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Getting out of the courthouse, Minjeong takes a deep breath and let it out. working with her assistant can really make her life easier, it feels like she can just let her do it all.

"Giselle." Minjeong looks at her. "I'm sorry that I didn't see you before." She smiles at her.

"it's okay, ma'am. I heard a lot from your colleagues." Giselle smiles back.

"you did great at explaining to me and stuff. I didn't trust you enough before." Minjeong chuckles as they walk back to their own car.

"great to work with you again, ma'am. Have a nice day."

Minjeong bows and smile before entering her car. She then checks her phone, realizing that she missed a few calls from Mrs. Kwon and Ryujin.

"ah, right. I haven't called her back." Minjeong then put her phone to her ear. "good evening, ma'am."

"glad you called. Come by my office." Mrs. Kwon answered hurriedly.

"right now?" Minjeong raised an eyebrow. "I'll be there, then."


Minjeong knocks on the office door before Mrs. Kwon lets her in. Minjeong smiles a little before taking a seat.

"I know you don't have much time. so I'm just gonna say it." Mrs. Kwon started. "teach here. Be a teacher again."

"I'm sorry, why?" Minjeong furrowed her eyebrows.

"I feel bad for kicking you out like that. if you want to work here again, we'll welcome you." Mrs. Kwon smiles warmly.

"this school's reputation is important, Mrs. Kwon." Minjeong lets out a sigh while smiling. "as much as I want to, I don't think I can teach anymore. You know... lawyer's stuff." She chuckles.

"I understand." Mrs. Kwon pressed a smile. "Gunhoo kept talking about you."

"he did?" Minjeong looks away as she smiles to herself. "how's he?"

"I kept telling him to control himself. He's a little stubborn." Mrs. Kwon sighs. "what's up with you and him? he kept saying that he learned things from you."

"I don't want him, or any other kid, got bullied. That's why I told him to stand up for himself." Minjeong informed. "was it that bad?"

"it's great that he can defend himself. Tell him to keep it down. I didn't call his mom because I know she'd be busy." Mrs. Kwon explained. "well, I supposed you're still busy as well. I'll let you go back to your lawyer's stuff."


Instead of going home after her errands, Minjeong decided to visit Jimin at her place. she knows that it's already late and Gunhoo is probably asleep already, but, she's not here for him only.

"what brings you here? Gunhoo is in his room. I just put him to sleep." Jimin said as she lets her in.

"this time, I'm here to see you." Minjeong smiles politely.

"you could've told me that you'd come. I could prepare some food or drinks for you." Jimin suddenly got busy cleaning the apartment. "what do you want to drink? Have you eaten?"

"you can relax. I'm not here to inspect your place." Minjeong sits on the couch, waiting patiently.

"you're my guest. My place looks like a shipwreck every day. it's inappropriate." Jimin managed to get the apartment cleaner. "want some snacks?"

"sure." Minjeong looks back. "maybe, a cup of tea?" she smiles at the end.


Soon, Jimin brings two cups of tea for both of them. She sits beside Minjeong, giving some space. Somehow, it feels a little awkward. Not only the timing, but also the reason why she's here.

"you should stop treating me like your son's teacher at this point. I don't even work there anymore." Minjeong chuckles. "I heard stuff about Gunhoo."

"what? from who? Was it bad?" Jimin turns her body towards Minjeong, ready to receive the news.

"it's not. I'm kinda proud of him. he listens well." Minjeong sips her tea. "he might end bullying with one punch." She put her fist sharply, imitating an uppercut.

"stop playing around!" Jimin accidentally slaps her arm. Minjeong flinches and stops laughing after that. "sorry."

"it's okay. I sometimes wish that I can spend more of my time with my son. I just... wanna be there. I could teach him a lot of things, like, sports, math, drawing, even teaching him how to defend himself." Minjeong sighs. "really... you're a lucky mother to have a smart and strong kid like Gunhoo."

"you shouldn't think like that. don't ever compare your kid. They hate that." Jimin stifles.

"I'm sorry. I talk too much about myself." Minjeong just realized. "you must be tired."

"I feel like you're opening up to the wrong person." Jimin looks at her. "I always wondered why you're like this. I'm sure you're not the type to open up easily."

"as I said, you remind me of my home. The one I used to run to." Minjeong looks back at her. "don't take it the wrong way. everything I do were purely out of my heart." She looks away, feeling a little shy. "I wanna have a new start. Getting trapped in the past sucks, right?"

"what do you mean, a new start?" Jimin furrowed her eyebrows. "well, that's good if you wanna move on. They must've wanted it that way."

"will you... help me?" Minjeong slowly turns her head at her. she noticed Jimin with a confused face.

"yes?" Jimin raised both of her eyebrows. "help you? how?"

"ah, nevermind." Minjeong looks down. "do you mind if I stay here for a bit?"

"no, not at all." Jimin let out an awkward laugh. "I'll help you with anything, by the way."

"anything?" Minjeong turns her head faster than she can finish her word.

"yeah, anything that I'm capable of, of course. you've done a lot to help me, anyway." Jimin smiles kindly.

"right." Minjeong holds herself back.

"just tell me if you need anything, okay? I'm getting sleepy." Jimin yawns casually. "I'll go to my room."

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