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Jimin is done eating with Chaewon. they're on the second floor of the restaurant since they couldn't find a table on the first floor earlier.

"should we order some to take home?" Jimin asked Chaewon. "Minjeong would love these."

"that's why take you here. I never got the chance to take her here. She's like super busy, right? rather order in than going out." Chaewon informed.

"doesn't look like that now." Jimin sighs.

"why? Did you worry about Isa?" Chaewon knows the situation since Jimin often talks to her lately.

"of course, I'm worried. I'm busier than her now. what if her feelings changed towards me?" Jimin said, almost whining.

"hey, she's not like that." Chaewon holds her hand, reassuring her. "you can trust her."

"I'm just afraid. I feel like we have some distance." Jimin looks at her. "it's my fault."

"nothing will happen, okay? maybe you guys need some alone time to keep things on track again." Chaewon suggested.

"yeah, maybe."

After some more talk, the two head downstairs. Jimin approaches the cashier to order some food to take home, while Chaewon waits for her, sitting at an empty table for two.

"Jeong~ stop messing with me!"

Jimin's sharp ears twitched when she heard the name. she automatically looks to a certain table and noticed two women chatting and laughing together. There's no doubt that it's Minjeong and Isa.

Jimin's eyes glued to them for a brief moment. They can't see her since they're back-facing her. another thing that surprised her is when Isa put her hand on top of Minjeong's. Jimin's blood boils when she saw that.

"miss?" the cashier called her. "excuse me."

"oh, sorry." Jimin looks at her.

"Here's the receipt. Please wait a moment." The cashier smiles at her.

Jimin hurriedly goes to Chaewon, dragging the other chair and sits beside her.

"she's here!" she exclaimed silently. "with her!"

"oh, why don't you go to her?" Chaewon wondered.

"look at them! All giggly and stuff. Being too close with each other." Jimin groans. "annoying."

"she's just that friendly. We better just get going." Chaewon then looks around, looking for he sister. Finally, her eyes lands on Minjeong and Isa. "you guys can just talk at home. I'll play with Gunhoo."


Jimin is still waiting for Minjeong at home with Gunhoo and Chaewon, watching TV together.

"mommy..." Gunhoo looks up at her. "are we gonna celebrate my birthday?"

"you want that? we'll celebrate it, then."

"do you want something?" Chaewon looked away from her phone and looks at him.

"um..." Gunhoo looks down, thinking. "planetarium."

"tell your mama." Jimin said since she's not too interested in such thing.

"I'm home!"

"mama, mama!" Gunhoo jumps down the couch and runs towards Minjeong.

"you better walk in here, bud." Minjeong caught him. "why you look so excited?"

"mommy said I can go to planetarium." Gunhoo looks up at her.

"oh, really?" Minjeong smiles at him then to the couch where the rest of two girls at. "did you guys have your dinner?"

"yeah. She cooked something. If you want, it's in the fridge." Chaewon replied, while Jimin keeps her eyes on the TV.

Minjeong just nods and looks back at Gunhoo. She takes his hand and leads him back to Jimin.

"wait, I'll clean up." Minjeong then gives Jimin a kiss on the head.

After Jimin heard the bedroom door being shut, she huffs frustratingly. Chaewon can only give her some sympathy.

"alright, maybe, I'm just overthinking it." Jimin looks down.

"why are you thinking so much?" Gunhoo innocently asked.

"nothing, baby. Sometimes, working can make you have a lot of thoughts." Jimin rubs his head gently. "let's just go brush your teeth so you can go sleep."

After everything with Gunhoo is done, Jimin goes back to the couch. Chaewon is still there, having a call with Jennifer. Jimin sits beside her, wanting to have a little conversation to pour her heart out.

"I'll see you tomorrow. Jimin is here." Chaewon bid her goodbye and hangs up the call. "what?"

"I don't think I should talk about it." Jimin sighs.

"why? You have concerns, you should talk about it." Chaewon furrowed her eyebrows.

"Jimin?" their conversation shortly got cut off by Minjeong who came out of her room. "aren't you gonna sleep?"

Jimin looks at Chaewon for a moment then goes to Minjeong. She follows her back to her room and lie on the bed.

"are you okay?" Minjeong joined her in bed. She noticed her face, looks like someone who wants to say something.

"how long are you gonna be her driver?"

"what? driver?" Minjeong got taken back, a little offended. "what are you talking about?"

"should I just say 'her partner'?" Jimin looks at her.

"are we really gonna argue about this? I already told you everything." Minjeong got confused.

"I'm not trying to argue with you. I saw you this afternoon and you guys look more like a couple than us."

Honestly, that statement hurts Minjeong. The feeling of not being trusted is really uncomfortable for her.

"please think about this maturely. I was and am helping her. only that. my family and hers are already like a big one. I'm just giving back what they gave me." Minjeong explained.

"maturely? You're mature enough to make your own decision. I feel like you're being treated like someone lower than them." Jimin started to raise her voice.

"and why didn't you just come to me earlier? If I knew, I would've asked you to join us." Minjeong sighs. "you should also realize that I'm not the only one at fault." She gets out of bed, not in the mood to be in the same room as her.

"you're blaming me? I didn't cheat. I feel like you are."

"you're not the only one who has free-will. How dare you accuse me of that? you chose to work at that store almost all day but I can't choose to do something else?" Minjeong scoffed. "I thought you can trust me like I trust you."

With that, Minjeong gets out of the room and decided to sleep on the couch.

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