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Yujin arrived at Minjeong's apartment the next morning. she presses the bell and someone opens the door to let her in.

"is Chaewon here?" Yujin asked.

"I'm sorry, who are you?"

"oh, I forgot. I'm Yujin, Minjeong's lawyer. Nice to meet you Jimin." Yujin smiles at her.

"who's there?"

"me!" Yujin raised her hand, waving at Chaewon. "they moved Minjeong somewhere else."


Yujin heard them both asked at the same time. she looks at them back and forth.

"how about you guys let me in?"

Jimin makes a way for Yujin to enter the unit. Yujin sits on the couch, followed by the two.

"I still don't know where. Hopefully not somewhere far." Yujin told them. "Sungmin said the FBI will come down to chase James."

"FBI??? How dangerous is he?" Jimin leaned forward.

"he bribed some officers who works at the prison to release him way too early. He has many IDs and identities, involved in many illegal businesses. He actually has some records but he seems to get away with it." Yujin explained. "on my way here, I got a call from Sungmin. The officers managed to follow the car that they took Minjeong with. So, for now, we can only wait."

"Reported live from BGA street, there's a chase between the cops and a black SUV. It's possible that they will engage in a gunfight. Here we can see from the stream, the SUV has a backup, more cars joining to, what it seems, to protect the SUV."

All of them turns their heads at the TV that's been turned on since before Yujin came in. Yujin noticed the helicopters and bunch of police cars chasing down the SUV from any direction possible. Jimin can see that as well, she has a strong feeling that Minjeong is in that SUV. She bites the inside of her cheek nervously, hoping that the police are able to catch them.

"is she in that car?" Chaewon pointed at the TV. "I thought they already arrived."

"I think they're going to the bridge. Maybe moving her to another city." Yujin grabs her phone and give Sungmin a call.

"Chae..." Jimin leaned on her shoulder. "I'm scared."

"it's all gonna be okay. they'll get her." Chaewon hugs her for comfort.

"no, no, no... you'll put her at risk. You can't do that." Yujin suddenly said. "can you guys just do something else? Cut their way or something." She bounced her leg rapidly. "then, who's inside? Not her?" she listens carefully. "fuck. Okay. I trust you, guys."

"why, what happened?" Jimin asked her in panic.

"they need to blow them up. look." Yujin pointed at the TV. "they have three SUVs to confuse them. They still can't locate Minjeong."

They can see that the two squads are struggling to keep up with each other. Even though they said they can't locate Minjeong, Jimin has a strong feeling that Minjeong is in one of those cars.

"they'll make the best decision to end this." Yujin rubs Jimin's back to calm her down. "oh, damn."

"they really did it." Chaewon noticed most of the cars are burning and smoking.

The bridge that Yujin talked about earlier got jammed packed. People are coming out from their vehicles to check on the situation.

"for the next update, will be aired after the commercial break. Next news, we have-"

Chaewon turned off the TV. She looks at Yujin for further information, while still holding Jimin's hand to calm her down.

"what? I'm as clueless as you guys."


Minjeong suddenly got dragged out of the car and she can feel that a strong guy picked her up and put her on his shoulder. Based on the movement that she feels, the guy seems to be running. She coughs a few times as she smells some smoke and heat around her body. Mind you, she's blindfolded and her head also covered with a black cloth bag.

Since she has no energy left to focus on anything, she can only give in to the situation. Suddenly, the guy dropped her on the hot hard road. Minjeong can hear him groaning in pain. Thinking that it's the end, she thought wrong. Again, someone drags her across the road by the hand. Feels like they're still trying to take her, but with so much struggle.

"hey! Get her away from here!"

"stop right there!"

"fucking useless! Fuck off!"

Minjeong feels someone grabs her hand even tighter and pulling her harder as she got dragged faster.

"you better stop! Drop that woman!"

Then, Minjeong hears the guy groans again. She has zero idea on what's happening. She doesn't care about that right now. all she wants to do is just leave, go home, and see her family, Jimin and Gunhoo.

After some time hearing the chaos happening around her, for the third time, someone picks her up. feels like more than two people around her.

"hey, can you hear me? what's your name?"

Minjeong needs to adjust to the sunlight entering her eyes. she keeps her eyes closed, since she's been in a darker place for some days. The things that she can notice are paramedics taking her to an ambulance, police cars are everywhere, and how chaotic it is.

"can you give me your name?" one of the medics asked as they put her on the gurney.

The medics put her inside the ambulance and the vehicle starts going. Minjeong is finally comfortable enough to open her eyes.

"we need to give her some fluid. Seems like she has no access to a restroom, her pants is full of urine. There are marks on her ankle, looks like they're from chain shackles. On her wrists, looks like they're tied with tight ropes." The medic informed. "hang on, ma'am. We'll be there soon."

Minjeong closes her eyes again. She just wants to sleep at this point. Being in a sitting position in a long time really kills her backbones. At least, right now she can relax.

"vitals doesn't seem to go up. we can't hold her much longer with what we have here. She's dehydrated and malnourished. We need to give-"

Minjeong falls into a deep slumber. Never in her life she felt this exhausted. Maybe, she can see Jimin and Gunhoo in her dream.

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