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"watch out!"

Minjeong looks up and, suddenly, a boy tripped in front of her and bumped into her quite hard, her phone slips out of her hand. She immediately helps the boy who's already crying.

"I told you to stop running!"

"Gunhoo?" Minjeong realized and looks up to see Jimin with a worried face. She then pays attention to the kid. "shush, boy. You're okay." she cups his face, making sure he's okay.

"dude, your phone." Ryujin took it from the ground, seeing the cracked screen.

"I'm really sorry. We always meet at the worst times." Jimin's turns to check on the boy who's no longer crying. "that balloon can't fly, Gunhoo."

"guess I gotta change the screen. I can't read the texts with this." Minjeong sighs, looking at her phone."

There's too much happening right now. everyone is doing their own thing.

"that's your son?" Ryujin noticed Jimin.

"yes, ma'am." Jimin smiles a little.

"did you say 'meet at the worst time'? so you guys have met before." Ryujin raised an eyebrow.

"he's my student." Minjeong explained. "of course, we've met a few times."

"oh, that's why you guys look close the other day at my showroom." Ryujin nods understandingly. "well, then. have fun with your kid."

Just when Ryujin is about to take her somewhere else, Minjeong stops her track.

"hey, I saw a balloons that can fly over there. Wanna get that?" Minjeong lowers herself, smiling at Gunhoo.

"yes!" he then turns to Jimin. "please, mom."

"I can go alone." Ryujin chimed in, pointing her thumb backwards. "I'll tell Chaewon you meet a friend."

"thanks." Minjeong responded.

With that, Jimin, Minjeong and Gunhoo are going to look for the balloon.

"you really don't have to do this." Jimin said to her. "we're about to go home earlier."

"oh, is that so? I'm sorry. I just wanna cheer him up."

"look at those balloons!" Gunhoo walks fast to the stall.

"I'll buy him." Minjeong smiles at Jimin then catches up to Gunhoo.

Jimin think that that's just another kind gesture from Minjeong. She's the one that supposed to pay for her phone or help her with her wet shirt the other day. it's been a long time since she has someone giving her a 'service'.

"now that's the floating balloon." Minjeong walks back to Jimin with Gunhoo already holding a balloon.

"helium." Gunhoo looks at Minjeong.

"correct!" Minjeong ruffles his hair. She then looks at Jimin. "how's your husband doing?"

"husband?" Jimin got taken aback. "I'm a single mother."

"oh, I'm sorry. The other day I saw a guy picking him up." Minjeong wondered.

"that must be Yeonjun, my cousin." Jimin smiles a little.

"I don't know my dad." Gunhoo chimed in. "doesn't matter. I only love mommy."

"oh..." Minjeong feels guilty for bringing it up. "I'm really sorry."

"don't be. You didn't know." Jimin stifles as they continues to walk through the market. "we actually need to go."

"do you live around here?" Minjeong asked as they can finally see the parking lot.

"not really. I just found out about the night market and planned on buying some second-hand things." Jimin shows Minjeong her bags.

"oh, I didn't notice." Minjeong then takes out her phone. "wait."

"it's okay if you're busy." Jimin noticed.

"no, not at all." Minjeong continues to walk with them. "maybe I can give you a ride. It's already dark."

"oh, no. really, you don't have to do that." Jimin refused when they're already close to her car.

"I don't have my car." Minjeong added. "beside... your kid broke my phone."

"I will fix it. I promise." Jimin said almost begging.

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Kim." Gunhoo pouted, looking at Minjeong.

"let me drive." Minjeong insisted.

Jimin sighs, finally letting Minjeong drive her car. Along the ride, Gunhoo really talks a lot. Sometimes he said something that Minjeong doesn't need to know about him or even Jimin.

"okay, that's embarrassing. Stop it, honey." Jimin cups her face in embarrassment. "I didn't know who she is, really."

"that's a funny one." Minjeong laughs along with Gunhoo. "your kid is interesting."

"he is." Jimin chuckles. "my apartment is on the right."

"that one?" Minjeong noticed a decent apartment on the right side of the street.

"yeah. It's not bad." Jimin looks down. "what about you? are you gonna call someone? Your driver, maybe?"

"I don't have a driver." Minjeong unbuckles herself.

"mommy, can Mrs. Kim stay? You said people sleep when it's dark."

"oh, I can't do that, boy. I will go." Minjeong refused.

"he's right. I can't just let you go home, Minjeong. Just consider this as a way to pay you back. you've been so nice to me." Jimin offered.

"I'll tell my sister."

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