~Chapter 79~

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It has been roughly two days since she confided most of everything to Regulus

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It has been roughly two days since she confided most of everything to Regulus. Life has settled back into a semblance of normalcy, save for the persistent interruptions from Kreacher barging into their room unannounced.

Regulus finally put his foot down, commanding the house-elf to knock before entering.

As Regulus lies in bed engrossed in a book, she reclines on the sofa, ruminating over what she might have missed in her revelations.

Ara, yes, but she can't divulge that to him—not if she wants to prolong her life expectancy a bit.

What else can she share? Perhaps the similarities between her and Tom, or the weight of guilt she carries.

"What are you overthinking about?" Regulus's voice slices through the silence.

She raises her head to meet his gaze, finding him fully attentive, his book forgotten. Josie sighs softly. "Just making sure I haven't left anything out."

Regulus arches an eyebrow.

Her eyes widen, and she sits up abruptly. "Oh, remember those boys that were sent to St Mungo's?" A mischievous smile plays on her lips, barely containing her amusement.

"Yes," Regulus nods slowly.

"That was my doing," she confesses, her smile brightening. "But I think you already suspected as much."

Regulus smirks. "I figured you have a hand in it."

"They deserved it. They attacked Mary, and I stumbled upon them," she explains, idly picking at her nails. "Oh, and would you like to meet my cousin today?" Nervousness tinges her voice.

"If it's important to you, then I'd be glad to. I should probably make a proper impression on your aunt," Regulus replies, a soft smile gracing his lips as he gets out of bed and approaches her.

Josephine laughs. "I'd love for you to meet them. They're just ten minutes away."

Regulus gently cups her face, tilting it up as she remains seated on the sofa, he towering over her.

She smiles.

They conceal the horcrux within their home, fortifying it with layers of protective spells, or well...Regulus does the spells, though they are the spells she has created. She has just taught them to him.

Regulus leans in, his lips meeting hers in a tender kiss, eliciting a soft sound from her as she sinks back into the sofa.

Josephine tenderly cups his face in her hands, her thumb tracing the curve of his cheekbone.

As she deepens the kiss, Regulus pulls back slightly, his cheeks flushing. "We don't have time for this if you want to see your aunt," he reminds her.

"I'm considering staying here instead," she murmurs, her gaze shifting from his lips to his eyes.

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