~Chapter 22~

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Josephine discreetly checks on the horcruxes, her eyes carefully analyzing the diadem after just inspecting the ring

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Josephine discreetly checks on the horcruxes, her eyes carefully analyzing the diadem after just inspecting the ring. Satisfied that they are secure, she stands up and smoothly returns the table to its original position in Helena's dorm.

With patrol duty looming, she swiftly leaves the common room to meet with Regulus at the great hall doors. However, her brisk departure is interrupted as she collides with James.

"Sorry," she apologizes, taking a step back. James, appearing somewhat frantic, implores, "Cover for me, please!" before darting away.

Confused, Josie mutters to herself until she notices Filch approaching from the direction James had fled. "Students out of their common room!" Filch accuses, pointing at her.

"I'm a prefect," she asserts, meeting Filch's gaze.

Filch halts directly in front of her. "Where's that Potter boy?"

"I didn't see anyone," she replies, fabricating the truth. Filch lets out a huff before turning around.

Josephine pivots and begins walking toward their meeting spot, a slight smile playing on her lips.

Since her and James now share a class they have slowly become closer, although occasional pangs of old jealousy linger.

Shaking off those thoughts, she focuses on her path to the great hall. As she approaches, she sees Regulus patiently waiting for her.

"Regulus," she greets, happiness evident in her tone.

He turns with a small smile. "Josephine."

They fall into step together, embarking on their patrol.

"How was your day?" she inquires. Given the day's hectic nature, they haven't seen much of each other. Her classes bombard her with so much extra work that she teetered on the brink of a panic attack.

At least she managed to catch up on most of her assignments, with only two more ancient runes tasks remaining. The injury on her leg is healing nicely, although the impending scar might be unsightly.

"It was alright. Barty and Evan kept flirting with each other the whole day," he grumbles. She smiles faintly before he reciprocates with a question, "How was your day?"

"It was fine. I had a lot of assigned work to do, which was annoying."

"Did you finish the potions essay?" he asks, tilting his head toward her.

"Kind of. I need to add a few more sentences," Josephine replies, absentmindedly picking at her nails as they continue walking.

Suddenly, a person comes sprinting down the dimly lit hall, heading straight for her and Regulus. Reacting swiftly, Regulus grabs her arm and pulls her out of harm's way as the person rushes by.

"Okay, they must be planning some sort of prank," Josephine remarks, realizing it is Sirius who has just run past. "I saw James earlier running from Filch."

Regulus still has a firm grip on her arm. "I think," he begins, "we should leave now before their prank troubles us."

"We're supposed to be the ones stopping it, Regulus," she reminds him.

"Or we can pretend we heard something and leave?" he suggests, raising his eyebrows.

"You're a bad influence, Regulus," she teases.

He shrugs and releases her arm. "I just do not feel like dealing with their prank right now."

Josie laughs as they turn and start walking back to the great hall.


A hushed gasp reverberates through the room as Josephine abruptly sits up in bed. Swiftly covering her mouth, she attempts to calm her breaths.

Another nightmare.

The relentless cycle of night terrors has become exhausting, each one a new, twisted version of the previous. Josephine's hands shake as she rises from her bed, the cold floor sending a jolt through her. Moonlight spills through the carelessly drawn curtains, casting a gentle glow in the dormitory.

All the other girls are in peaceful slumber.

Resigned to roam the castle once again, Josephine stands on the edge of her bed, her mind grappling with a persistent thought. The night she spent with Regulus was nightmare-free.

She pauses, contemplating the idea of seeking refuge in Regulus's dorm. She knows the password to the Slytherin common room but hesitates. Does she want to burden him with her nightmares? The prospect of wandering the castle on the brink of a panic attack seems less appealing.

Josie stands, glancing down at her loose pajamas. Well, Regulus has seen her naked before, she decides it is acceptable attire. After donning comfortable slippers, she quietly leaves her dorm.

Descending the girl dormitory stairs and leaving her common room, the only audible sound is her slightly elevated breathing. Absently picking at her nails, she suddenly pauses a few turns away from the Slytherin common room.


So utterly pathetic.

Venturing to his dorm just because of a nightmare?


As she turns to retrace her steps toward her own common room, something halts her. She can't pinpoint what it is, but her breath quickens at the mere thought of navigating the halls again.

The prospect of being alone.

Josephine struggles to draw in a breath, and in a decisive turn, she starts walking back to the Slytherin common room once more.

Whispering the password upon reaching the Slytherin common room. She enters, feeling the chill of the dungeons creeping into her bones. Wondering why it is so cold, she shivers slightly before making her way to the boys' dormitory stairs.

After she makes it up the stairs, she walks past a few doors until she reaches Regulus's. Surprisingly, the door isn't locked.

Idiots, she thinks, rolling her eyes. Silently opening the door, she enters the dark dorm. All the beds are occupied except one. Their elusive roommate is never around.

Ignoring the curiosity about the absent roommate, Josephine walks over to Regulus's bed. He is still asleep.

"Regulus," she whispers. His eyes immediately open. Merlin he is a light sleeper.

Rubbing his eyes, he mumbles, "Josephine?"

"Can I sleep with you?" she quickly clarifies, realizing the implications. "Not like that, just... I had a nightmare." Her voice is barely audible.

"Come here, mon soleil,"(My sun) he says, gesturing for her to join him.

"Are you sure? I can leave if you don't—"

"Get in the bed."

Slipping off her shoes, she nestles into the space Regulus has made for her. As soon as she lays down, he covers her with the blankets.

"Goodnight, Josephine," he mumbles, already drifting back to sleep.

"Goodnight, Regulus."

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