it's all for Gunhoo, remember?" Jimin caressed her head lovingly. "no matter how hard he tried, I'll always choose you."

"so you love me, like Gunhoo said?" Minjeong asked, more like teasing.

"oh, shut up." Jimin rolled her eyes and turns around again. "love for him is different."

"I take that as a yes." Minjeong chuckles.

"you're annoying."

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