~Chapter 3~

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Ara Malfoy POV

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Ara Malfoy POV.

As she leaves the Potter girl on the ground, a flood of questions enters her mind. Despite this, she trails Tom.

Throughout the journey, she fixates on his back, disregarding the trouble she'd invite just by glaring. The mirror she gave the young girl serves as a communication tool, its counterpart in Ara's possession. She passed it to the girl in case Tom chooses to withhold information.

Once they exit the forest, they gather the others before apparating to the Black family home.

The place feels dreary, surprisingly mundane for the reputed wealth of the Blacks. Ara finds it unremarkable.

Her brother, Lucius, would likely be at the Malfoy manor, fervently hoping the Death Eaters haven't selected his house for their meeting that day.

A smirk plays on her lips at the image of his pleading face.

Before she knows it, they are inside 12 Grimmauld Place.

Tom pays her no attention, and, truthfully, it stings.

She doesn't love Tom; he isn't someone worthy of affection. But she craves his acknowledgment.

"Malfoy," a nameless Death Eater addresses her.

"What?" Her glare speaks volumes, her mask lost in the forest.

The Death Eater recoils. "Nevermind," he mutters.

She smirks before pivoting away. They traverse the dark hallway, adorned with paintings. Eventually, they reach the dining room, dominated by a table that nearly fills the space, with wooden shelves housing decorative plates.

Walburga Black and her husband, Orion, stand together. Their son, Regulus, is absent. Tom had forbidden the young boy from joining, surprising everyone, particularly Walburga and Orion, who have ambitious plans for their son to ascend as the highest-ranking Death Eater.

Ara harbors resentment toward them for this ambition. She considers herself the highest-ranking Death Eater, closest to Tom.

When Tom takes his seat, Ara promptly settles beside him. Yet, he continues to ignore her, leaving her puzzled.

Her piercing blue eyes scan the gathering of Death Eaters. As the door begins to close, her gaze locks with Regulus, hidden near the exit in hopes of eavesdropping. She offers him a sinister smile before the door shuts. He always has a habit of listening in, likely perturbed by his exclusion from the meeting.

"Who was killed and who was captured?" Tom reclines in his chair, his expression unreadable, making Ara cautious.

His demeanor is peculiar ever since the incident with the Potter girl.

Does he have a connection to her? How can he?

Bellatrix clears her throat, detailing the names of the deceased, while another Death Eater accounts for those captured. Only one was caught, a figure lower than Ara's expectations; many Death Eaters seem incompetent.

Ara remains stoic throughout the proceedings. At least Lucius isn't present; she finds him insufferable.

During the discussion, Ara's thoughts drift back to the girl. Why is she significant?

Could it be that Tom... likes her? No, that notion seems absurd, even for him. Then why intervene to prevent Ara from killing her?

The girl displays remarkable bravery. She even managed to leave Ara bruised from their encounter. Ara ponders if she might've been sorted into Gryffindor, but she distinctly remembers her placement in Ravenclaw.

The girl possesses the courage of a Gryffindor yet lacks their stupidity.

As the meeting persists, Ara mulls over these thoughts. When it concludes, Walburga and Orion promptly approach Tom.

"My Lord," Walburga begins, bowing her head slightly. "I had hoped to discuss the matter of my son, Regulus, joining—"

"I've already decided. He will not join," Tom interrupts sharply, fixing them with a stern glare before rising. Ara mirrors his actions.

"My Lord," Ara whispers softly, her voice barely audible. "May I have a moment of your time in private?" She keeps her tone subdued.

Tom shoots her a glance but gestures for the others to vacate the room. Once the door closes, he casts a spell to ensure their privacy, perhaps aware of Regulus's tendency to eavesdrop.

"What is it, Ara?" His voice holds a tinge of boredom as he reaches for a glass bottle of alcohol to pour into an empty glass.

She hesitates, gathering her thoughts. "That Potter girl," she begins, fidgeting with the hem of her robe. "Why did you stop me from killing her?" Ara is known for her harshness and occasional "craziness" among others, but with Tom, she feigns loyalty and subservience. Her loyalty remains, albeit diminished.

Her loyalty began to fray from the very first instance he subjected her to the torture curse. It unraveled further with each occurrence.

In truth, the person who might truly understand her is her brother's wife, Narcissa. Amidst many, she places trust in Narcissa that surpasses others.

Tom's fingers clench around the glass of alcohol before he sips and turns to confront her.

"I owe you no explanation," he declares sharply.

She involuntarily recoils but swiftly masks her reaction. "Of course, my Lord. My apologies, mere curiosity," she replies, bowing her head in deference. Internally, she seethes, yet calmly begins to exit the room.

"Ara," his voice halts her departure.

She turns back, wearing a perplexed expression.

"She's my informant. A spy within the Order," he discloses.

She freezes. Employing a child as a spy?

Forcing a smile, she responds, "That's good, my Lord. I'm sorry for my actions towards her." With another deferential nod, she departs, concealing her shock.

Regulus ascends further up the stairs, oblivious due to Tom's protective enchantment.

He doesn't glance her way, headed towards his room.

"Regulus," Ara calls out, her tone now colder.

He pivots, his posture impeccable, his face a mask void of emotions.

"Is there anything you wish for me to tell Narcissa?" she inquires, her voice tinged with chill.

Regulus softens slightly. "Yes," he replies, descending a few steps to convey the message.

Ara ponders if Regulus has any connection to the Potter girl; after all, they're in the same year.

Before leaving the house, Ara pledges to relay the message to Narcissa.

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