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Minjeong got woken up by one of the officers, saying that someone bailed her out. getting back her things, she comes out to find Chaewon and Ryujin in the waiting area.

"what are you guys doing? did you just pay for bail?" Minjeong furrowed her eyebrows.

"had no choice. You have unfinished business." Ryujin winked.

"what?" Minjeong approached them.

"thanks, gentlemen! We'll be off now." Ryujin drags Minjeong out of the station and brings her to Chaewon's car.

"you can't just stay in there, bud." Ryujin who sits on the passenger side, looks back to see Minjeong.

"I don't wanna deal with those reporters. I leave it all to Namjoon."

"I know that. wanna say goodbye to your students?" Ryujin stated her idea.

"I'll talk to Mrs. Kwon."


Later that evening, Minjeong agreed to meet Mrs. Kwon first before seeing the kids in her class.

"you have a lot of courage." Mrs. Kwon folds her arms, sitting on her desk.

"I know you might think of me differently now, but I promise I'm innocent. I didn't do anything, ma'am. I just wanna see my students for the last time and I'll be gone. Please?"

"I know you didn't do it, Minjeong. I just think that you have a lot of courage coming here with no one while the parents that despise you are outside. I have to suspend and ban you because they want it that way." Mrs. Kwon sighs. "you may see your students. Two minutes."

"thank you so much."

Minjeong walks towards her class, knocking on it a few times. She noticed that there's another teacher replacing her.

"come in." he said.

Minjeong does as she told and the kids starts cheering her name. one by one, they runs towards her and give her a hug.

"hey, kids." Minjeong hugs them back.

"go back to your seat, please!" the teacher guides the students to go back.

"I won't be here for long." Minjeong looks at the teacher. After an approval to talk from him, Minjeong takes a deep breath before she speaks. "I think I owe you guys an apology for leaving without saying a word. First of all, I'm very sorry for not being here and worrying you guys. second, I won't be teaching you again. I'm officially out of this school. I hope you learn something from me as your teacher and as a friend." Minjeong bows down, almost 900 towards the students.

Minjeong can hear their whines and protests. She hasn't been here for long but her presence made a huge change to the kids. The students starts running towards her again and hug her even tighter.

"I will miss you, Mrs. Kim." "you will miss teachers' day!" "you're my second mama, Mrs. Kim."

Those words made Minjeong shed some tears. She has to be professional, though. Minjeong stands up straight again and smiles at them.

"I'll be going now." Minjeong spends some time to see those kids for the last time and leaves the class.

"Mrs. Kim! Wait!"

Minjeong looks back and see Gunhoo running towards him already with his backpack.

"hey, buddy. I know you're about to go home, but you have to wait before your teacher dismissed you." Minjeong lowers herself.

"are you sad?" Gunhoo reaches for her face.

"yes. yes, I am." Minjeong stifles. "I'm just like the other teachers. I'm sure you'll be okay."

"I don't want to go home with Mrs. Shin's driver." Gunhoo looks down.

"what's wrong with that?"

"because we can't stop by Wendy's and buy candies." Gunhoo looks at Minjeong with his puppy eyes.

"you have to go with them. It's okay. I know Mrs. Shin. She's a great friend of mine." Minjeong ruffles his hair.

"then, why can't you talk to him and I can go with you to my mom."

Minjeong is taken aback by how upset this kid is. she never thought that Gunhoo can be aggressive.

"please, Mrs. Kim. Please, please, ple-"

"okay." Minjeong sighs. "let's go."


Minjeong walks hand in hand with Gunhoo inside the showroom.

"Jimin!" Minjeong immediately looks for her.

"yes. I'm here." Jimin shows up, seeing Minjeong and Gunhoo. "why is he with you?" she grabs Gunhoo's hand and brings him to her side.

"great. You've heard. He insisted." Minjeong glanced at Gunhoo.

"of course, I've heard. My cousin told me everything." Jimin held back her emotion.

"sure. see you around." Minjeong presses a smile.

"what happened mommy?" Gunhoo innocently asked.

"nothing sweetie. She's just got into trouble and I don't want you to get in it as well."

"you said when someone gets into trouble, they will go in prison." Gunhoo looks at her with worried eyes. "does that mean Mrs. Kim is a bad person?"

"for now... yes, dear. Please go with Mrs. Shin's driver from now on, okay?"

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