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Minjeong is finally allowed to go home. For her, nothing is better than feeling her own home's air.

"great to see you again." Chaewon greeted Minjeong after she got home from work. The big sister noticed her on the couch playing with her phone. "oh, I miss you." she gives her a big hug.

"you didn't even visit me." Minjeong huffs. "don't tell me you've been playing around with Jen around this apartment." she joked.

"you're gross." Chaewon slapped her head playfully. "I visited you once."

"only once. Are you that busy now?" Minjeong looks back at her.

"I planned to open up an offline shop. I also want to expand the warehouse." Chaewon informed. "you should see how many members we have now."

"you used to give me one of your knitwear." Minjeong pouts.

"when did you become so clingy? Just say that you miss me." Chaewon stifles. "hey, what if Jimin became a manager at my store?" she walked back to the couch with a can of beer.

"she's booked. Ryujin wants to take her back to her company." Minjeong informed. "I think it's better than working in Isa's."

"true. You can, like, visit her as well as hang out with Ryujin." Chaewon shrugs. "where's she?"

"therapy." Minjeong looked at her. "Mingyu will give Gunhoo a ride after school." She looks at her phone again. "Yujin and Sungmin are taking care of the lawsuit against James. Rachel told me that she'll file all the contract termination with him. also, I need a new driver for Jimin and Gunhoo."

"you just got back. go easy on yourself." Chaewon reminded her. "have you heard anything from Isa?"

"no. what I'm glad about is now James is in jail for investigation. I need to give some statement to support the evidence." Minjeong sighs.

"so you'll attend the court?"

"if needed. I mean, he's already a fugitive. All I need to do is just give my statements and what I've experienced when working with him." Minjeong explained briefly. "you don't have to worry. I know who I trust and I'm sure they're the right people."

"I'm really proud of you." Chaewon caresses her head. "really. Don't be so hard on yourself, Jeong."

"I know. now, I have to think about what I wanna do. should I stop being a lawyer?" Minjeong looks at her. "let me take care of our orphanage instead. beside the company, of course."

"you know what's best for you. I'll always support you, okay?"


The night comes, and the little family gathers for dinner. Enjoying their time by chatting lightly, the atmosphere in this apartment became warmer.

"oh, we have dessert, don't we?" Jimin remembered. "Gunhoo got it from Jeonghan earlier."

"you go to their house again?" Minjeong looks at him.

"no, I stopped by to get it. then, uncle Mingyu took me home. They gave me some books to keep me busy when you were in the hospital. Me and Alice read a lot of books." Gunhoo trailed off. "we can give them books as well, right, mama?"

"sure, bud." Minjeong chuckles. "we'll go out next Sunday, okay?"

"okay." Gunhoo continues to eat.

"did you hear anything from Sungmin?" Jimin brought up. "I heard you don't need to testify directly."

"he should be going straight to sentencing. I should be able to provide for the hearing. Adding my case and my testimonies should be enough to lock him up, right?"

"he's already guilty for running away from the police. I mean, his crimes were horrible." Jimin commented.

"are we gonna be okay now, mom?" Gunhoo looks at both of the parents.

"we are, baby." "we're okay, I promise." Jimin and Minjeong said.

"aunt Chae will protect you. aunt Jen as well." Chaewon smiles at him.

"can you read me a story? I miss having mama reading me a bedtime story." Gunhoo pleaded. "after we have the cake from uncle Jeonghan, of course."

"whatever you want, champ."


Minjeong walks back to her bedroom after Gunhoo is asleep in Chaewon's room. she climbs onto the bed, ready for a good sleep in her own room.

"good night, baby." Minjeong said as she turns off the nightlamp above the bedside table. She pulls the blanket and covers her body comfortably.

Jimin sneakily scoots over to her and snakes her arms around Minjeong's petite body. She makes herself comfortable by joining her under the blanket, adding the warmth that's already there.

"what's up, Jimin?" Minjeong is more than comfortable in this state, but, something feels different.

"I just..." Jimin sighs. "I missed you."

"we see each other every day. what do you mean?" Minjeong turns around to face her.

Jimin's hand goes to reach Minjeong's face, caressing it lovingly. The faded tired eyes, the small pale lips, the not-so-chubby cheeks that Minjeong has, the eyebags under her eyes, Jimin just noticed how much pain, trouble, and stress that she's been having.

"hey, what's wrong?" Minjeong noticed her watery eyes. "why are you crying?" she wipes the tears that falls across the bridge of Jimin's nose, some starts to drop on the pillow.

Jimin buried her face on Minjeong's chest as she sobs harder. Minjeong returns the hug and rubs her back. she plants a few kisses on her head to calm her down.

"among all the things I wanted to forget, why does it have to be you?"

Minjeong finally realized. As her chest filled with joy, Minjeong's embrace became tighter. Any good words in the world can't describe how happy she is right now. all that she can show is a wide smile with a little stifle. Tears managed to escape from the corners of her eyes.

"Jimin..." Minjeong pulled away. "I'm so proud of you. thank you so much." she grabs the side of Jimin's head and showers her with a lot of pecks from her forehead, nose, cheeks, and most importantly, her plump lips that she missed so much. "since when?"

"I've been wanting to tell you since I got back from my last therapy." Jimin smiles at her.

"so, today? You keep this from me for the whole day? really?" Minjeong widened her eyes. "you're so mean."

"I want it to be intimate, darling." Jimin pinched her cheek playfully. "do you miss me?"

"I missed you so much." Minjeong gives her another kiss on the lips.

"well, then... we gotta keep quiet."

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