~Chapter 40~

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Josephine lies on her bed, her gaze fixed on the ceiling in the dorm

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Josephine lies on her bed, her gaze fixed on the ceiling in the dorm. It is Saturday, providing a respite from classes, but the weight of emotions weighs heavily on her.

Regulus is a fucking prick.

Engaged to another girl.

And he appears content to go along with it?

That's what infuriates her the most – the apparent ease with which he embraces the engagement. Realistically, she knows he isn't truly content; he is complying because of his parents, not out of genuine desire.

But for now, she needs to see the worst in him, to shield herself from the self-doubt that threatens to creep in. Her mind, however, seems eager to traverse that path. Is there something wrong with her? Is that why all of this is happening?

Most of the day has been spent in tears, but now anger takes hold. It is a constant cycle of anger and sadness, and today is an angry day.

Still, tears cling to her eyelashes as she sits up on her bed and quickly wipes them away. Today, she decides, she will wallow in sadness and anger. Tomorrow, she can pretend everything is fine. Yes, that can work. She is essentially stitching up her own heart, as if it can fix anything, applying bandages to the open wounds Regulus has left behind, hoping they can hold for even a day.

Another thought lingers in her mind.


Perhaps she is truly adopting the façade she wears for Tom.

Why does she want revenge on Regulus?

Because he hurt her. Makes her cry. Makes her angry.

So she wants revenge. Even if she loves him—

Josephine can't bring herself to open that box yet. Maybe she would have considered it before he did this, but not now. Allowing herself to believe that would only shatter her.

The door to her dorm creaks open, and she looks over to see Pandora and Dorcas entering, both wearing sad smiles.

"Hi," Josie mumbles.

They walk in, and Dorcas closes the door behind them. Taking a seat on her bed, they ask, "Are you... are you alright?" Pandora inquires.

She sighs. "I'm just... not sure what to think." Absently, she picks at her nails.

"He never told me anything," Pandora shares. "I don't know why he's doing this."

Josephine takes a sharp breath. "I know his parents are making him. I just... right now, I cannot understand his actions. For today, I just want to hate him."

Pandora smiles. "Understandable."

"Do you want to... light his stuff on fire?" Dorcas suggests.

Josephine lets out a sad laugh. "Not yet." Wiping under her eyes, she hopes to stave off tears. "But you guys should go to Hogsmeade, alright?"

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