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Jimin is still thinking about Jihoon's words. though she doesn't want him anymore, at least, Gunhoo should know who his father is. yet again, it's all up to him.

Jimin intentionally told Minjeong that she's going to work and she doesn't need to give her a ride. In fact, that's not what happened. She planned to go to the restaurant again to find Jihoon.

"where are we going, mommy?" Gunhoo asked, already dressed up.

"since you've met your dad the other day, how about we see him again?" Jimin approached him, also already dressed up.

"well, I'm curious. My old friends used to make fun of me because of that."

The two goes to the parking lot and enter the car.

"are you going back with him?" Gunhoo suddenly asked.

"I just want you to meet him. I supposed you want to." Jimin starts diving out of the building.



Jimin and Gunhoo step into the restaurant. It's quite early for them to come there, seeing the restaurant is not that busy like that day. Jimin finds an empty table and they go to sit there.

"good afternoon. May I help you with something?" a woman greeted them.

"is Jihoon available? I'd like to talk to him." Jimin asked.

"I'll call him. do you want to order something for the boy?" she offered again.

"I want dumplings and milkshake." Gunhoo smiles at the woman.

After some time waiting, Jihoon shows up with Gunhoo's order. He smiles at them and takes a seat beside Jimin.

"I'm really happy that you're willing to give me a second chance. How are you?" he started.

"Gunhoo wants to see you. you can thank him." Jimin is still being cold.

"I like the dumplings." Gunhoo commented. "I'm sorry, mister. I don't remember you."

"let's get to know each other, then." he smiles at him before looking at Jimin. "how old is he?"

"seven." Jimin replied. "I'm glad that he doesn't remember you. it'd be a nightmare for him."

"it's okay, mommy." Gunhoo then looks at Jihoon. "I'm not comferable to call you daddy."

"as long as I can see you happy, it's fine by me." Jihoon can't stop smiling upon seeing them. "maybe sometimes we can hang out again. Not here, of course."

"where are you gonna take me and mom?" Gunhoo tilts his head to the side slightly.

"do you like games? We can go to the arcade. If you like sports, I can teach you how to play soccer and baseball." Jihoon suggested.

"I like soccer. I often play with my friends at recces." Gunhoo smiles a little. "do you like watching movies?"

"oh, you like movies just like your mom." Jihoon chuckles. "I guess we need to talk a lot for this to work, kid."


Minjeong looks at the time on her desk. She supposed that she can visit Jimin's workplace since her work at the office are pretty much done.

"Yujin. I'm about to leave. Is there a case you wanna learn?" Minjeong asked her as she starts packing her bag.

"yeah, that domestic abuse case. where are you going?" Yujin asked back.

"visiting a friend. If you wanna take one or two, you can take it. tell Giselle that I asked you to stay here to study the cases." Minjeong said before leaving the room.

On her way to Ryujin's company, Minjeong tried to call Ryujin, seeing if she's at work. She connected her phone to the radio and call her.

"what?" Ryujin answered.

"are you at work? Jimin is still there, right?" Minjeong asked.

"I don't know. I'm out of the country. You keep forgetting shit, man." Ryujin joked.

"oh, right, sorry." Minjeong just remembered.

"just go there. Give her a surprise or something."


Soon enough, Minjeong arrived at the company. she can't see Jimin's car at first, so, she gets out of her car and goes inside.

"Han." Minjeong found him instead of Jimin or Gunhoo. "where's Jimin?"

"oh, she's off today. Is there anything I can help?" Han politely offered.

"no, thank you. she told me she's going to work." Minjeong then takes her phone and calls Jimin.

"our free days are a bit confusing. We can change our schedules as needed." Han said as he looks at her calling someone.

"she's not picking up. thank you, Han. I'll be going again."

Minjeong is thinking about Gunhoo now. if she's not at work, then, Gunhoo must be at home with her. shortly, she arrived at Jimin's apartment. lucky her, she knows the security working there.

"sir, can I ask you something?" Minjeong approached him. "do you know Jimin, the one who has a son. Did she leave the apartment?"

"most of the residents left since the morning. But, if you ask about the one with a little boy, she's seen leaving in the afternoon. Saw it on the CCTV."

Minjeong thinks as hard as she can. she's wondering why Jimin is lying to her. she goes to her car and drives off. She has no destination whatsoever. She keeps thinking and thinking.

"oh, fuck." Minjeong realized. "fucking Chinese restaurant."


Minjeong parked her car a little far from the restaurant. She can see Jimin's car already. Minjeong gets out of the car and walks to the restaurant. She has no intention to go in, just wants to check on them. She stops near the restaurant, not too close, but close enough for her to see them.

"there you are." Minjeong sighs, watching Jimin, Gunhoo, and the father having a good time.

Not long after that, Minjeong noticed that Jimin stands up from her seat, followed by Gunhoo. They then walk towards the door, about to leave. Minjeong turns around and walks away, hoping that they didn't see her.


Minjeong got shocked. She fastens he walking pace and hurriedly enters her car. Meanwhile, Jimin is scared, confused, also feeling guilty. With Gunhoo running towards the car, Jimin can't really prevent him.

"mama?" Jihoon raised an eyebrow.

"let me remind you that I'm here because of him. I have my own personal life now." Jimin tried to make him understand the situation.

"I still can visit you, right? I mean, for Gunhoo." Jihoon calmly asked. "you know, I should've tried to contact you. I thought you changed your number."

"oh, please. you have no intention to do that at all." Jimin stifles. "I'm glad you changed, though."

"well, I have to."

Minjeong has been looking at them from the rear-view mirror, somehow ignoring Gunhoo who's been knocking on her window. Minjeong finally rolls it down.

"hey, bud." Minjeong pressed a smile.

"why are you running away? Don't you want to meet mommy?" Gunhoo innocently asked.

"how's your time with your dad? bet he's a good guy." Minjeong avoided the questions.

"he is nice to me, but mommy doesn't seem happy. He can make her laugh twice today." Gunhoo smiles widely at the thought of his mother laughing. "so, I guess he's a good man. He promised me to take me to a soccer field too."

"that's good." Minjeong smiles weakly. "you better go back to your mom. I need to go to work again."

"are you gonna visit us tonight?"

"maybe, probably. I really need to go. Good night, kid."

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