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Minjeong and Gunhoo gets out of his room and goes to the kitchen. Jimin noticed them and just smiles lovingly at them.

"do you have any homework?" Jimin asked as she prepared the food on the table.

"lucky for me, no." Gunhoo sits on one of the chairs.

"what about you? do you need to work tomorrow?" Jimin turns to Minjeong.

"yes. but, I can spend the night here. I don't have to go early tomorrow." Minjeong is sitting beside Gunhoo.

Jimin nods understandingly and joins them on the table. Just like a nice housewife, she helps the two with their plates and food.

"what's uncle Jihoon doing here earlier?" Gunhoo suddenly asked.

"he wants to see you and mommy. Since I was already here first, I invited him in." Minjeong replied.

"then, why did he leave after we're home? He looks mad too."

Minjeong glanced at Jimin, noticing that Gunhoo is probably worried.

"I just talked to him, son. I have no idea why he's so upset." Minjeong came up with some short explanation. "what's bothering you?"

"I feel sorry for him." Gunhoo let out a subtle sigh. "he's not a bad person, right? I feel like you treated him like one."

The parents go silent. The two looks at each other, feeling unsure of what to say to him. according to Jimin, Jihoon can be a good person, but, once he gets triggered by something, he's a real pain in the ass. As for Minjeong, Jihoon is just a short-tempered man.

"what's wrong? I'm wrong, aren't I?" Gunhoo looks at both of them back and forth.

"no, no, you're not. he's a good man. He could be." Jimin quickly replied, looking at Gunhoo, then looks at Minjeong. She looks a little surprised. "but, he's not a good father. Not yet."

"why is that?" Gunhoo tilts his head. "is it because he left us? he left us, didn't he?"

"yes, he did. I'm surprised that you knew." Jimin responded.

"because Alice's parents left her and uncle Mingyu and uncle Jeonghan adopted her after." Gunhoo explained.

"oh." Jimin nodded. "you told her?"

"I told her many things about me." Gunhoo suddenly got excited. "she told me about herself as well. I'm happy to hang out with her every day at school."

"my boy..." Minjeong nudged his shoulder lightly. "you're on to something." She teased.

"not the time." Jimin sternly chimed in, looking at Minjeong.

"time for what?" Gunhoo asked again.

"nothing." Minjeong giggles. "just eat. I'll read you something after this."


Minjeong walks inside Jimin's room, noticing that the woman is playing with her phone. she joins her in bed after taking off her shirt and pants, getting ready to sleep.

"so, are you gonna tell me what were you talking about with him?" Jimin remembered.

"you're right about him. he's a self-centered, short-tempered, asshole. He keeps bluffing and judging me and Gunhoo." Minjeong sighs, relaxing herself.

"what did he say about him?" Jimin turns fully towards her as soon as she heard his son's name.

"he said that he needs a real father figure and he'll grow up to be a wimp." Minjeong looks at her.

"he did not say that." Jimin said in a disbelieved tone.

"he did." Minjeong shrugs. "of course, I'm offended. Gunhoo is not a wimp. In fact, he's the manliest kid I know. did you see how brave yet gentle he is? babe, you raised him good."

"it'll be better with you." Jimin steals a kiss from her afterwards. "he'll grow up to be the best kid, the only son that I'm proud of having."

"wanna have another?" Minjeong teased.

"shut up." Jimin scoffed, slapping her playfully. "I've thought about it, okay?"

"you have?" Minjeong said it as a joke initially.

"I thought you're being serious." Jimin raised an eyebrow. "I don't want him to be lonely."

"I see." Minjeong slides under the blanket. "when should we..."

"well, something's missing." Jimin looks at her while pointing on her own ring finger. "I won't have another without it."

"we can just plan it right away." Minjeong casually suggested.

"don't be ridiculous. You're still busy. Besides, I'm not pushing you." Jimin joins her inside the blanket and wraps her arm around her torso. "relax."

"I am relaxed. We'll get married anyway." Minjeong is confident enough about it.

"go to sleep." Jimin stifles and snuggles into Winter's neck. "you have a business to run."


The next day, as usual, Minjeong noticed Rachel and Isa already chatting in her office. Honestly, Isa has been helpful for both Minjeong and the company.

"morning, Minjeong." Isa greeted her with a smiley face.

"good morning everyone." Minjeong goes to sit on her desk.

"do you always come at this hour? I suggest you work earlier."

Minjeong looks towards the private restroom. Mr. Camelot came out of the room with a smile.

"oh, good morning, sir." Minjeong bowed slightly. "would you like anything to drink?"

"I'm just checking. Feel free to do your job." The man sits on the couch then proceeds to play with his phone.

"okay." Minjeong thought that maybe this used to be normal for him when her father is still around.

"are you close with anyone, by any chance?" Mr. Camelot looks up from his phone.

"yes, currently." Minjeong smiles to herself. "I can introduce her to you. she's an amazing woman. She's specialized in marketing and sales."

"alright. That's awesome." Mr. Camelot smiles a little. "is it possible for her to work for me?"

"excuse me?" Minjeong looks up after hearing that, paying full attention to him. "I have to ask her about that."

"yeah, that's okay. I was just offering. Let me know if she's interested."

Minjeong just smiles and nods at him. she knows that his company is out of the city. I'd be almost impossible for them to live together. Seems like it's a mistake to brag about Jimin in front of this man.

"I won't be home tonight. can you have a dinner with my daughter?" Mr. Camelot asked.

"yes, no problem, sir." Minjeong can't really refuse. He's been so nice to her family after all. she's sure that her uncle or even father would gladly help this man in return.

"great. I'll leave her to you."

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