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Minjeong finishes her morning workout and goes to check her schedules for today. She stands in front of her desk, looking at the blackboard.

"great. No clients. School it is."

"good morning!" Chaewon bursts into the room. "are you done?"

"yeah. Just need a shower. Can you pick me up from school later? Take me to Ryujin's company." Minjeong asked as she grabs some clothes from her closet.

"sure. I thought you forgot your car." Chaewon chuckles. "okay. I'll pick you up at three. Maybe a little past that."

"take your time. I have no schedules today."

"I got leftovers last night. Wanna bring it for lunch?" Chaewon offered.

"yes, please."


Minjeong finally starts her last class before lunch break, checking the students' presence as she gets to her desk.

"anyone ready to do something refreshing?" Minjeong smiles at them.


"we're still going to learn from it, okay?"

Minjeong has her own way to entertain the children on her class. Sometimes, she brought her laptop to play some movies and she would ask questions from it.

"remember to pay attention, okay?" Minjeong said as she plays the movie.

The kids seems to enjoy the animation. Sometimes they laugh, point at some things from the movie, some even get angry because they don't like a certain character.

They all got stuck in the movie, not realizing that it's time for lunch break. The bell rings and the kids whine because of it. Minjeong paused the movie and stifles.

"any of you wants to go?" Minjeong asked.


"who brought their lunchbox?" Minjeong asked again, thinking that they can continue the movie. Then, most of them raised their hands. "okay."

Minjeong quickly runs outside the class, towards the canteen, and buys some bread, drinks, and snacks for the ones that didn't bring their own lunch. Shortly after, she runs back to class and gives them the food.

"okay, we can continue." Minjeong smiles at them, watching them eating together. She plays the movie again, also eating her lunch that Chaewon prepared for her.


Minjeong finished her day at school, getting out of the building. Again, she noticed some parents, mostly mothers, waiting for their kids. Being nice and professional, Minjeong warmly greets them with a smile.

"please, don't do that. we know who you are." One of them squinted her eyes at her.

"I'm just doing my work, ma'am. No need to get personal." Minjeong responded calmly. "oh, John doesn't like sport. He's into music lately."

"what do you know about him? I know better about my son." She seems offended somehow.

"of course, ma'am. I'm sure you know about it."

With that, Minjeong leaves the them. Chaewon comes at the right time. Minjeong goes straight to enter the car.

"I just don't understand. Suddenly there are rumors spreading around. Am I that famous?" Minjeong scoffed.

"most of your case were broadcasted. Some made it into the news. You clearly have good reputation." Chaewon glanced at her. "well, before someone decided to ruin it. I'm sure this won't last long. You're doing what's right and what you think is right."

"right. it's normal for me, right? I'm sure lawyers go through this kind of stuff."


Minjeong arrived at Ryujin's company, already seeing her car parked outside the showroom, and guarded with some orange cones.

"Mrs. Kim. Mrs. Shin will be here in a minute. She's still meeting some investors." Han showed up.

"it's okay. she can take her time." Minjeong smiles at him. "do you have any new collection? I wanna clear my eyes."

"absolutely, ma'am. This way."

Han guided her to a section with some new cars and explained their specifications to her. Minjeong really enjoys herself, listening to the tempting qualities of the cars.

"oh, Mr. White. I'll be with you in a minute." Han noticed another familiar customer.

"it's okay. you can leave." Minjeong let him take care of him.

"I'll get someone to keep you company, ma'am." Han then excused himself.

Soon, someone greets Minjeong while she's taking a closer look on a car.

"may I assist you, ma'am?"

"I was expecting you." Minjeong knows her voice. She stands up straight and faces her. "how's your work, Jimin?"

"it really helps. Thank you, ma'am. If you have questions about the car, I'll be happy to help." Jimin stayed in her professional manners.

"Gunhoo has been feeling down lately. I noticed." Minjeong averted the conversation.

"I'm really sorry, ma'am. I suggest we discuss that some other time." Jimin politely refused.

"I just feel the need to tell you." Minjeong smiles a little. "keep up the good work. Heard a lot of you from Ryujin."

"thank you, ma'am."

Minjeong leaves her, goes to sit at the lounge area. Not long after, Ryujin walks out of a door with some men, supposedly her clients. She then approaches Minjeong after those men left.

"you can just take your car. You wanna talk?" Ryujin sits on another chair beside her.

"Sorta. I haven't read any news about me. have you?" Minjeong asked.

"not the bad ones. Are there any bad ones?" Ryujin raised an eyebrow.

"of course. there are many... probably." Minjeong sighs. "almost got groped by my client."

"what?!" Ryujin's eyes widened. "so, it's the other way around?"

"you knew." Minjeong rolled her eyes. "great."

"don't listen to them. They're just dragging you down." Ryujin placed her hand on Minjeong's shoulder.

"I'm getting more and more stressed out." Minjeong bounces her leg frustratingly. "I can barely get enough sleep."

"you should stop blaming and stressing out yourself, Jeong. Working on many random cases just to distract yourself. take a break. Just for a few days." Ryujin suggested.

"they're not random. They need help. My help." Minjeong huffed. "no, I'm not blaming myself. I just love what I do."

"bullshit. I'll find something for you."

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