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Namjoon visited Minjeong again after a few days. He managed to find way to prove that Minjeong is innocent and doesn't bribe anyone at all throughout her career.

"I was able to speak with Yeonjun and his attorney." Namjoon sits across Minjeong. "they denied it, of course. but, I've talked to the judge and he's willing to be our witness."

"that is great, Joon. I feel like I'm rotting in here." Minjeong sighs in relief. "I've sent you all the transaction records that I've done this year. does that help?"

"it helps a lot. Your trial will start soon."

"and I hope it ended soon enough." Minjeong purses her lips.

"I'll do my best."


Minjeong got woken up from her nap on a hard concrete seating. The officer told her that she got a visitor. She got lead to a private room because the visitor asked for it.

"what happened?" Ryujin asked, getting worried.

"I was accused."

"by who? Of what?" Ryujin raised an eyebrow.

"we're still gathering evidence so I can't really say the name. they thought I bribed a judge to win the case. man, I don't even care about how much I got paid." Minjeong shrugs.

"because your clients will pay you regardless and you know that. they offered you crazy amount of money to win the case and get what they deserve." Ryujin has a lot of thoughts to share but decided to keep it.

"I'm gonna have my trial in two days. Will you join me?" Minjeong asked. "also, tell my sister about this. I'm sure she needs some explanation."


Jimin saw an update on Minjeong's case. her attorney made a statement on the media but refused to state a certain name. on the other hand, Yeonjun have been busy lately. Jimin can't really call him to help her. well, it's not the first time that that happened and Jimin understands that.

Again, Jimin has to pick Gunhoo up at school, so, she goes to Han to ask for a permission. Ryujin is still out somewhere.

"Mr. Han." Jimin approached him. "I need to pick up my son."

"oh, yes. it's okay. just get back here ASAP, okay?" he chuckles.

"okay, sir."

Soon enough, Jimin arrived at Gunhoo's school. She gets out of her car and waits for her son to come out, joining other parents who's also waiting for their kids.

"haven't seen you around." One of them started a conversation.

"I've been busy." Jimin is not too close with the parents either.

"have you heard about that new teacher? Already having problems with the law." The other chimed in.

"I know there's something fishy about her. not only she's a predator, she also likes to play dirty."

Jimin has no interests in listening to their foul talk about Minjeong. It only makes her uncomfortable.

"you should be careful. She's suspended from attending the classes but she might come back. I hope she doesn't."

"excuse me. my son is here. Have a good day." Jimin stands up, excusing herself.

"that's your son? That teacher took your son the other day. was he okay?"

"he's perfectly fine, ma'am. I need to go."

Jimin grabs Gunhoo's hand and drag him away from there. Entering the car, Jimin checks on him from her rear-view mirror.

"we're gonna go to mom's workplace, okay?" Jimin smiles a little. "are you okay?"

"I miss Mrs. Kim."

Jimin wonders why he's so attached to her, but at one point, maybe Minjeong spends a lot of time with her students especially Gunhoo.

"I'm sure she'll be back, son." Jimin responded as she starts driving away.


By the time Jimin arrived back at the company, Ryujin is already back from her visit. She greeted Jimin with a smile.

"I can hire someone to pick up your son." Ryujin offered glancing at Gunhoo.

"I think I will be okay, ma'am. Thank you for the offer." Jimin refused politely.

"you wasted your time on the road and your time is my money. Besides, you're close with Minjeong. She's worried about her students." Ryujin let out a long breath. "alright, then. you have a customer to handle."


For the second time today, Minjeong got a visit from Namjoon. Not only that, Chaewon also visits her.

"so that's why I can't contact you. I thought you're at someone's house. Ryujin's maybe." Chaewon commented after Minjeong explained things in detail.

"I also found out that I'm suspended from school. How am I gonna live now?" Minjeong sighs.

"you didn't do anything wrong. When the truth is out, you'll get everything back." Chaewon then looks at Namjoon. "can I bail her out?"

"being here is safer than out there. The medias will chase you. if you need something to do, then, it's up to you." Namjoon replied. "by the way, the investigation for Yeonjun is still ongoing. The trial is postponed because apparently Yeonjun sued you as well."

"of course, he would do that." Minjeong shook her head. "can I have a moment with him?" she asked Chaewon.

"sure." Chaewon quickly leaves the room after that.

"you haven't told me about him. seems like you know him more than I thought." Namjoon stated.

"I don't know him personally. I know his cousin." Minjeong had a doubt. "I don't want her to get involved."

"if you can get her testimony, that'd be great. Maybe she's on your side." Namjoon suggested.

"I won't do that myself. can you gather them yourself? I'm sure that woman knows nothing about this."

"we need to get in detail on what's your relationship with that woman. Looks like you really care about her." Namjoon squinted his eyes.

"her son, actually." Minjeong looks at him. "I'm very close with her son."

"details, Minjeong. You better start talking."

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