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Minjeong and Jimin arrived at the law firm. They both go straight to Minjeong's office. Minjeong noticed Yujin sitting on her desk, reading the papers.

"excuse me, miss." Minjeong called her out. "you can't just sit on my desk."

"oh, you finally came." Yujin hurriedly stood up and approached them. "who's this?"

"I'm Jimin. Her girlfriend." Jimin replied kindly.

"cool. You're pretty." Yujin smiles at her, feeling a little flirty.

"Mrs. Kim." Giselle walked into the room. "Mrs. Yu. Nice to meet you."

"nice to meet you too." Jimin greeted back.

"now, I hate to leave you, but, I need to go back to work." Minjeong sadly said to her.

"it's okay. I can wait for you." Jimin walks to a nearby couch on the office.

"why don't you have a date with her? I can take your cases." Yujin joked around.

"no." Minjeong flatly replied. "why don't you help me in reviewing these cases?"


While Minjeong is busy with Yujin, Giselle takes the opportunity to accompany Jimin.

"there's not much to see here. There's a coffee shop across the street." Giselle doesn't know how to entertain the woman.

"it's alright. I'm just gonna watch her." Jimin smiles at her.

"understandable. There are only a few attractive lawyers here including her." Giselle giggles. "almost all the female clients fell for her."

"Giselle..." Minjeong chimed in. "I can hear you."

"that's a fact." Yujin joined.

"shut up."

Jimin and Giselle can only laugh at them. Afraid that they'll disturb the lawyers, Giselle takes Jimin out of the room so they can chat more freely.


"no one really stays here. The only thing working is the coffee machine." Giselle informed, just to give Jimin a little tour around the lounge area.

"I'm good. What about that fridge?" Jimin noticed as she sits on a stool.

"I put my food there once and it's gone the next few hours." Giselle giggles, joining her on the table. "never use it since then."

"even Minjeong?" Jimin wondered.

"I've never seen her eat here. Every time I asked, she always said 'later' or 'I already ate'." Giselle shrugs. "I doubt it."

"was it because... since... you know..." Jimin tried to dig deeper.

"I worked for her after the accident. We both have the same interest on this field so my professor recommend me to work with Minjeong. Since then, I've been helping her from here." Giselle shared some brief story.

"I thought she worked alone at her apartment." Jimin tilted her head.

"about that... she doesn't want to bother anyone, so, she began to take things home. Little by little, she never came back." Giselle pressed a smile. "I'm so happy that she's back."

"what about Yujin?"

"she used to work with Namjoon. You know him. but, she really likes Minjeong. She's considered new and her cases were pretty light and easy." Giselle explained.

"he's the one that helps Minjeong against my cousin, right?" Jimin pointed a finger.

"that's YOUR cousin? I thought she's talking about someone else." Giselle dramatically acted surprised.

"we're not that close back then." Jimin stifles.

"oh, that make sense. Now you guys are close enough for her to take you here." Giselle giggles. "I saw her sister once. Surprising her for her birthday."


"I think around the end of the year. I don't really remember. She doesn't even remember it." Giselle then looks over Jimin's shoulder. "they're here."

Minjeong and Yujin walks into the room. Minjeong is no longer wearing her coat, supposedly left it in her office.

"coffee?" Giselle initiated.

"please~" Yujin approached her with pouty face.

"ugh..." Giselle rolled her eyes and goes to the machine.

"I'm good." Minjeong smiles at Giselle as she walks towards Jimin. "I'm hungry." she pulled Jimin's shirt lightly.

"want me to cook you something at home?" Jimin looks up.

"okay." Minjeong then takes out her phone. she decided to call Eric before going home. "hey, is Gunhoo with you?"

"he's still doing his homework with Alice, ma'am."

"can you take him to my apartment? I want you to get groceries, then, when you get to my unit, check if my sister is home and with who. If my sister is there, you can leave for today. Thank you, Eric."

"sure, ma'am. I'll let you know."


"I actually want to take you to the last place today, but, I'm starving." Minjeong sighs, taking Jimin's hand and intertwines it with hers.

"being with Gunhoo everyday makes me miss him now."

"don't worry, he's safe with Eric. Probably he's with Chaewon." Minjeong glanced at Jimin. "you know what? she has a girlfriend now."

"You told me already." Jimin looked at her.

"I feel a little guilty. She's been taking care of me a lot. I'm glad that she can focus on herself now that I'm better at managing myself." at the red light, Minjeong looks at Jimin. "thanks to you. I'm really grateful to have you in my life."

"oh, stop it." Jimin tried to hide her blush by looking down. "you helped me a lot as well. A lot more than I did for you."

Minjeong just stifles. It just feels great to have their time alone. It's like she's in her high school romance phase.

"you don't mind spending a night at my apartment, right?" Minjeong asked.

"of course, not. I don't have to worry about the clothes, right?" Jimin looks at her.

"you can borrow Chaewon's if you want." Minjeong shrugs.

"I like yours better."

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